Nine Tailed System

Chapter 10

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When Marco's 2nd Tail appeared, he turned towards the Goblin Girl and yelled.

Marco: You, pick the other 3 inside the cave, they must be alive, maybe…

The Goblin Girl ignored the last word and nodded before rushing in the cave, then Alice came out from her hiding place and slithered at Marco's side with a serious face.

Alice: Be cautious, I never seen a monster like this… That monster is really strong, stronger than the level of a queen-type monster… (An: around the level of 4 monsters that we will see in future in Sentora)

Marco nodded, knowing already what it was, and rushed with his two tails against the Chimera, the latter turned towards Marco and used again her scythes against Marco, who dodged them and slashed at the Chimera with his sharp claws.

But unexpectedly, they made just a small scratch, which slowly healed back, shocking Marco, who used his two tails to slam the Chimera, but she moved only of some meters before the lower mouth opened and the snake came out towards Marco.

Marco used his hands to grab the mouth of the snake and flew away, but at least he wasn't eaten alive from it, Marco rolled in the ground again and this time he stood in his four, 30 seconds passed, and his 3rd tail was created, but he didn't rushed like before, he turned towards Alice while wearing an evil smirk.

Marco: Hey Alice…

Alice: Yes?

Marco: Can you enter the cave to protect the girls?

Alice raised an eyebrow at his question and asked.

Alice: Why?

Marco: ...Things will get dangerous… 'System… Activate Berserk'


*Warning: Are you sure about your decision?*

*[Yes] or [No]*

Marco: 'Yes…'


*Insert mission*

Marco: 'Kill the Chimera in front of me…'


*Mission: Kill the Chimera in front of the Host*

*Activating Berserk...*

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*Activating 4th Gate...*

Alice was going towards the cave like Marco said, and noticed the Goblin Girl of before with a tiny Lamia, a little Vampire and a Dragon Pup looking at the fight.

The Goblin Girl noticed Alice and asked with surprise and fear.

Goblin Girl: Who are you?!

Alice: Calm down, I will not harm you, I am here to protect you…


Everyone turned towards Marco with surprise, and seen him kneeling with his hands in the ground, and slowly a 4th tail was created, Alice's eyes widened.

Marco said that he could use the 4th Tail but he would make a mess, and now she slowly realized what he meant with that, Marco's skin was peeling off, revealing a crimson skin made of incredibly dense aura.

Then a black orb was slowly being created around Marco, covering him entirely, the Chimera couldn't move due to her instincts telling her to not attack him and just run away, Alice could feel a massive power coming out from Marco, even if he couldn't still match against her, it was not that far.

From the orb, a black smoke came out, and the orb expanded, destroying the nearby plants and create a big crater under him, when the orb vanished, no one could move from their places.

Whatever was Marco not it wasn't anymore, instead of him there was a dark red beast that was emitting a dangerous aura around him, it had rabbit-like ears, his face was black unlike the rest of his body, his mouth and eyes were completely white, and behind him there were 4 tails.

Alice: This… 'What is that?!'

Then the beast roared again, showing his power to anyone. Alice and the 4 little monsters weren't the only spectators, in the Heaven, the goddess was dumbfounded from the scene that was reflected from the mirror.

She was annoyed that Marco was being accompanied from the Monster Lord herself, but it didn't cause too much problems in her plans for him, she thought that maybe he could still kill Alice in future… But she never expected this 'Thing'...

Even if its power was not a threat, yet, it was still something terrifying.

Meanwhile, the Chimera that should retreat, was naive enough to attack, and the snake came out from her giant mouth, attacking Marco.

Marco just slammed his arms in the ground, and 3 claws appeared, one from under the snake, stopping its body, while the other 2 came out from the ground under the Chimera, blocking her movements.


*Charging Bijuudama…*

Alice and the others didn't have any idea about why he blocked her instead of attacking her, but the next thing that happened was surprising, Marco roared again, and many dark red orbs and sky blue orbs came out from his body.

They were countless and floated around Marco, he roared once again while pointing at his 4 tails his face, and the orbs slowly floated between Marco's face and the tails, they were creating a dark purple orb around the size of Marco's chest.

Alice, the monster kids and Illias didn't knew what he was doing, but were impressed from the amount of energy in that dark purple orb.

The Chimera tried to struggle, but she couldn't break free from Marco's grasp, when the bijuudama was successfully created, it slowly became smaller until it reached the size of 2 eyes.

Then, unexpectedly for everyone, Marco ate it, and made another crater under him due to the sudden increase of weight.

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Alice: 'What is he doing…?'

Suddenly, Marco's body was greatly inflated, and smoke came out from his mouth, Marco pointed his face towards the struggling Chimera, and his mouth started to glow red light.

Then the moment came, and Marco shot out his bijuudama as a beam against the Chimera, who stopped struggling and just got it from it.

The moment the bijuudama got in contact with the Chimera, it glowed for an instant before a gargantuan blast appeared, and completely destroyed whatever was in its path for several dozen of kilometers, slowly the smoke that remained left, and the results shocked everyone.

The Chimera, plants, trees, stones, and even the mountains stopped existing, leaving only destruction in its way, no one could even speak a word, the monster kids didn't have anything to say after seeing this.

While Alice's eyes widened.

Alice: 'This attack… It could easily heavily injure me even if he is weaker than me… How is it even possible?!'


*Mission[Successful]: Kill the Chimera in front of the Host*

*Deactivating Berserk*

*Warning: Status: Unconscious*

*Recovery time: 24 hours*

Marco roared once again, and the dense aura that seemed the beast's skin disappeared, leaving Marco with his clothes, he seemed completely ok, he was just unconscious.

Alice slowly came out from the cave with a frightened look, but when she found Marco unconscious it was replaced with worry, and slithered to him to, grabbing his body.

The 4 little girls followed Alice with a bit of fear after seeing what Marco could do, Alice checked that Marco was alright she sighed in relief, then she used her tail to pick him up and get back in the cave with the kids.



*Status: Healthy*

Marco was woken up from the sound of his system, he groaned, making Alice, who was near him, turn towards him and looked at him who slowly rose up.

He grabbed his head in pain because of a small headache, then he looked around and found Alice looking with her usual expressionless look.

Marco: Where am I?

Alice: You are inside the cave of the 4 'Bandits'...

Marco suddenly remembered what he did and asked with a panicked tone.

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Marco: What happened while I was in 4th Gate?

Alice: Don't worry, you killed only the Chimera, the kids aren't harmed.

Marco sighed in relief and laid back in the ground, and said with a jokingly tone.

Marco: So… You really liked the Kebab…

Alice remembered what happened when she took a bite and blushed a bit from embarrassment. While Marco was laughing, the girls came out and surrounded him with a curious gaze.

Goblin Girl: You're awake!

Tiny Lamia: What was that?!

Vampire Girl: You were so strong back there!

Dragon Pup: That ball you created back there was so destructive!

Marco: ...Ball…? Oh fuck… I used a Bijuudama…

Alice: Bijuu… Dama…?

Marco: It will be for another time… So… I am Marco, a traveler, you girls?

The kids got an excited face and said one after another.

Goblin Girl: My name is Gob! The Bandit of the Earth!

Tiny Lamia: Mine is Teeny, the Bandit of the Water.

Vampire Girl: I'm Vanilla, the Bandit of the Wind.

Dragon Pup: Papi, the Bandit of the Fire!

Marco: Well, it seems that we got our bandits…

Alice let out a sigh, while the girls looked curious.

Goblin Girl: What do you mean?

Marco: You made a mess in Illiasburg, now we will take you four there to apologize, but don't worry, I will protect you.


*Special Quest[Successful]: Capture the bandits at the mountain range*


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*Special Quest: Protect Gob, Teeny, Vanilla and Papi from the citizens of Illiasburg*

Marco assured them when he saw the panicked faces of the kids, who sighed in relief when they heard the last parts.

Alice: Are you sure you can do it after what you did yesterday?

Marco: Yep, and then I said that I would protect them, so I will do it.

Monster Kids: Thank you!!

The four kids yelled with a gratified expression, while Marco smiled.

Marco: Besides, I can still use the 3rd Gate without losing control, there aren't many monsters that could match me in that state, and I think that monster was an exception of its own…

Alice sighed another time and followed Marco with the 4 little kids near him towards Illiasburg.


In Heaven, Illias had a suspicious look, she was looking at the destruction that the Bijuudama left, she couldn't see what happened when it touched the Chimera because the energy it released messed up with her magic mirror, but she was surprised at the results.

Illias: *Sigh* At least Marco doesn't know anything about the disease… Otherwise it would be such a hassle to deal with him...

Illias thought that she was alright and that Marco would not hunt for her, but that's where she is wrong… Because Marco has already planned everything, right now he would travel around the world to get stronger and obtain more tails.

Then he would enter at the Monster Lord's Castle to defeat the heavenly knights to make sure they don't destroy his plans for coexistence, and that will be the moment where Alice would fight against him too.

He would have mercy on her, making Illias angry, who will free her angels around the world to destroy the humanity, and this would be the moment where Marco will be free to act against Illias without being considered as a sinner from the entire world.

Because if that would happen then he would never achieve coexistence if only one side would stay together with him while the other side wants him dead.

Marco's plan may be vague, but he was 95% sure that it would be successful, the last 5% comes from the unexpected changes in the story, before, he should have fought against the bandits, not a strong chimera…

But it didn't matter, he just wanted to maintain the promise he did in front of his mother's grave, so he could return to her with a smile in his face.


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo.

6th. Help the villagers of Happiness Village

7th. Protect Gob, Teeny, Vanilla and Papi from the citizens of Illiasburg

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