New World New Life

Chapter 370: 370

Vyrena ventured out further in her wolf form, only to return with half of what she usually could find. As such, they rationed what they had for the time being. El had awoken the next day. 

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Although she was still feeling sore and fatigue from her injury, El was getting better. But moving her from place to place the last few days had put a strain on her. Vyrena worried for her health. 

"You worry too much, Vyrena," El smiled weakly as she coughed. 

Vyrena sat down next to her and rubbed her back, "I worry for good reason. We should stay here for the time being, until you're better." 

"No…" El started a coughing fit. 

Maribelle ran over to them with some water and Vyrena quickly fed it to El. 

"We… we can't risk everyone's safety just for me," she continued after regaining her breath. 

"Don't say it like that," Ronni sighed as he came over to her side, "We all survive together and we don't leave anyone behind."

"Yeah! That's right!" Jos added with a gleaming smile on his face. 

The other children agreed with the statement too. Mara did not say anything, but she did not disagree either. Sorren silently nodded, agreeing with the rest. 

"Now, all you need to do is rest," Vyrena assured her. 

She stood back up and stretched her body before heading over that marble building. So far, there was still no sign of the spider beasts or Queen Willow. While she had her suspicions at the back of her mind, Vyrena kept them at bay. 

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If the spider queen had meant to harm her or them, collectively, she would have struck them on the night they met. They would not need to wait till now to strike. 

"Have faith," Vyrena muttered to herself. 

"Vyrena," Mara called out to her as she walked over. 

She turned to face her, "What is it?"

"I…" Mara cleared her throat and regrouped her thoughts before speaking, "With the situation as is, I think those weapons we've hidden would come in handy. You don't need me here at the moment, so how about I go and bring them back here?" 

Ronni, having overheard their conversation came over and joined in, "That sounds like a good plan, I'll go with you."

Mara folded her arms and looked at him in disgust, "I don't need a bodyguard, nor do I need the extra muscle. I can handle myself just fine."

"You think I'm going with you because you need a bodyguard? I'm just going for fun," Ronni joked. 

Vyrena smiled as she shook her head, "It is a good idea. To retrieve the weapons and two is better than one. Come back as soon as you can. We will wait for your return. If something crops up, we'll leave a sign."

"So when shall we leave?" Ronni asked. 

She turned to him, "I can leave now."

He clapped his hands and declared, "Alright then, let's go."

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Ronni shapeshifted into his dire hound form and asked Mara to get on his back. She was surprised by his offer but was also against it. 

"No thank you, I can walk on my own," she said. 

"I know you can, but it would be quicker this way," he argued. 

Mara knew he was right, she did not have a stronger argument so she gave in. When she was settled on his back, Ronni got back up. 



With that, they were off. Based on the landmarks in their surroundings, Mara directed Ronni on where to go. It was a little difficult to navigate as most of the forest looked identical. 

But Mara remembered the specific details that pointed them in the right direction. By sunset, they arrived in a clearing with a small hill. They climbed it to get a better view of their surroundings. 

Based on their current location, Mara was able to figure out the direction in which they needed to go. 

"Let's rest here for the night and continue tomorrow at first light," Mara suggested. 

"Yes Madam," Ronni second her idea. 

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Based on her calculations, it would be another day's journey before they got to the spot. That was only if they were moving fast. That night, they sat on opposite ends of the fire pit they had built. 

Both of them had never really interacted with one another much before, so they did not have much to say. Whatever Ronni knew of Mara was based on what she had heard from the others. 

El had said a lot of good things to say about Mara, but there was some bad stuff too. Ronni wanted to see for himself, just what sort of person she is. 

"Have you thought of what you would do after we get out?" Ronni asked, hoping to break the stalemate of silence. 


Mara never had that thought cross her mind. In the beginning, she had hope that one day they would get out. But as time wore on, her hope died out. When they made it beyond the wall of the Jungle, the hope in her rekindled. 

Even after crossing over, she still carried a small hope in her heart that they would make it out. But when her actions caused the death of those she held dear, her mind went blank. 

Ronni repeated his question, "I asked if you've thought about what you would do after we get out."

"No, I have not thought about it. Not in a long time," she replied, annoyed at his question. 

Why can't he just leave her alone, in peace?

"I'm sorry for your loss," Ronni said to Mara. 

His condolences made her look up with a quizzed expression. How did he know? He seemed to have read her expression like an open book. 

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"Vyrena told us about what happened," he clarified. 

She gritted her teeth as she looked to the side in disdain. 

"Did she also mention how I caused their death," she spat. 

Ronni's eyes widened in shock for a moment, "What, no…"

He paused for a moment in thought, before coming to a realisation. 

"Are you blaming yourself for their demise? Mara, that was not your-"

"You weren't there! What would you know?" She retaliated before he could finish his sentence. 

She was glaring at him, her heart was palpitating. Mara did not mean to lash out at Ronni. She was angry at herself, not him. 

Ronni was taken by surprise for a moment, but he persisted, "You could not have known. No one could have known."

"I… I should have known! I led them there. It was my judgement. I trusted them. Safety in numbers, that was what I thought. I betrayed all of you because I thought it would keep us safe. I… I…" she blamed herself. 

Mara closed her eyes, letting out a breath of air. When they first parted ways after breaking through the wall, Mara wanted to ensure everyone's survival. They were in a new environment, a place that was foreign from the Jungle. 

Her first instinct told her to find safety in numbers. Deadweight would only drag them down. So even though El decided to stay with the children, Mara did not hesitate to bring the rest and leave. 

That was when Mara and her fellow survivors were surrounded by Parcus and his gang.

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