New World New Life

Chapter 259: 259

"I am afraid it is time for me to leave. It was nice knowing you, Vyrena Blackfire, Lycster Lakewood and Aether Blackfire. May you all be safe and well," Pharaoh Netiri said her parting words. 

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In the next moment, the Blackfire siblings, Aether and their desert deers were all standing in the middle of the desert. Upon realising they were no longer in the pyramid, they frantically looked around them. 

There was nothing but sand no matter which direction they looked. Could the time they've spent in the pyramid be nothing more than a dream? Lycster looked down at his left hand. 

In it, was the golden ankh the Pharaoh had given to him as a gift. Her words were still ringing in his ear. When he showed it to Vy and Aether, they both realised that their experience in the pyramid was in fact real. 

The visions she had seen, gave Vy a new sense of direction. She had wondered what she should do after she had completed the missions. With the Pharaoh's visions, she knew where to go. 

But one thing still baffled Vy. She turned to Lycster. 

"Your real surname is Lakewood?"

Lycster looked at his sister, he did not keep his past secret from her on purpose. He simply never knew who he was. He was ashamed to admit it, but before the age of five, Lycster had no memories of his life before. 

He never knew that his surname was Lakewood. 

He was worried that Vy would not believe his story, but he soon realised he had nothing to worry about. 

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"Well, if you ever want to find out your past, we can always do that," Vy encouraged. 

Everyone came from somewhere. There was no harm in finding out who they used to be. 

"What if I don't like what I find out about myself?" 

The boy was worried. There were so many questions going through his mind right now. What was his family like? Are they even alive? Did they abandon him? No one knew how Lycster turned up in Timbretune. 

One day, the boy just appeared and all he could remember was his name. 

When he looked up at his sister, Lycster did not worry about who he used to be anymore. He was now Lycster Blackfire, brother of Vyrena Blackfire. No matter what he finds out in the future, nothing would change that fact. 

Lycster hugged his sister tightly, burying his head on her stomach region. Vy instinctively patted him not the head. 

"No matter what happens, I will always be here. If you decide to return to your family, I will respect your decision. But never forget, that I will always be your sister."

Lycster nodded his head, as a smile formed across his face. He looked up at his sister with the widest smile he could pull off. His joyful expression put a smile on Vy's face too. 

Aether did not care much for the boy, but seeing how much Vy cared for him softened the winged serpent a little. At the very least the boy's existence was tolerable. He made for some good laughs too. 

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After sharing their moment, they gathered their things and looked for the direction they need to go. Vy took a deep breath in of the surrounding air. Much to her surprise, she was able to smell the scent of the forest. 

They were finally getting near to the Shrouds Forest!

Vy and Lycster got onto their desert deer and began their journey. Aether coiled around Vy's wrist as usual as they continued their journey through the sand. They only stopped twice for rest and some food. 

By nightfall, they arrived at the edge of the forest. 

The siblings set up their campsite swiftly just as the sun had begun to set on the horizon. Once the tent was up, Aether helped build a campfire and they all began to wind down for the night. 

Sitting by the campfire, they ate their meal together. Looking at the forest around them, reminded Vy of the time she had first woken up in a similar setting by a stream. Most forests were difficult to tell apart since they had similar flora and fauna. 

Vy touched the pendant around her neck, remembering the gifts Dotty had given her. She had never stopped wondering about her own past. The life she had before she arrived in Gaeia was still very much a mystery. 

But the life she had now was something she would not give up anything for. She had her brother Lycster whom she cared for dearly, and Aether who is her familiar. For one reason or another, Dygo comes to mind. So do the countless friends she had made along the way. 

There were still many places Vy wanted to explore in this world, and some things she might even want to find out about herself. 

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Lycster, on the other hand, had been focused on the grilled meat he was eating. But rustling in the forest, wind blowing and certain smells in the air put him on alert. As he looked towards the forest before them, Aether noticed something too. 

-You noticed it too?- Aether asked Lycster. 

Lycster nodded. 

Aether turned to Vyrena and slithered over to her. He coiled himself around her arm and tried to get her attention. But Vy was deep in her thoughts. She did not respond. Aether could sense that whatever was in the forest, had their attention on them. 

He slithered his way up her arm and loosely coiled around her neck. He whispered into Vy's ear. 


He immediately got her attention. She gave him a pat on the top of his head. 

"What is it?" She whispered to him. 

Aether brought her attention to the forest that laid before them. 

-We're not alone.- he whispered. 

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Vy stood up. She walked further away from the campfire, a little further into the forest. Not wanting to be left behind at their campsite, Lycster quickly got up and tagged along. 

As they peered into the darkness of the forest, they could not see much of anything. Vy used her Kyu powers. She could clearly see multiple heat signatures that were just a few meters away from them. 

She could even see their beating hearts. Without the crackle of their campfire, she might have even been able to heart their heartbeats. Vy took a sniff of the air around them. After filtering away the smoke from the campfire, she smelled something familiar. 

Though she could not quite remember who it belonged to, the scent was familiar. 

-Where have I smelt this scent before?- Vy wondered to herself. 

Sifting through her memories, she thought for some time.

-Do you think they could be a threat?- Aether wondered. 

Vy shook her head, "I think they're friendly."

Just then, it clicked in her mind. 

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