Nine Tailed System

Chapter 130

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Alice: Are you saying that the first Monster Lord was defeated by Ilias!? I cannot believe that!

Micaela: In terms of the actual status of the war itself, Alipheese's forces were superior the entire time. The reason Ilias won was due to a cowardly trick…

Alice: I believe you now. ♪

Marco: …

Micaela: The clashes between the two Gods resulted in terrible destruction. They both realized that if they continued fighting, they would destroy everything. On the verge of destroying the very world itself, Alipheese hesitated.

But Ilias didn't, threatening the very survival of the world.

Marco: C'mon, they couldn't be that strong do destroy a planet…

Micaela: Fortunately not, but they could have extinguished the life forms in the world. Ilias went to Alipheese, telling her to surrender as she never would. If they kept fighting, both of them, the angels, the monsters and the humans would all perish.

But she said that if the Dark God and the Six Ancestors sealed themselves, she would not lay a hand on the other monsters.

Alice: What cowardice! No, rather than cowardly…

Micaela: Yes… She was insane. Threatening the extinction of everything, she used the world as a hostage for surrender. Seeing no other path, the Dark God chose to surrender. Along with the Six Ancestors, they were sealed with a special seal.

Alice: The Six Ancestors' Great Seal…

Micaela: By converting their own magic, the Six Ancestors used it to seal themselves away. Alipheese used the same technique to seal herself… Using curre-

Marco: FUCK!!!!

Alice and Micaela turned towards Marco with a dumbfounded face.

Marco: If I could turn in my cub form, I would not need the Nine Tails mode….

Alice's eye twitched while Micaela was clueless about what he was talking about.

Micaela: Back to the story, of course, Alipheese knew well Ilias' nature. So they tied in a special trigger that would cancel the seal into their magic. It was to be released if Ilias broke her promise. At that time, the seal would be broken, and the Dark God would revive.

Alice: If Ilias breaks her promise, then she will revive? But how is that judged by…?

Micaela: As you know, when a monster dies, their magic returns to the world. Like all things, the magic flows into the atmosphere to be used by the endless cycle of birth and rebirth.

If a large amount of dark monster magic were released at once, it would impact that transmigration. So the atmosphere itself would become heavily saturated with dark magic. The amount of holy and dark magic must stay in balance, or the seal will break.

Marco: ...So… Would killing Ilias unseal the Dark God?

Micaela: Honestly… I don't know… But hopefully not. And since then, Ilias has spent a long time trying to find a way around that. From the moment Dark God Alipheese was sealed, she has been thinking of countermeasures.

Developing a new seal… Or a way to manipulate the balance… Measures for the worst case scenario… If she were to revive. And at last, she decided to order her smartest angels to create a new type of monster. Focused on that, it took them roughly 500 years.

As a result, they decided on a policy of letting a monster manage the flow of dark magic. For that purpose, Ilias singled out Alipheese the Eighth. When she was struck down by the Hero, Ilias saved her life.

Under the condition that she would manage the dark monster magic as the world was recreated… And then, rebels started to appear. That was my sister… One of the twin angels that Ilias first created.

Alice: ...As expected, some just couldn't bear it any longer. Even more, for it to be one of her very first allies…

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Micaela: My younger sister seemed to have been questioning Ilias ever since the start of the Great Monster Wars. Her insane way of fighting to the very end, even if it would destroy everything… At her collusion with Alipheese the Eighth, she finally broke away.

She knew that Ilias would try to destroy humanity one day… My younger sister seemed to know exactly what was going to happen. As I said before, my sister led an army of angels. There was only one who could match her might…

Therefore I, one of equal power, was chosen to hunt her down. Holding hesitations in my heart, I stood in front of her. The fight with my younger sister was extremely fierce… Suffering serious wounds, she became a fallen angel and escaped to this surface world.

Alice: ...Did you let her escape to the surface world on purpose?

Micaela: I cannot say for sure… Doubt in Ilias had already been flaring up in my mind. A few hundred years later… Ilias finally set into motion what she had been planning for years. Giving orders to her angels, she ordered the humans and monsters coexisting in Remina to be annihilated.

She justified it by saying they were performing large scaled magic experiments. That the arrogant move was reason enough for them to be destroyed. After all, Ilias hates most those who refuse to follow her. Her true nature is one of jealousy and possessiveness, paranoid about others…

Like my sister, I finally realized Ilias' true nature. Escaping the Heavens, I came to the surface world. I decided to protect the other fallen angels. Not too long ago, I settled in this village. This place already had the reputation of being a hidden village of monsters…

After descending to the surface, I searched for my missing sister. After falling, she seemed to have wandered the surface world for several hundred years. And in one day, she happened to meet a Hero who was in the midst of despair.

Falling in love, she decided to live out her days as a human with him. And until the very end, she lived and died as a human…

Marco: ...Yeah… I saw it with my own eyes… I even dug out her own grave at the cliff on the southest point of Ilias Continent.

Alice: Marco is the child of one of the original angels? That is surprising, even for me…

Micaela: Still, you are really lucky to not have angel's blood on your veins, otherwise you would have died because your body couldn't hold it…

Marco: Oh, I really had angel's blood when I was born, I just removed it.

Micaela: W-What? How?!

Marco: It's a really long story, but it's connected to the Nine Tailed Chakra Gates. At least my existence shows that different races can exist peacefully together.

Micaela: ...Well, you are safe, this is the important thing… You truly grew up to be a good child.

Alice and Marco looked at each other, before they started laughing, surprising Micaela.

Alice: Hahahahaha! Marco… A good child?! Good joke!!

Marco: Yeah…

Micaela: Huh?

Marco: Don't worry, just continue… Heh…

Micaela: ...By the way, Marco. Do you know about your father's family?

Marco: ...I have some theories, and listening to that tone it means that it's true… I'm the descendant of Heinrich, right?

Micaela: Hm? How did you know?

Marco: Well, let's talk about the fact that some succubus of 500 years ago could smell him from me, I saw some images about him, and it's fucking creepy his similarity with my father…

Alice: Bred from legendary Heroes and angels… Yet your personality is as much rotten as a zombie's skin… and your similarities with your father are non-existent. Are you perhaps work of an act of infidelity?

Marco: Nope, I am 100% sure that my father is Marcellus… Maybe it's because I am reincarnated, I look the same of myself before I died.

Alice: Just for curiosity, how did you die? From your words, I can assume you di-

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Marco: Suicide.

Alice: ….

Micaela: ….

Marco: ….Don't worry, a friend got reincarnated in another world and I followed him to kick his ass, but here I am…

Micaela: This is getting pretty dark… Anyways, it was that family history that brought Ilias' attention towards you. I'm sure my sister deeply regrets that… Even though I was worried about you, the orphan of my late sister… I didn't know what Ilias would do if I made a prolonged contact with you.

As a result, you left from Enrika at the age of 2, and got to Ilias Village… That's the end of my story. You two will be fighting against Ilias now, won't you?

Marco: Fuck yeah, I will! She fucking killed my own mother from infecting her with an illness!

Micaela: She did what?!

Marco: Yeah, however, I don't know why the other villagers were infected too…

Micaela: …*Sigh* It's too late now… It's regrettable, but I can only pray for your victory… Oh? I thought I ordered nobody to disturb us for a while…

Quick footsteps approached here from outside, and after a hurried knock, the door opened and revealed a panicked elf.

Elf: Master Micaela, there's trouble! A powerful monster, accompanied by a huge one has appeared!

Marco: ...Alice.

Alice: Yes?

Marco: 5 gold coins that it is Tamamo.

Alice: ...Alright.

Micaela: What sort of monster are they?

Elf: The giant one looks like some sort of Chimera… A nine-tailed fox is riding on her back. She said they have come for Monster Lord Alice…

Marco extended his arm with a smile, and Alice begrudgingly put the 5 gold coins on his hand.

Micaela: ...I see. Please let them through to here.

The elf made way and Tamamo came by.

Tamamo: Thank you, I'm coming in.

Alice: What's wrong, Tamamo? Did something happen?

Tamamo: While investigating the silver discs, I found some information about the seal on the spirits. I thought you would want to know right away.

She jumped up and landed butt first in a nearby chair. Then she glanced at Micaela.

Micaela: It has been a while, Tamamo.

Tamamo: What irony, for our reunion to be in this manner. I would like to speak with you, but I need to discuss this first.

Then she turned towards the other two.

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Tamamo: The seal on the spirits is completely different than the seal on the Monster Lord. The range is world-wide, and it's being maintained on a massive scale. It's designed to drastically reduce their power…

But it's not exactly a perfect seal. The seal is weakening them, making it so you can no longer communicate with them. Weakened by the seal, they all returned back to their original dwelling spaces. With their power so limited, not even your voice can reach them.

Marco: ...That's actually a good thing… It will be easier to find Lily.

Tamamo: Right, I'll continue investigating how to break the seal. There are so many discs, I'm getting all of the Kitsunes to come help decipher them, Marco made things easier by turning on the screen, so we can use it to make the job faster.

Marco: Alright, but don't worry about the collar thing, that is gone now.

Tamamo: Huh? How?

Marco: You remember Irina's Mountain Range?

Tamamo: Yes.

Marco: Stop remembering it, it doesn't exist anymore…

Tamamo raised an eyebrow in curiosity, and Alice just said.

Alice: He got berserk…

Tamamo: Ohhh… But be careful, the Chimeras and angels are attacking towns and villages all over the world.

Macro: You don't say? It would be stupid not weakening the other forces… I will go find Lily somewhere outside, then we will leave.

Tamamo: Alright, Monster Lord, come here for a moment. I'll teach you a secret skill.

Alice: A secret skill? But I cannot use powerful magic with this body…

Tamamo: Do you think I'm stupid enough to teach you a skill that wouldn't suit your current status?

Marco: Still stupid enough to take me for Kurama.

Tamamo: ...You were the nine tailed fox!?

She looked shocked at the sudden revelation.

Marco: Eeeeyup. Bye.

Marco opened the door and left, leaving the girls alone.


An angel and Eden were talking to each other.

Mariel: Master Eden…

Mariel was an archangel, so she was at the 8th rank of the hierarchy, and her value was 1000 pt., she was a loli with transparent clothes, she had golden bracelets on her wrists and legs, she had a pair of white wings behind her and two halos, one smaller than the other.

Mariel: ...The deployment has been finished, as you ordered. I've posted high ranking angels as guards at each spirit location. In addition, we have finished assigning our corps for each battle zone. The deployment of Promestein's Chimeric Beasts has also been completed.

Eden: Promestein… Did she accomplish her duty? Even though it would be a simple task to clean the surface world with the angel army…

Mariel: It is as you say. Why did Ilias give a special role to that one…?

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Eden: ...Do not say any more than that. Unless you intend to disagree with Ilias' orders?

Mariel closed her eyes and said.

Mariel: No… I did not mean…

Eden: Though… Your apprehensions are not misguided. That one, and Black Alice, will surely poison Ilias. It is my duty as an Archangel to take the first step. I will never forgive the traitors who look down upon Goddess Ilias…

Then Cupid suddenly appeared, already back to life from what Marco did to her.

Cupid: Master Eeeeeeeden! I have a repoooooooort!

After calling her, she whispered something on her ear.

Eden: I see, I knew it…. Please continue monitoring.

Cupid: Affirmatiiiiiive! I'm Ooooooof!

And then Cupid vanished again.

Mariel: ...Your hand is already in motion? As expected of Eden, the Great Third Seraph!

Eden's eye twitched.

Eden: The Third… You said? I am the Third…?

Mariel: N...No…. I did not mean…

Eden: ...Pay it no mind. Now go to the surface. Make sure the surface invasion goes off without a hitch.

Mariel: Yes, I will ensure it!

Mariel quickly left, leaving Eden alone.

Eden: I am not the Third any more… Micaela and Lucifina betrayed Goddess Ilias… I am an Archangel! I am Ilias' first servant! I am not the Third!


1st. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

2nd. Kill Ilias

3rd. Return to Lucifina's grave

4th. Visit every places in Ilias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

5th. Make Alice happy


1st. Kill Ilias

2nd. Save as many people as possible [Minimum: 100]: [65/???]

3rd. Defeat or Kill Promestein

4th. Defeat or Kill Black Alice

5th. [Optional] Kill as many angels as possible: [22/???]

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