Nine Tailed System

Chapter 128

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Marco opened his eyes, and found himself in a soft bed of a room he never seen before.

Marco: ...What…

Alice, who was waiting beside him, hugged him, surprising Marco, he didn't moved and just looked at Alice strangely, his eyes went on her tail and looked at a scar that was all around a part of her tail, as if it was cut off and attached again.

Marco remembered that she never had that scar…

Marco: W-What happened to your tail…?

Alice: ...Don't worry about it, it is healed…

Marco: ...It was me… Right?

Alice: ….Yes, but-

Marco: No, you can hold back your sweet words, I already know that it was not entirely my fault because I was going berserk and I was unable to control myself, but I hope you can forgive me for being so rash and decide to sneak in Illias Village…

Alice: …*Sigh* It's ok…

Marco: Nice, now where are we?

?: I can answer that question…

The door of the room opened, and Micaela in her human form came out.

Micaela: Hello, Marco.

Marco: Good morning, aunt… I hope I wasn't been too destructive when I was out…

Micaela: Don't worry, you just destroyed the entire Mountain Range at west…

Marco: Pffft… What?!

He was shocked from the informations he received, then he stood up and said with a serious tone.

Marco: We need to go on Illiasburg…

Alice: But you just woke up, you need to say here.

Marco: But-

Alice: No.

Marco: Yes… Mooooom….

Micaela giggled a bit at the scene in front of him, Alice and Marco followed some seconds later with their laughter.

But Marco had something else in his mind…


Marco was on top of a giant pillar that had a reddish-black color, the same one that the beast had, he stood there, unable to do anything and wait for the destruction that is happening outside of his mindscape, regretting using the Nine Tails mode…

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?: Hey, sweetie…

Marco flinched a bit and turned around, suddenly, the area turned completely white, and in front of him there stood a really familiar figure…

Marco: ...Mom…?

Lucifina: Who else it is?

Marco: B-But…

Lucifina: Don't worry, yes, I am dead… And right now I am inside your mindscape.

Marco: ...Why?

Lucifina: Son… We need to talk about something…

Marco fully turned his body to Lucifina and waited for her to talk.

Lucifina: ...I know about what you could do, since you were covered in that strange red aura the first time, the Nine Tailed Gates, right?

Marco: ...Yes… That was the 'Start' gate… And I thought I could hide it…

Lucifina: Well, a mother always know everything about her son.

Marco: Then…

Lucifina: Yes, I know… But even if you are someone else, you are still born from me, making me your mother, even if you reincarnated for 5 times, I am still your mom.

Lucifina patted Marco's head with a smile on her face.

Lucifina: When I kissed your forehead, I put a small part of my consciousness inside your head and hid myself from your system, it seems that until I won't do anything harmful, it will ignore me, when I saw the nature of your powers, I knew then that something like this will happen.

Marco: ...Hahahah… Just kill me…

He started to laugh before muttering those words with shame…

Lucifina: Don't worry, I will approve your relationship with her, just don't make stupid decisions… Still, twins Monster Lords… I didn't know my son was so able in sex…

Marco: Mom!!

Lucifina: Hahahahaha! Well, it looks like your lover is calling you… I will help you, just concentrate while I take you out…

Marco: But… Will you still stay?

Lucifina: No… I will be gone forever after this… However, if you want it, I can still be inside your heart, now go, sweetie, and take down that wretch of a Goddess. Oh right, be sure to have children with Alipheese, ok?

At that moment, he regained his senses and noticed that he was inside a giant beast

Marco: ....Fuck…

Then, he exploded in a big cloud of smoke, leaving his human form in the middle of it.


*Congratulations for Host to have enough Willpower to use the full Nine Tailed Chakra Gates.*

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*Bijuu Gate unlocked.*

And then he fell unconscious.


Marco: Whatever, let's go out…

Alice and Micaela nodded and followed Marco out. He saw that he was in Enrika, like he expected, and at the borders he saw angels and chimeras surrounding the town.

Micaela: I was going to kick them out, but then I sensed that you woke up.

Marco: Don't worry, better for me, have you seen my sword somewhere?

Micaela: *Sigh* I knew you would ask, here.

Micaela picked the sheath with the sword from her waist and gave it to Marco.

Marco: Nice…

Micaela: Be careful, they are strong.

Marco: And I am stronger…

Then he walked to the border, and saw elves defending the village from the Chimeras.

Marco: Hello. My name is Marco, I don't want to answer any of your questions, and bye.

Marco just casually said that while passing between the elves, they were speechless from his small speech, and let him pass.

Marco glowed in gold aura and opened the Chakra Gate, then he walked to the nearest chimera, which looked like she was made of tongues of all size.

Chimera: Hehe… What a delicious loo-


The Chimera was cleanly cut in two from Marco's sword, who didn't give time for her to finish her words, he wanted to stretch his body because he missed a bit the Chakra Gate, the chimera was glowing, and it got sealed into a slug.

Every elf looked at Marco with a strange expression, a random man casually walked in, let out some carefree words, and cut in two the Chimera with a strange power, sealing her in a slug.

Elf: ...What?

She said the thing that everyone else thought, but Marco ignored her and continued to walk forward, while the other elves were attacking with their arrows, an angel soldier came out from the fray and announced.

Angel Soldier: Arrows won't harm us!

More Angels came out from the fray and charged, but Marco came in front of them, making them stop.

Each one of them looked like the other, they had blonde hair tied up in two twintails, they had small cartoon-ish angel wings, they had blue big eyes and each one of them were as big as Marco.

They wore white stockings, a blue shirt without sleeves and revealing cleavages, and a collar with a cross attached to it, on top of their head was a small halo.

Each one was holding something, one had a whip, the other had a giant feathered wing, another had a candle, and the last… Is that a winged blue onahole?

Angel Soldier 1: The Sinner appeared… Everyone, let's work together and break him. As Illias ordered, neuter him with pleasure!

Angel Soldier 2: So… We'll gang **** you. Cover all of our breasts with semen.

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Angel Soldier 3: R...Resistance is useless… It would be better to give in quickly, ok…?

Angel Soldier 4: Haha, even if you cry and scream, I won't stop. You'll get the full force of Heaven's wrath…

Marco: Oh, that's cute… Angels of the last circle wants to stop me…

Marco pointed his sword at the angels and said with a smirk on his face.

Marco: Move, and I will cut everyone down…

Angel Soldier 1: Don't underestima-


She was cut off when Marco came in front of me, metaphorically and literally.



*100 pt.*

*7400 pt.*

Angel Soldier 2: *Gasp* He killed Kate!

Angel Soldier 3: You bastard!

Marco: 18…

Marco turned around and rushed at the other angels, they put their items in front of them before Marco extended his sword at the left and used Heavenly Demon Revival, slashing them down with a mighty strength, each of their items were broken and so were their bodies.

Angel Soldier 3: W...What…!?

Then they vanished in particles of light.



*100/100/100 pt.*

*7700 pt.*

Marco: 21…

Marco looked behind him, and saw the Chimeras being pushed back from the elves.

Elf 1: Keep it up! Everyone, just one more push!

Then, Marco looked up and saw an angel coming out from a beam of light, she had brown long hair and completely naked.

She was sitting on a throne made of red living snakes that shares her same face, and a pair of wings came out from her back, over her head there was a big golden halo.

Nagael: Surface dwellers are causing this much trouble? I will need to discipline those Angel Soldiers later.

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The angel turned her head in a circle and glared at Marco and the elves behind him, then one of her snakes suddenly lashed out at a nearby Elf.

But a flash of light hit the snake, which was revealed to be Magnus, and killed the snake, Marco walked near his sword and pulled it out from the snake, saving the elf behind him.


*1/??? saved*

Marco: 'System, create a clone of Light's Bane (III) and absorb the clone.'


*Clonation successful…*

*Enchantment: Light's Bane (III) absorbed.*

Marco could feel a sensation similar to a predator looking at his prey, and grinned at the angel.

Nagael: Oh… That's quite a nice throw you have there. Are you perhaps that Sinner I've heard rumors about? I am Principality Nagael, the judge and punisher of criminals. My duty is to use these snakes to force criminals to shed tears of remorse.

Marco: Tears of remorse or tears of blood? 'Nice, 3000 more points…'

Nagael: ...Touche… Anyway, I have judged you… Your punishment is set to 30'000 years of violation.

Marco: You are talking as if I can stay alive during that entire time…

Nagael: ...40'000 years.

Marco: It is not going to hel-

Nagael: SHUT UP!!

A snake shot at Marco, who used the Fallen Angel Dance to dodge her and rushed at her with the sword on his hands, ready to reap points from any angel he will meet.


1st. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

2nd. Kill Illias

3rd. Return to Lucifina's grave

4th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

5th. Make Alice happy

6th. Tell the truth to Alice


1st. Kill Illias

2nd. Save as many people as possible [Minimum: 100]: [1/???]

3rd. Defeat or Kill Promestein

4th. Defeat or Kill Black Alice

5th. [Optional] Kill as many angels as possible: [21/???]

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