Nido Tensei Chapter 107

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Episode 107: The Targeted Dragon Emperor

Using magic to create a wall that divided the horde of monsters, I give instructions to the Golden Dragon in order to take the next action.

“Golden Dragon, I will fight below, so can you support the humans who are defending the gate?”


The Golden Dragon, who heard my request, barks as if saying, “Leave it to me.”

“Alright, I leave it to you!”

I jump off the Golden Dragon and descend to the battlefield in order to attack the monsters from outside the encirclement.

“This is our chance!”

I saw it. The Dragon Emperor separated from the Golden Dragon and began to act alone.

“All the flying monsters, hinder the Golden Dragon and the Silver Dragon! Send all the remaining monsters to the Dragon Emperor. We will definitely kill the Dragon Emperor here!”


Targeting the Dragon Emperor who landed on the ground, my comrades rush towards him. Hahaha! How foolish of the king to be left alone! No matter how strong the dragons are, if their master is incompetent, even the strongest dragon is useless!

“Regret being alone and overconfident!”

With a simultaneous attack by the 50 comrades who participated in this operation, we will bury the Dragon Emperor without leaving a trace!

“Huh? The pressure from the monster’s attacks seems to have decreased…?”

As I fought outside, I suddenly noticed that the pressure from the monsters had weakened.

“What’s going on? It suddenly got easier?”

It seems that Gyro, who was fighting nearby, also noticed and tilted his head.

“Did they give up on capturing the town?”

Minna, who was providing support with magic from the top of the defensive wall, descended.

“From the view above, it seems that the monsters on the ground have stopped targeting the gate and are gathering at a single point outside the encirclement.”

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“In one place?”

“Yes, in one place.”

Why such a meaningless thing? Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

And it seems that I wasn’t the only one who had a bad feeling. Norbu and Meguri, who seemed to have sensed the change in the situation, joined me.

“Normally, it would seem that they temporarily withdrew to reorganize, but I don’t understand the meaning of making such a pointless move, gathering in one place while still surrounding us…”

Yes, that’s how it seems to everyone else as well.

“If they continued to attack while surrounding us, it would have worn us down in the long run. Just by surrounding us, we couldn’t escape and our spirits would be exhausted. They can freely decide whether to attack or rest.”

“Yes, I agree.”

As expected of Rex-san’s training, Norbu calmly assesses the situation even in such a situation. I wonder if I was able to see the situation as calmly as they do when I was at their level, just a few months ago?

“The only reason the monsters would make such strange movements…”

And there, we look up at the sky. There, we see the Golden Dragon and the Silver Dragon, who have become our allies, engaged in a fierce battle with the flying monsters.

“Could it be because of those two, or rather, those two dragons?”

If we think about possible causes, it would be something like that. Well, Rex-san is an exceptional existence, but it’s a story that doesn’t concern the monsters who don’t know Rex-san. So the appearance of the Golden Dragon and the Silver Dragon, whose extraordinary existence is evident from their appearance, would be more threatening.


And at that moment, Meguri notices something and raises her voice.

“What’s wrong?”

Meguri looks at us with an indescribable expression.

“…Rex wasn’t riding on the Golden Dragon.”


What does she mean!? Rex-san was supposed to be riding on the Golden Dragon and heading towards the chaos caused by the monsters surrounding the town, right?

“Wait, how can you tell from this distance!?”

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The dragons are fighting at an incredible speed in the sky. We can also fly in the sky using magic, but it’s impossible to fight while moving at such a speed. How can this girl confirm that there is a person riding on the back of a dragon moving at that speed? What kind of eyes does she have!?

“I concentrated magic power in my eyes using body enhancement magic.”

Then Meguri casually gives an unbelievable answer.

“Eh!? Body enhancement magic can do that!?”

I concentrate the magic power of body enhancement magic in my eyes as Meguri said, but I couldn’t confirm the back of the Golden Dragon flying in the sky as she claimed.

“I can’t see it.”

“I can’t see it either.”

“I can’t see it either.”

It seems that Gyro and the others can’t see it either.

“Well… maybe it’s because the attributes and usage of body enhancement magic are different for each of us? Meguri-san, as a scout, has an important role in observation, so she excels in the power of observation.”

Norbu speculates on the reason why Meguri was able to confirm the back of the Golden Dragon when no one else could.

“I see, now that you mention it, our body enhancement magic has different attributes.”

Knowing the differences in our magic again, I wonder if I can use my learned magic in a different way than everyone else.

“But for now, we should focus on the other problem.”

I refocus my attention on the dragons flying in the sky and say.

“By the way, the monsters on the ground have retreated, but the dragons are still fighting.”

What does this mean? If the monsters on the ground have retreated, shouldn’t the flying monsters also retreat? Or are they intentionally making the dragons fight the flying monsters?

And when I thought about where Rex-san was in all of this… that’s when it happened.


With a tremendous roar, the place where the monsters had gathered on the ground exploded.

“W-Was that just a coincidence?”

Is it just a coincidence that the monsters happened to gather there and there was a massive explosion? Or is it some ridiculous reason like Rex-san happened to be there and the monsters swarmed him, causing the explosion?

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“It’s highly likely and I’m at a loss for words.”

Norbu can’t deny Minna’s speculation and can only smile wryly. Yes, honestly, I also have a feeling that it might be true.

“Well, if you think about it normally, there are only a limited number of people who can use such a powerful magic…”

“So, it’s most likely that Rex-san caused the explosion, right?”

I think we’ve reached the point where it would be unreasonable for me to deny it, even though there’s a possibility that an S-rank magician happened to come to town.

“In that case, it must be Rex-san who caused the explosion, right?”

As we discuss, the monsters blown away by the explosion come flying towards us.

“For now, it seems dangerous to head towards the explosion, so let’s finish off the monsters that were blown towards us.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea.”

“Oh, Rex-san must be thinking how lucky it is that the monsters are coming towards him, saving him the trouble of going towards them, right?”

“Yes, I think so too. There’s no doubt about it.”

And so, we proceed to finish off the monsters that were blown towards us, fulfilling our original role of protecting the town.

The monsters rush towards the Dragon Emperor. Hidden behind them, my comrades approach from all sides to kill the Dragon Emperor. But the Dragon Emperor is busy dealing with the monsters and doesn’t seem to notice the approaching comrades.

In case the Dragon Emperor’s actions were some kind of diversion, I alone refrain from attacking the Dragon Emperor and remain vigilant of the surroundings. However, it seems that my unnecessary worry was in vain.

The credit for capturing the Dragon Emperor’s head will be taken by my comrades, but it was I who came up with the plan. Considering my suggestion, there is no doubt about my contribution.

All that’s left is to expose the severed head of the defeated Dragon Emperor, crush the morale of the humans, and force the Dragon Knight who commands the Silver Dragon to surrender by holding the town’s residents hostage.

Achieving maximum results with minimal effort. That is my way.

“Well, it’s about time the Dragon Emperor’s head falls… Huh?”

And at that moment, a blinding light suddenly emerges from where the Dragon Emperor is.

“What the…?”

What is happening? The tremendous light and roar drown out the words I was about to say.

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Then, a shockwave hits me, as if it is chasing after the light.


I desperately exert my strength to withstand the shockwave. And finally, as the shock subsides, I slowly open my eyes. What on earth happened, I wonder…


In my field of vision as I open my eyes, there is nothing but a desolate wasteland with no one standing.

“Wh-what is this? What on earth…?”

No, that’s not it. There was someone standing. Just one person, standing as if nothing had happened.

“Well, the monsters came closer to me, so it was really easy,” Rex said as if it was nothing.,That person spoke as if they were completely unaware that they had been attacked by a horde of monsters. Moreover, the Dragon Emperor didn’t even realize that he had been targeted by dozens of demons… He didn’t notice.

“Phew, I guess I’ve taken care of them for now. The rest is probably supporting Lune and the others who are fighting in the sky.”


I realized it from those words. I realized it!! We weren’t cornering the Dragon Emperor, but rather, we were lured out by the Dragon Emperor!

When did it happen!? When did we demons realize that we were being targeted!? No, not only that, did the Dragon Emperor intentionally make himself a decoy, knowing that we would attack him!? Did he know that his own life was at risk!?


That’s not it, it’s different. It’s different! The Dragon Emperor… the Dragon Emperor didn’t even give us a second thought, did he!? He believed that he could handle us alone, so he deliberately acted alone, right!?

“It’s all in the palm of his hand…!?”


I snapped back to reality upon hearing someone’s voice realizing something, and noticed that the Dragon Emperor was staring at me intently.


“…Ah, a demon.”


I ran away with all my might.

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