New World New Life

Chapter 306: 306

"Sis, there are wheels on these chairs!" He exclaimed in a whisper.

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Vy looked down and moved back, causing the chair to roll back with her. While she was not as amazed as her brother, she was intrigued by how different things were in Aldergard. 

The light source in the room was from a single light bulb that hung from the ceiling, bright enough to light up the entire room. Yet she could not sense any form of magic being used for it. 

After waiting in the room for a short while, Zylphy returned with two more associates. One of them was dressed in a white coat and had a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. 

The other was a lady dressed in a simple army green dress. She wore a pair of round silver-rimmed glasses and had a short haircut. She held a large wooden box in her hands, which she clutched near her chest. 

Zylphy introduced the man in the white coat as Doctor Nasgard, and the lady was Eliza. 

"Both Doctor Nasgard and Eliza are the ones who worked on Lycster's new arm. They are here to help fit it on and see if any adjustments would need to be made," Zylphy explained. 

Doctor Nasgard and Eliza shook Vy's hand as she introduced herself, Lycster and Aether her Familiar. Doctor Nasgard was intrigued by Aether, he had never seen a Familiar before. 

But he kept his curiosity to himself for the time being. He had a task to perform. Eliza placed the box she held down on the table and unlatched it. She carefully opened the cover of the box to reveal an arm made out of metal. 

Vy looked in awe at the craftsmanship of the arm in the box. There were no exposed parts, all the mechanisms that made the arm functions were all within the casing of the arm itself. 

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Lycster looked at the arm in the box. The smooth metal surface had ridges on it, and it was cool to the touch. 

"This is a bio-metal arm, so it will grow and alongside the wearer, which is perfect for a growing boy like you," Doctor Nasgard explained. 

Eliza rolled Lycster, in his chair, nearer to the doctor. As instructed, Lycster removed his jacket and folded up his sleeve. Back when they were in Alterra, the elves had helped to speed up Lycster's recovery from the wound. 

There were no lasting scars or side effects from the injury he had suffered. Seeing it like this pained Vy. She kept silent as Doctor Nasgard examined Lycster. After finishing his examination, he signalled Eliza to bring him the arm. 

Eliza carefully lifted it out of the box and brought it to the doctor. With great precision, Doctor Nasgard and Eliza fitted the arm onto Lycster. 

"You're going to feel a slight pinch," the doctor warned. 

No words could describe the sensation he felt. After a few minutes of enchantments from Eliza, the glow soon faded away. Doctor Nasgard checked the overall condition of the biometal arm. 

Much to their surprise, the silvery finish of the arm disappeared in a flash. Lycster gasped in shock as his arm now looked normal, just like a regular flesh arm. The skin tone matched him perfectly and the arm seamlessly attached to his shoulder. 

"Now, I need you to try and move your hand slowly. Like this," Doctor Nasgard instructed as he showed Lycster what to do. 

Though it felt foreign at first, Lycster did as he was told. Both Vy and his face lit up as he was able to clasp his fingers towards his palm as per the doctor's instruction. Next, they tested Lycster's pressure points and sensitivity to touch. 

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Once he cleared those tests, Doctor Nasgard had him try to move the rest of the arm. Lycster had expected the bio-metal arm to feel heavy. But when he lifted it and moved it like he normally would, it did not feel weighted at all. 

"This is amazing! Thank you so much, Doctor Nasgard, Eliza!" Lycster exclaimed with glee as he leapt off the chair to give each of them a hug. 

Vy thanked them too as well, "Thank you, how can we ever repay you?"

The Doctor simply shook his head, "It's all in a day's work for us. We're glad that we're able to be of assistance."

After giving Lycster a few more instructions, the doctor and Eliza bid them farewell. They had their work to return to. 

"Thank you Zylphy, thank you," Vy said to her. 

Zylphy smiled, "Don't thank me just yet. You still have one final mission to complete."

From the look on her face, Vy knew this was not going to be easy. In fact, it was going to be a lot tougher than the previous ones she had been on. Compared to this, the rest had been child's play. 

Zylphy informed her that the briefing for it would take place the next day. For the time being, they were free to explore the city and take a break. Since it was their first time in Aldergard, Zylphy would bring them around. 

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She also offered to bring them to a hotel where they could stay for the next few nights. 

"Next few nights? Sounds like the briefing is going to be a long one," Vy joked. 

"It will involve some additional preparation, so you're going to have to be prepared to stay for a while," Zylphy explained. 

Lycster, on the other hand, was enchanted by his new arm. Losing it had been a difficult adjustment. But regaining its function was like a new world for him. Not only was he excited to train with it, he was excited to be able to hold more things in his hands. 

That night, after a day of exploring the city and trying new food, the Blackfire Siblings bid farewell to Zylphy on the steps leading to the hotel they stayed in. Since they enjoyed the view of the city so much, Zylphy recommended them to stay in The Hills Hotel. 

The Hills Hotel was one of the tallest buildings in Aldergard. As such, it offered some of the best views in the entire city. Their room was on the 56th floor of the building, with a panoramic view of the city. 

After each of them soaked in the bathtub, they put on their pyjamas and turned in for the night. Since the room only had one bed, the brother and sister cuddled together beneath the blanket. 

Vy hugged her brother tightly, wondering about the next mission ahead of her. The words on the letter stuck out to her. All this time, she's had Aether by her side. She had Lycster by her side. She had Dotty by her side. 

"Vy?" Her brother whispered to her as he looked up. 

"Yes?" She whispered back. 

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He held her arms closely around him. He did not want to let his sister go. But as they had promised one another, the next mission was a solo one. Lycster tightened his grip on her arms. 

"Promise me you'll come back. If you don't come back to me, I will come and save you," he said courageously. 

"I don't want you recklessly risking your life for me," Vy muttered. 

"I'll grow stronger. I'll train twice as hard, thrice as hard!"

His determination was comforting. Regardless of how difficult the mission would be, Vy made a promise to herself. She will return to her brother's side. 

"I promise, I will do everything I can. And I will return."

Lycster turned to look her in the eyes. He held out his hand, only his pinkie finger. 

"Do you pinky promise?" He said sternly. 

Vy chuckled. She hooked her pinkie finger on his. 

"I pinky promise," she declared with her other hand on her heart. 

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