Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1128: 1128

So tough?

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What happened to the leader?

Or … Did the two masked men sitting on her left give her a lot of confidence?

“Don’t worry!” Park ze Quan hurriedly said.”After you led the Army to carry out the mission, celestial flower’s vitality was greatly damaged. We only have 42 members. You have to pay attention to your behavior and decision making! Don’t …”

“5。”Jiang ke li started the countdown and interrupted Park ze-chwan.

At the same time, the cherry blossom petals in the campsite became more and more dense. It was obvious that this was a sign of wariness, and it was very likely the prelude to a great battle.

Park ze-Chun’s ever-smiling face also stiffened as he said,””You’re splitting up the team. ”

Jiang ke li tilted her head and looked at Park ze-Chun, saying word by word,””You must stay where you are. I won’t accept you. 4!”

Below, the members of the celestial flower organization looked at each other, and their expressions changed. However, there were already two people who stepped directly in baze’s direction.

“Three,” Jiang Keli continued.

Shouhei Sanada, who had been silent all this while, finally spoke,”Chief cui, you seem to have some unique ideas about the management team. We can talk about it. ”

Jiang ke li shook her head and smiled cruelly,””There’s no need to communicate. You can wait outside. Later, don’t get your blood splattered on you. 2!”

The blind girl suddenly changed her posture. She crossed her legs elegantly and turned to look at Jiang Keli.

It was as if he was witnessing the rise of a movie King.

Savage, ruthless, and overbearing.

That vicious gaze, that vicious look …

This toxic healer was getting more and more interesting.

Jiang ke li slowly said,”“1。”

The moment the last number was said, everyone who was still hesitating suddenly made their own decision. They stood on the left and right side respectively.

Jiang ke li tilted her head slightly and looked at the 13 people standing in the row of seats where blind girl and BA ze were.

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She couldn’t help but sigh softly. There was a hint of mockery in her words as she said,””It seems that there are many ‘elites’ in our celestial flower organization who are aware of the current situation.”

Behind him, Wang Dailiang said in a low voice,””Traitor. You don’t deserve to be called a member of our celestial flower organization.”

Upon hearing this, shouhei Sanda could not help but sneer,””Hehe, what a joke. A prisoner on death row still talks about loyalty. ”

One could hear that he was full of contempt and disdain for this group of prisoners.

His words made everyone in the tent quiet down.

The cooperation between cherry blossom and celestial flower had always been about using each other. Moreover, everyone knew that although the cherry blossom Army was cooperating with their own side, they looked down on celestial flower’s people from the bottom of their hearts.

If Mada Shishi had said this earlier, maybe more people would have come to Jiang Keli’s camp.

Jiang Keli transformed stars into martial arts and also put together a butterfly knife in her hand.

Mada Shishi knew that he had said something wrong, but he didn’t care. He looked at Jiang Keli and felt the cherry blossom petals in the tent getting denser. He asked with a serious expression,””Chief cui, are you sure you don’t want to reconsider?”

Jiang Keli also looked at shouhei Manda and asked,””Mr. Sanada, are you sure you don’t want to leave the tent?”

Shouhei Sanada slowly stood up and said,””I finally know why you led more than half of your elite team to die. It seems that you are not wise and rational. You are not suitable to be a leader.

The celestial Flower Guild is a partner of the cherry blossom Army and has received star bead resources from our Army. Everyone in the Guild is a valuable asset. I won’t just stand by and watch the Guild split up.

I won’t let this team kill each other. ”

Hearing this, everyone in the tent, including Park ze Chun himself, heaved a sigh of relief.

So what if they were scolded or ridiculed? anyway, they had someone to protect them, so they didn’t choose the wrong camp!

“Finally, I’d like to advise leader cui to think twice before you act. Don’t ruin your own life for your own selfish desires …”

Before he could finish his sentence, Shishi Sanada’s voice stopped. Not only that, but his strong body was also frozen in place, unable to move.

An ink flower bloomed on his chest.

In the rear, the three people who were holding back their attire all had a grave expression on their faces. Just as they were about to move, a strange ink flower bloomed on their chests.

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Jiang Keli’s smile became more and more obvious. Her beautiful face looked like a ghost-faced monk, and it gave people the feeling of a sick girl …

Obviously, this state of madness was no longer the sinister and vicious character of “cui Keli,” but it fit the current situation very well.

She twirled the butterfly knife in her hand and it danced lightly on her fingertips as she slowly sat back in her seat.

Jiang ke li looked at the 19 celestial flower members in Park ze chwan’s camp and said,””Kill a traitor and show your loyalty to me. I can consider giving you a chance to make a new choice.”

Some of them looked at Jiang Keli in a daze, while others looked at the silent masked woman with a star power ink flower in her eyes.

For a moment, the tent fell into a dead silence.

Jiang Keli crossed her legs and played with the butterfly knife as she said,””I’ll count to three. Don’t blame me for not giving you a second chance. 3。”


With a loud bang, a member of Park ze chwan’s camp, who was hesitating and unable to make a choice, turned around and ran. He had activated [cherry blossom instant] and [high-speed movement], but before he could run out of the tent, he was stopped by a transparent defensive barrier and heavily slammed into it.

Barzel, who was sitting beside the blind girl, had his head lowered and was motionless.

The blind girl and baze were surrounded by people who had chosen jiang ke Li’s camp. They were protecting the blind girl and Bazer.

Jiang ke Li’s voice was like a demon, and the countdown that she slowly said was even more frightening.”I don’t want to hear the sound of deercry. Otherwise, I’ll do it myself. 2。”

Park ze-chwan watched as the four members of the cherry blossom squad stood rooted to the ground with ink flowers blooming on their chests. He took a big step forward and chopped off the flower on Sanada seimao’s chest!

But … However, the ink that bloomed from his body once again stubbornly grew into a strange black flower.

Park ze Quan’s expression changed. He turned to jiang ke li and said,””Chief cui, how can you treat the people of the cherry blossom Army like this? if you do this, the cherry blossom Army will …”

Before Park zexun could finish his sentence, jiang ke li said,””Don’t touch the four Japanese ninjas. 1。”

The intimidation of the mysterious planet’s martial artists, the extremely strange and oppressive atmosphere, and the tent with the exit sealed … Jiang Keli’s countdown was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

A simple number caused the tent to be in complete chaos.

In an instant, a sea of cherry blossoms flew in the air, and waves of Bell Orchid Mist burst out. Park ze-Chun’s camp was instantly thrown into chaos.

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There were also some members of the celestial flower organization who had betrayed the organization who had not made a move, but their comrades beside them had already drawn their butcher’s knives at them.

They were all prisoners on death row, all extremely evil people.

Where was the Justice in the pugilistic world?

Double-crossing, repeatedly jumping around, to survive, it all depended on who was more ruthless! Who was more ruthless than who!

There were no idiots present. Everyone knew who the culprits were. It was Jiang Keli and the masked man and woman.

However, it was also because they were not idiots that no one went to find trouble with these three people.

Each with their own ulterior motives, how could they talk about Alliance? How could he risk his life?

In the tent, cherry blossoms rolled up the lily of the valley Mist. The air waves from the explosions rolled, and red light appeared. Waves of roars rang out.

No matter how chaotic the battle in the big tent was, no one used the STAR technique “deer cry”!

During the Deathmatch, all the traitors followed Jiang Keli’s instructions and didn’t shout out the shrieking and scurrying sounds.

It was as if everyone believed that they should have a chance to make a new choice.

As the battle became more and more intense, the black cherry blossoms purified the lily of the valley Mist, not giving anyone a chance. Finally, someone broke this rule.

Park ze Quan roared and activated his STAR technique, deer cry!

[Gold-deercry: let out a roar, causing all enemies within range to flee in fear.]

The chaotic battlefield actually became a little sluggish.

It was at this moment that Jiang Keli resisted the urge to run away and shouted,””Shut up!”

It was Crow sky dog’s first Star technique from the origin of the three ghosts, a Platinum-grade STAR technique: The cry of the heavenly dog.

[Gold-heavenly dog’s cry: makes a cry to calm the heart and calm the soul.]

With a single shout, everyone’s eyes could no longer keep up with jiang ke Li’s speed. They could only sense through Sakura kazukong’s domain that jiang ke li and Park ze Chun were already engaged in a fierce battle!

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Park zequan’s heart was beating violently. He couldn’t catch Jiang Keli’s attack either. He could only feel her attack within his domain.

It was too fast … The attack speed was too fast …

With the Sakura no Kong territory, Park ze Quan could still barely keep up with jiang ke Li’s movement speed. But he couldn’t keep up with the speed of the attack at all!

The butterfly knives that flew around wantonly, the fists and elbows that were everywhere, the elusive spring and whip kicks …

He was stretched to the elbow!

A one-sided trampling!

Accompanied by the sound of clothes being torn and skin being torn, Park ze-Chun’s screams were extremely shrill. It made people panic and their scalps go numb.

The exquisite butterfly knife was extremely sharp, and two figures that were almost invisible to the naked eye heavily smashed on the transparent defensive cover at the entrance of the big tent.

In front of jiang ke li was a bloodied man covered in wounds. The blade in her hand had already been deeply stabbed into Park ze Chun’s heart.

Jiang Keli slashed left and right and pulled out her butterfly knife. She turned around shakily.

Her blood-stained face carried a trace of ruthlessness. Waves of fierce aura could not be suppressed at all as they swept towards the battlefield that had suddenly stopped.”Why did you guys stop?”

“Gulp.” A member of the celestial Flower Guild swallowed his saliva and suppressed his violently beating heart. He hurriedly turned his head and flashed his butcher’s knife at his comrade beside him …

In the past, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He wanted to see if Park ze Chun could exchange a few moves with the old leader, but now …

The one-sided slaughter made everyone put away their last unrealistic thoughts.

Jiang Keli took out Park zequan’s star bead and walked through the entire battlefield from the entrance of the tent to the main seat at the innermost side of the tent.

What was interesting was that no one touched her at all in the battlefield that was full of flashes of swords and flowers.

I’ll continue tomorrow, please support me with your monthly votes~

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