New World New Life

Chapter 245: 245

It was a clear sky with twinkling stars and a brightly lit crescent moon. Aether came over to her and nuzzled his forehead on hers. Vy reached out her hand to touch his face. 

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"Thank you for taking care of me," she said weakly. 

Aether could not help but smile. In their minds, chime sounds played to indicate that he was happy that Vy had awoken. 

"Lycster played a huge role too. And so did this rose quartz bed," Aether replied. 

Vy looked to her side and touched the surface she had been sleeping on. The soft glow of the rose quartz bed allowed her to see its beautiful shades of pastel pink with small white swirls. Looks like her foresight played a role in saving her life. 

She knew that the healing bed was good to have. It arrived just in time to speed up her recovery. Vy tried to seat up slowly, feeling every sore muscle throughout her body. Aether wanted her to take it easy, but he helped her up anyway. 

Vy took in a deep breath of the surrounding air. There was no longer any scent of death of blood. All she could smell was the faint scent of sulphur from the hot spring pools. 

-We cleared away all the corpses. So you won't smell them or see them.- Aether assured her. 

"What about the Glacier scorpion shell? Do you think we could use it to make some armour?" Vy asked. 

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Aether could not help but laugh. Baffled by her Familiar's burst of laughter, Vy was confused. 

"Did I say something funny?" she asked. 

Her Familiar shook his head as he turned to face her, "You've just recovered from a major injury and the first thing you want to talk about is profiting off corpses? The corpses of your enemies?"

Vy cracked up. 

"They did try to kill me, no doubt about that. So why let them go to waste? I intend on making full use of them." she chuckled. 

Aether looked at her with disbelief. -Vyrena Blackfire. I have underestimated you.- 

Both of them shared a laugh just as Shin walked up towards them. Seeing that Vyrena was awake, the frost elf's expression changed. He knew Lycster and Aether had come to accept him, but the last time he saw Vy, he was threatening to kill her brother. 

Surely she would still have mixed feelings about him?

As soon as Vy saw him, her jovial expression did not change. 

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"You're Shin, right?" Vy asked. 

The frost elf nodded. 

"Thank you for helping."

"What?" Shin asked in disbelief. He could not believe what he just heard!

She was thanking him?!

"Why… Why are you thanking me? Aren't you ready to kill me?" he asked. 

The frost elf heaved a sigh of relief. For a moment, he thought his life was once again thrown into danger.

The next day, Lycster was extremely happy to know that his sister had woken up and her wounds were healing. Aether had sutured her wounds again and this time, the bleeding stopped and the wounds closed up. 

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Vy sat up on the side of the bed and placed her feet down on the snow-covered grounds for the first time in days. She steadied herself by holding the side of the bed and allowed the spinning in her head to stop before taking another step.

She lifted her hands in the air and stretched a little. She could feel every muscle in her body screaming from being sore and bruised. It was going to take her much longer to get back into shape but Vy was glad. 

"The pastel purple hot spring pool is the one with healing properties," Shin explained as they made their way there, "It would also help to relieve the soreness you feel in your muscles."

As soon as her body touched the water, Vy could feel her muscles loosening. The aromatic floral fragrance of the water relaxed her mind, putting her into a good mood. As she leaned her head back, she let out a breath of air and watched as it became a puff of mist. 

The sky was clear today, with minimal clouds. Watching the soft white clouds float above gave Vy an unknown sense of security. She thought about all the adventures she had since she woke up in the forest. 

She wondered about the life she had before arriving in this place. With the amount of time that had passed, Dotty's disappearance and the events that transpired, Vy had not found the time to take a break. 

The short stay at Yama Yoma rejuvenated her a little, they needed more trips like that.

"I think I need a vacation," Vy said to herself with a smile. 

"A vacation?" Lycster asked. 

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"Like a break, where we just lay around and do nothing. Enjoy the little things." Vy explained. 

Vy turned to her side and noticed that each of the hot spring pools were of different colours. The one that intrigued her the most, was the bright red hot spring pool. She pointed to it and asked Shin what that pool was for. 

As soon as Shin turned to look at what Vy was saying, his face turned red and he avoided eye contact. He took a deep breath in before he explained. 

"That pool helps to increase your strength and powers," 

"Oh, that sounds amazing sis! Maybe we should soak in-"

"NO! You… you both can't soak in it!" Shin exclaimed. 

"What? Why?" Vy asked. 

Shin flustered. He remained silent for quite some time, trying to figure out a way to explain it to them. When the ideal explanation finally came to mind, he brightened up. 

"For the effects of the pool to work, you first need to have two people…"

"And you both need to be in love."

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