Nine Tailed System

Chapter 133

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Marco and Alice were flying in the sky on Diane's back.

Marco: Alright, let's go to Sentora now.

Alice: Did you finish everything you need to here in Ilias Continent? We're in a hurry, so we won't be coming back later.

Marco: Who gives a fuck, let's go.

Alice shrugged and Diane flew to the southern area of the continent, where Marco first met Sylph. But…

Marco: Let's go to San Ilia…

Alice: Why the sudden change?

Marco: Meh, just want to tell the king that it was us that broke the sword, I want to see their faces, and then there might be people on the verge of suicide…


*Special Quest: Tell the king you broke the Goddess Sword.*

Alice: You are right… They were really close to Ilias, now they must have forsaken her, but…

Marco ignored everything else and continued to look forward, suddenly, he saw something strange in the sky in front of him and then his eyes widened.


Diane: Kweh!

She made a quick turn at right, narrowly dodging a spatial rift.

Marco: Shit… That was close…

Alice: W-What was that!? Another spatial rift?!

Marco: Eeeeyup… I wonder how Luka is doing now…


It was night, and there was a little mess in the inn at Grand Noah…

Luka: I need an adult!!

Alice Omega: Here's one! Now put down your pants!

Luka: Kyaaaaaaa!

[Back, Heaven]

Ilias and Promestein were talking to each other.

Ilias: Promestein… Are you feeling well? After eating such a pitiful defeat, you show your face to me?

Promestein: I'll erase that shame with my future work. I've delivered all of my military power to the ground invasion forces.

Ilias: All of it? You truly entrusted everything to Eden's command?

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Promestein: Yes… With the exception of the five Next Dolls. According to the original plan, they will be used under my direction as the situation commands.

Ilias: I see… I'm going to warn you that the Sinner is free from your collar.

Promestein's eyes widened, but she didn't explode for fear of what Ilias could do.

Promestein: H-How, that could take even half of the power of Eden…

Ilias: From the informations we received, it seems that the Sinner was gone "Berserk", and erased the entire mountain range at Ilias Continent. Now go, Angel Promestein, and do your duty.

Promestein: ...Yes.


Marco and Alice reached the sky above San Ilia, there were already the Chimeras flooding the town.

Marco: Alright, let's go.

Alice: Don't fucking throw me!

Marco: Relax… This time we will not jump down. Diane, land there.

Diane: Kweh!

Then Diane landed inside the town and Marco and Alice hopped off from her back. They looked around and saw some creepy monsters… One of them were a Chimera bug, who had… God no… Don't make me describe it…

Chimera Bug: Ahaha… Hey, you… Please seed my eggs!

Boy: Ahhhh! Help me!

Marco raised his katana in the air, filling it with the lightning, and then he swung it at the chimera, electrifying her to death. Then her charred body was sealed in a small insect.


*1005/??? saved.*

Marco: I'm Zeus!

Alice: Tch… There are too many, Marco, we need to aim for the lea- What's wrong?

Marco was looking at one monster in particular, in the middle of the chaos, there was a lone lamia moving down the street with a calm expression. It was the sister lamia Marco encountered before entering the Grand Noah.

Marco: *Whistle* Hey!

The nun lamia turned around and saw Marco.

Sister Lamia: Oh my… You're that traveler from before.

Marco: Yeah, so… Still religious after this mess?

Sister Lamia: Yes… I received a revelation from the Goddess Ilias, and according to her revelation, the grave sinners must accept the wrath of heaven. Since I am a holy Sister who serves the Goddess, I don't wish to do anything cruel… But it is her command, and I must serve her will.

Marco: ...You done?

Sister Lamia: Yes.

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Marco: Alright, as much as I wanted to save you… No, I don't… Fuck Ilias, I will make Zeus judge you!


*Special Quest: Zap the Sister Lamia like you would do with a masochist.*

Sister Lamia: Y-You… You offended Ilias… It seems you are a great sin- AHHHHHHHH!!!

Marco threw a thunder through his sword at the monster, electroducting her, too.

Marco: Zeus doesn't forgive!


*Special Quest[Successful]: Zap the Sister Lamia like you would do with a masochist.*

Lily: 'Marco, I can't use that thing anymore… I can only charge your nerves or body with my power…'

Marco: *Sigh* Ruin my fun, don't cha?

The Sister Lamia's burned body fell in the ground, before she was sealed into a snake.

Marco: Alright, now… Alice, you stay here and deal with those chimeras, I go to the castle.

Alice: Yes, leave them to me! I'll finish them all off before you even beat the leader!

Marco: Hoho? You want to race?

Alice: 5 gold coins I will finish first!

Marco: Alright.

Marco used the Chakra Gate and ran towards the castle, while Alice started taking care of the chimeras.

Alice: I will get back my 5 gold coins…

Some seconds later, Marco entered the castle, then he looked around, seeing pieces of armors but no corpses. After that, he runned to the throne room, which was closed, and for the politeness… He knocked the door…

A rough female voice belonging to a chimera was heard at the other side.

Chimera: Who is it? I am busy with the King.

Marco: Oh, you know…

From the door, a hole was made and a beam made from a dense bijuudama slammed onto her side, she was flung against the wall and was quickly sealed into a tiny elephant before Marco could catch a glimpse of her.

Marco: ...A real fucking god.


1006/??? saved.*

Marco opened the door and entered the room, he turned around and saw the king, which almost lost all of his lifeforce, making him look like a man with half of his leg in a grave. At least he was still breathing.

San Ilia King: Ah… Uhhh…

Some fairies came upon his shoulders and started to use their magics.

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Fairies: Fairy Heal!

Meanwhile creepy ghosts were on his back, giving him their lifeforce. Their help was really great, and the King turned to his original complexion, and made him turn conscious.

San Ilia King: Ahh… I… I was saved… And not by the Goddess…

Marco: Thanks god… I swear I would have put you back in your previous state if you were telling that Ilias saved you…

San Ilia King: You, Marco the traveler, it was you who saved me!

Marco: Yes and no, it was the fairies and ghosts that healed you.

The King slumped on his chair with a worried face.

San Ilia King: ...The pious believers all shut themselves up in the temple. If it was Ilias' will, they thought t sacrifice themselves. All of them are ready to die now, and are ignoring the evacuation order. What should I do to stop the martyrs?

Marco: Anything.

San Illia King: But I don't have anything I could do to persuade them. Were I not the King, I'm sure I would have been in there with them. I am responsible for all of the believers of the world… It's not even possible for me to sacrifice myself for my faith.

Marco: ...Look, you believed Ilias because she was a Goddess?

San Ilia King: I…

Marco: No, you didn't, you followed her because you thought her teachings were appropriate, do you need a figure like her to be a good person?

San Ilia King: ...You are right, let us go to the temple, Marco. We must show the way to those falling down the hole of martyrdom!

Marco: *Sigh* Whatever…

And so, they headed to the temple, where the priests are holed up.


In the temple, the priests were praying to Ilias' statue.

Priest 1: Ahh… Goddess Ilias…

Priest 2: Please, grant us your salvation. Even if it is the tranquility of death.

Priest 3: If it is thy will, we shall accept anything!

Dozens of priests were praying to Ilias, while outside the screams of the citizens were heard, until finally, someone answered their prayers, and it wasn't Marco…

?: Even in a situation like this, you stick to prayer… You truly are the ideal followers of Ilias.

A soft and sacred light filled the temple, and appearing from that light, an angel with beautiful wings of lights takes shape.

Priest 1: Oooh! Master Angel!

The angel was a mix of insects, mantis' scythes on her waist, antennas on her head, slug lower body, 5 different tails… She was really ugly as fuck, but she still had her golden wings and halo…

Muzukiel: I am Power Muzukiel… I will give you faithful followers eternal rest.

Priest 2: M...Master Angel…!? Th… That appearance…

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The priests stared blankly at the angel.

Priest 3: M...Monster…

The moment the word slips out of the priest's mouth, the angel's centipede-like tail twines around him.

Muzukiel: What insolence… Do not dare call this body that the Goddess bestowed upon me monstrous!

Priest 3: Ah… Gyaaa!

In the next moment, she twisted her tail, and crushed the priest's body. His twisted corpse fell like a piece of trash to the pristine temple's floor.

Muzukiel: Now then, everyone else is next… I'll send you all to the next world.

Priest 1: S...Stay back!

Priest 2: N...No! This is wrong! Ilias' messengers should be more… Angel-like!

The priests quickly backed away in fear.

Muzukiel: Indeed, it looks like you men are lacking… I shall feed on all of you with this insect organ…

She blocked the exit to the temple, keeping the priests from escaping...

Marco crashed on the stained glass of the temple, with his majestic golden aura covering him

Priest 1: It's… It's…

Marco: It's Yahweh! Your new god is here to save you all!

The priests were full of hopes at his words, and started to kneel in front of him, the Chakra Gate around his body increased the priests' beliefs that he was really a new god…


1st. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

2nd. Kill Ilias

3rd. Return to Lucifina's grave

4th. Visit every places in Ilias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

5th. Make Alice happy

6th. Tell the King you broke the Goddess Sword


1st. Kill Ilias

2nd. Save as many people as possible: [1006/???]

3rd. Defeat or Kill Promestein

4th. Defeat or Kill Black Alice

5th. [Optional] Kill as many angels as possible: [26/???]

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