Nido Tensei Chapter 95

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Episode 95: Hidden Raincoat and Purchase Request

“Ryuu, Lord Dragon Emperor! Where have you gone!?”

The townspeople, mainly the elderly, are wandering around looking for us.

“Hmm, this is troublesome.”

I mutter to myself as I pass by the old man who called out to me.

“Why did this happen?”

“What are you saying now?”

When I look back, Liliera and the others are giving me a stern look.

“You should have known that there would be trouble if you came riding on a Golden Dragon.”

“Ahaha, I didn’t expect it to go so fast. It seems that only a professional dragon knight can control a dragon properly.”

A dragon knight controls a dragon like their own limbs by forming a contract with it. So it’s natural that I, who haven’t formed a contract, can’t control the dragon as well.

“That’s not the problem. The problem is not being noticed while walking around in the middle of this commotion.”

Huh? Is that so?

“Well, personally, I’m more concerned about walking boldly through the town in the midst of this chaos without anyone noticing.”

As Minna says, we were walking through the chaotic town as if nothing was happening.

“I’ve already told you, we’re using a concealment spell.”

Yes, we were currently using a concealment spell to hide our appearance. The people who saw the Golden Dragon suddenly panicked and mistook us for the Dragon Emperor. They swarmed towards us as if there was a horde of zombies, so I told the Golden Dragon to return to Dragon’s Peak and used a flight spell to fly away with everyone. After evacuating to an uninhabited area outside the town, we used the concealment spell to return to the town. By the way, this spell was the one we used to deceive the people in Liliera’s hometown when we were chasing a scammer.

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“It’s an incredible spell that makes you invisible even when you’re right in front of someone.”

“It gives me chills to think that this spell could be misused by heartless people.”

“Well, there’s no need to worry about that. Only Rex can use such a nonsensical spell.”

“No, no, everyone can learn to use it with practice.”

“I think that’s impossible…”

Norbu says that, but everyone is getting used to non-verbal spells, so I think it’s a good time to challenge this unconventional spell.

“You’re amazing, big brother. Not only attack magic, but you can also use a spell like this!”

“Considering the possibility of operating alone in enemy territory, it’s good to learn this kind of magic.”

“Yes, I definitely want to learn it for reconnaissance purposes.”

Gyro and the others are impressed and excited.

“But be careful not to bump into anyone. If you make contact, you’ll be discovered.”

“Well, without that kind of risk, it would be hard to believe in such a nonsensical magic.”

While talking about such things, we successfully returned to our inn.

And the next day, we used the concealment spell to make sure we weren’t noticed by the excited townspeople and arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild. Our purpose was to sell dragon materials.

“Welcome to the Adventurer’s Guild.”

The receptionist welcomed us calmly as if she didn’t know about the commotion outside. As expected of the guild staff, even with the town in chaos, they were focused on their duties. Well, there wouldn’t be any staff making a fuss just because someone came riding on a Golden Dragon’s child.

In my previous life, there were dragon knights who had contracted with Golden Dragons and casually came to town in carriages.

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“Excuse me, I would like to sell monster materials.”

“Certainly. Please place the materials you wish to sell on the appraisal table over there.”

Ah, this feels familiar, the usual exchange.

“Um, there are quite a lot of them, so I would like to have them appraised at the dismantling area.”

“Well, you must have worked hard if you didn’t need to use the appraisal table. The dismantling area is beyond that door over there. Please hand this wooden tag to the staff at the dismantling area and ask for an appraisal.”

I receive the weathered wooden tag that the receptionist handed me. Upon closer inspection, there is a number written on the wooden tag.

“Thank you.”

“Hehe, please continue to do your best.”

I open the door and enter the dismantling area, where a strong smell of blood stimulates my nose. I hold up the wooden tag to a nearby staff member and request an appraisal.

“Excuse me, I would like to have these monster materials appraised. I apologize for the large quantity.”

“Hm? I don’t recognize your face. Are you new?”

“Yes, this is my first time in this town.”

“Oh, first-timers requesting an appraisal at the dismantling area, quite enthusiastic.”

“Why does using the dismantling area make us seem enthusiastic?”

“Using the dismantling area means you’ve hunted big game or a large amount of prey. Ordinary adventurers rarely hunt such big game, and it’s difficult to hunt a large amount of prey without a magic bag. So adventurers who use the dismantling area are a kind of benchmark.”

Liliera told me that.

“I see, Liliera is really knowledgeable. It’s just common knowledge if you work at the guild.”

She’s being modest.

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“Let’s start arranging them, everyone.”


“Well, this should be the last one.”

Today, the dismantling area was unusually crowded from the morning. Probably because the people participating in the festival were making final adjustments by hunting monsters.

“Now, let’s finish up for now.”

It’s rare for the dismantling area to be so busy from morning. It’s probably because the people participating in the festival were making final adjustments by hunting monsters.

“Thanks to that, the guild is getting a lot of materials, but it’s tough on us dismantlers.”

It’s not like they’re bringing in anything stronger than average monsters. I understand that they don’t want to get injured unnecessarily with the main festival coming up.

“If that’s the case, they should go hunt a dragon or something.”

Come to think of it, there was a story a few days ago about a stray dragon attacking the town. Well, we were too busy with the dismantling work to notice anything like that.

And apparently, the dragon that attacked was defeated by a single female adventurer. I wonder if it’s true. The old folks in town were excited, saying it was the return of the Dragon Princess.

“If it’s true, we might get a dismantling request for a dragon.”

If it doesn’t come, then the story of defeating a dragon is probably just a rumor. At most, it would be a wyvern. Well, even defeating a wyvern alone would be quite an accomplishment.

“Well, there’s no point in complaining. Let’s finish the remaining dismantling and go have a drink.”

And I head towards the location of the last dismantling request.

“It was number 7, right?”

I look at the square for number 7 and see a colorful mountain.

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“Oh, oh, you really went all out.”

But still, this amount is overwhelming.

“Um… this is a dragon, right? And even a blue dragon and a red dragon. Hey, is that black one a black dragon?”

Looking closely, everything piled up there was a dragon. Well, there were also wyverns, but to an ordinary person, they would look like dragons too.

And there are golden scales shaped like ingots placed at the foot of the mountain. What is this?

“But this is a mountain of dragons. I did say to hunt dragons, but this many…”

And that’s when I felt a strange sense of unease.

What was it? What did I think was strange? It’s true that a mountain of dragons is a troublesome job, but considering the workload on a busy day, it’s not necessarily too much. Well, it’s true that it’s difficult because they’re big creatures.

“It’s just dismantling dragons… Huh? Dragons?”

I look at the mountain again. Dragons, all of them are dragons. There is no doubt that they are dragons.

“Dra… gon?”

Yes, I finally realized it. All the monsters placed in square number 7 were dragons.

“Wait a minute. Wait. Dragons? Are all of these, real dragons?”

I look back at square number 7 once again. Dragons, all dragons. There is no doubt about it.

“Dr… Drago…!”

As I look around, everyone else has stopped working and is staring at the mountain of dragons with a bewildered expression. Of course. Anyone would do a double take if they saw this. No, they would do a triple take.

It was such an abnormal sight that my head couldn’t process it as something normal. So, in order to convince myself that this was reality, I shouted.

“A mountain of dragons!!!”,Yes, this is the mountain of dragons.

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