New World New Life

Chapter 262: 262

Though Vy was tired from all the walking they had done, she knew the adrenaline of the spar would carry her over. To keep it a fair fight, no elemental powers were allowed. They were only going to spar in their wolf forms, for now.

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Aether slithered off her arm and took to his human form. He sat down on a rock and observed them from the side with his arms folded. 

"Are you ready, Vyrena Blackfire?" Alpha Darric asked as he cracked his knuckles. 

The other werewolves had already taken to their wolf forms. 

Vy nodded, "Ready." 

Vy took to her wolf form. She chose not to use her Titan wolf form, due to the amount of space they had. Furthermore, a smaller size allowed her greater mobility in battle. It was a tactical choice. 

Lucky for them, the sun had not fully set just yet, so visibility was not an issue. While there was no telling how long their battle would last, Vy was feeling ambitious. 

-I am going to wrap it up before the sun sets on the horizon.- she declared to Aether. 

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-Best of luck with that. Not that you need it.- 

Vy got into an attack stance, ready to pounce as soon as the first werewolf was foolish enough to pounce on her. With her heightened senses, she analysed her surroundings and her sparring partners. 

She saw where each of them was standing. In her mind, she ran through the countless possibilities of wats they could attack her. But before she could finish her thought process, one of them charged towards her. 

Vy swiftly dodged the attack, a mere second from impact. Without her heightened reflexes, she would have suffered a direct hit. It was too close for comfort. But this sent a jolt of adrenaline pumping through her veins. 

She was getting fired up for the fight.

The werewolves were surprised that she managed to dodge the attack. This move alone made her a more worthy opponent than they had previously imagined. Not wasting any time, the next werewolf attacked and so did another. 

Alpha Darric remained calm and composed. He was letting his comrades deal the first blows, watching how Vy would react. He too was impressed by her speed. But it was nothing surprising. He already knew she was different from them. 

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But what he truly wanted to know, was how strong she truly was. As a werewolf, his nose could easily sniff out the strength of any opponent. Darric had never come across anyone like her. He remembered the elders telling him about a unique group of people who did not come from Gaeia[1]. 

Vy, on the other hand, was focused on the fight. She did not go easy on any of them, wrangling them with everything she got. But as the battle went on, she realised that she was not fighting like a wolf. She was fighting like a human in a wolf skin. 

"Is that all you have?" she taunted the werewolves while gasping for breath. 

In her mind, she plotted her next move. But the young woman could barely keep up. She was in over her head. It was only a matter of time before the adrenaline fades and the fatigue sets in. 

Vy charged towards the werewolves. Using her sharpened claws and brute strength, she pushed them back, sending them flying through the air. Some of them hit the surrounding tree trunks hard, sore from being thrown back. 

Now it was down to three. 

Beta Bertuf's top priority throughout the spar was to ensure his Alpha would not get hurt. He also did not like the boastful attitude Vyrena was displaying. Now that it was only the three of them left, it gave them more space to manoeuvre. 

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He grinned as he could see Vyrena panting, gasping for air. Her energy was spent. It was time to attack. 

Vy looked at her final two opponents, the toughest of them all. She decided to play it smart and let her opponents come to her instead. Darric noticed this strategy immediately. But he was not about to play the waiting game with Vyrena either. 

He had the advantage at the moment, and he was going to fully utilise it. Alpha Darric readied himself and charged forward. His size was much larger than the other werewolves in his pack and he was quicker too. 

-Keep calm, keep your head in the game.- Vy quickly reminded herself, before bracing for impact. 

Darric launched himself at her with his mouth wide open, ready to bite her down on the neck. Vy wanted to leap into the air to avoid the attack. But she could not. She had foolishly forgotten about Bertuf, who decided to come up behind her and pinned her down.

Bertuf held her down, refusing to let go. The weight of the werewolf on her made it difficult to breathe, she was gasping for air. But Vy was not about to let this be the end of the fight. Taking in a deep breath, she got on her paws and stood back up. 

She knew Alpha Darric would be landing the killing bite at any moment. She had not time to waste! Pressing her paws into the dirt, with her knees bent she springboarded herself towards the side. 

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Bertuf did not anticipate that Vy would be able to move him, but she did. Bertuf tumbled to the side and Vy narrowly missed Darric's attack. But the Beta was not about to let her off so easily. When Vy tried to escape, he clawed on her to keep her down. 

Vy tumbled on to him, but she used the force to propel herself to roll over on her side. She bit down on Bertuf and used the force of her turn to throw him into the air. The Beta werewolf was sent flying through the air. 

Back on her feet, Vy turned her full attention to Alpha Darric. 

"Impressive, Miss Blackfire," Alpha Darric praised. 

"Thank you for your kind words, Darric. Your pack ain't that bad either."

-Finish him.- Aether said to Vy with a wide smile across his face. 

[1] Gaeia is the name of the world Vyrena is currently in!

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