New World New Life

Chapter 361: 361

But she was not about to face death with her eyes closed and cowering in fear. If she was going to be eaten alive, she wanted to see it happen with her eyes wide open. That way if she ever got a second chance, she knew who to exact her revenge on. 

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She faced the hog with fire in her eyes. 

"Do you worse," she spat. 

Preparing for the worst, Mara gritted her teeth. But a few moments went by and the hog did not make any moves. In fact, something did not seem quite right. Its eyelids were growing heavy and the beast could no longer stand upright. 

It swayed from side to side and was about to collapse onto the ground when a huge shadow loomed over it. Mara looked up in shock. She had no idea what was going on, but she did not scream either.

Who was going to come and save the person who was to become food for the hogs anyway?

Right before the hog fell to the ground on its side, the mysterious shadow unhinged its jaw and swallowed the hog hold. Under the moonlight and the lamplight, Mara looked up in awe at the creature that stood before her. 

It was at least three to four times larger than the hog. It had a yellow grey fur coat and amber gold eyes. Looking down at its paws, Mara could see its sharpened claws. When she looked back up, she realised the wolf was looking right at her. 

Mara also noticed that there was someone riding on the back of the giant wolf. The person got off the back of the wolf and walked up to her.

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"You… you're…" she gasped in shock. 

Sorren was the last person she expected to see here. 

"Hi Mara, we're getting you out of here," he whispered to her as he untied the ropes that bound her hands. 

He beckoned her to get onto the back of the wolf. She did not protest and simply did as she was told. Just as they were about to leave, Mara hesitated. 

"Wait, there's something I need to do," she declared. 

Sorren was anxious. Anyone could find them right now. They were out in the open and greatly outnumbered. Even though Vyrena was strong and would likely be able to repel them, they should not be so reckless. 

"What could you possibly need right now?" He whispered to her. 

"The weapons, I need to get the weapons," she explained as she gripped onto the fur of the wolf tightly. 

"Do you know where they are?" 

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"Over there, in that tent," she pointed towards a large tent in the distance. 

Before Sorren could give a reply, the wolf brought them to the tent. As they were closing in, they noticed that there were guards on the outside. Sorren reached his hand forward as they approached and closed his eyes. 

When they came upon the tent, the wolf let both of them get off. Mara and Sorren went into the tent immediately while the wolf kept watch on the outside. Mara picked up what she could carry and stuffed everything into a large box. 

Sorren did what he could to help and when they were done, they brought out the box. It was too heavy for them to bring up onto the back of the wolf. 

"How on Earth are we supposed to bring this with us?! We're escaping, Mara!" Sorren argued. 

Before she could make her counter-argument, the wolf opened its mouth and picked up the box with it. Then, it gestured for them to get out swiftly. Since the problem was solved, Sorren and Mara did as they were told. 

Once they were riding safely on the wolf's back, it quickly made its way out of the camp. No traces of their arrival and departure were left behind. They did not stop moving until they were a great distance away from the campsite. 

They arrived at an abandoned building at the outskirts of the city area that was populated with buildings of every kind. Sorren helped Mara get off and begun to tend to the wounds she had. 

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She did not protest. 

But now that she had time to process the situation, Mara glared at Sorren in shock. 

"Wait! How is it that I was able to understand what you're saying? And you… you can speak and I can understand? What on Earth is going on?!" She exclaimed in horror as she came to the realisation. 

Sorren looked at her and laughed it off awkwardly. Her surprise turned into anger as she grabbed him by the collar, ready to deal a heavy blow to his face. 

"Have you been lying to us all this time? Are you serious right now!?" She could not believe this. 

The wolf loomed over both of them, watching everything that happened intently. Before she could do anything, the wolf picked her up by her clothes and placed her a distance away from Sorren. 

Before Mara could say anything in protest, the wolf transformed back into her human form. She gasped in shock upon seeing who it was. 

"You…" she had no words to add. 

"I'm glad to see you too, Mara," Vyrena replied with a cordial smile. 

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Mara could not wrap her head around what was happening. She was saved by Vyrena and Sorren? Why would they even want to save her in the first place? After all that she had done. 

Mara took a seat down on the ground, trying to process the information. 

"I know it's a lot to take in. We've all had a long day. Maybe it would be best if we discuss it tomorrow. You can ask us anything you like after you're well-rested," Vyrena suggested. 

Vyrena walked over to the pile of sticks they had previously set up and started a fire to keep them warm. Sorren walked over and sat by her side too as they heated up some food they had. 

They offered some to Mara who ate it swiftly. She muttered a word of thanks after she was done. Not before long, she fell into a deep sleep. Vyrena and Sorren did not think much of it either.

Vyrena kept watch for the night while Sorren slept. 

"Are you sure? I can take the first shift," Sorren suggested. 

Vyrena reassured him, "It's alright, I will be fine." 

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