New World New Life

Chapter 293: 293

"I'm sorry for taking you away from your mission. I didn't mean for it to happen that way," Vy apologised. 

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She felt really bad to make Dygo detour from his mission. 

"That's alright. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise anyway. The cold was really getting to me,"

"Much colder than the Bleak Lands?"

"Much much colder. And the ice storm was a lot worse." 

Vy looked up at Dygo, she could never read his expression but she tried to from the sound of his voice. Something told him that he would have difficulty facing the harsh conditions of the Frost Tundra when he went back. 

"Maybe the witches here might have something that could help. I'm sure there could be a fire cloak or cold-resistant charm that might work," she suggested. 

"I had three cold-resistant charms but none of them worked," he sighed, defeated. 

Dygo placed his hand out and materialised three charms, all of which were broken. 

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"They broke?!" Vy exclaimed in surprise. 

Dygo nodded, "I was surprised too."

She bit her lip as they continued to look through the shops on the side. When she found an enchantment stall, she grabbed hold of Dygo's arm and dragged him there. The shopkeeper was a witch with a pixie cut hairstyle and bright ruby red eyes. 

"Welcome to Enchanting Enchantments! Please feel free to look at the wares we have."

"Ah yes, we're in need of an item that would help a person keep warm in the Frost Tundra. Might you have something that could help?" Vy asked politely. 

"The Frost Tundra? Oh my, that place is a nightmare to be in. Let me see what I have." the shopkeeper looked at all of the items she had on display but nothing seemed strong enough. 

She went to the back of her stall and brought out a small chest of rubies to show Vy and Dygo. 

"I'm afraid these are the only enchanted rubies I have that provide protection against ice and winter colds. If you had your own gems, I would be able to enchant them for you," the shopkeeper explained. 

"Oh I might have some. Would a fire ruby be useful?" Vy asked. 

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"Yes! That would work perfectly."

Dygo was flustered. A fire ruby was worth quite a bit of gold, he did not want to trouble Vy as much as he already did. 

"Vy it's alright, you don't have to…"

Before Dygo could even finish his sentence, Vy produced a small chest from her spatial storage. The chest was filled to the brim with glowing red gemstones. Dygo was speechless. Although he was not trained in gemstones and geodes, he could tell that none of the gems in the chest was common. 

"Would any of these be useful? Please pick the best one."

The shopkeeper looked through the gemstones with great detail. She even brought some of them up close to view them through her magnifying glass loupe. Just as the shopkeeper was about to say something, another darker red gemstone caught her eye. 

Upon closer inspection, she explained that it was a lava garnet. 

"When properly enchanted with our spells, it definitely allows the owner to survive through any form of harsh winter conditions I can guarantee." the shopkeeper promised. 

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"Well then, let's enchant this one." 

"Vy, let me pay you back. This must have been extremely expensive,"

"Extreme? Sir you're gravely mistaken. A lava garnet of this size is extremely rare! Money can't buy gemstones like this. On the other hand, miss…"

The shopkeeper was intrigued by the gemstones Vy had on offer and would like to purchase some of them for her. As a sign of good faith on their deal, the shopkeeper enchanted the lava garnet at no extra charge. 

She even encased the gem in a necklace so that Dygo would wear it around his neck. Vy helped Dygo put on the necklace, the bright red garnet shone brightly in the night. 

"Looking good," Vy teased. 

"Thank you," 

"And now you owe me your life," Vy chuckled. 

Dygo joined in her laughter as they bid the shopkeeper farewell after their transaction was complete. They walked around the market a little more and purchased some snacks to eat. Dygo asked about Vy's experience after they parted ways in the Bleak Lands. 

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She gladly shared the stories with him before asking him how his journey went. Dygo's journey after they parted ways was a dull one. He had been wandering around the Frost Tundra aimlessly as he searched for any signs of the Snow Elephant tribe. 

"You would think a herd of snow elephants would be easy to find," Dygo sighed as he took a sip of his drink. 

"You just need to look for a trace of them," Vy suggested. 

"I tried sensing them, but I could not find anything." 

"What you need to do is to wait for the right moment. At the right moment, they will reveal themselves to you. Think about it, snow elephants, large lumbering creatures. They are sure to make some form of sound no matter how quiet they could be." 

Just as Vy finished her sentence, a loud explosive shot through the sky, igniting the dark night sky with a myriad of coloured sparkles. Everyone looked up to view the fireworks as the bursts of colour painted the night sky. 

A few people ran past Vy, bumping into her. She loses her balance momentarily and coincidentally falls into Dygo's arms. She looked up at his face, uncertain of what to make of it as the fireworks went off above them. 

Although he had no facial expression, she had a hunch that he was blushing at that moment and so was she. 

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