Nine Tailed System

Chapter 19

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Since in the ship there was only Alice and Marco, Alice stopped using tricks to hide her monster form. She really enjoyed piloting the ship, even if right now she was in the middle of a storm, but the ship didn't trembled, it just continued normally.

Because Marco's immunity to weather was passively working, making it easy for Alice to go in the middle of it. And while she was taking the ship to Sentora, Marco was dreaming, but no one noticed a shadow beside him, who was quietly giggling…


Marco was in a road surrounded from many modern buildings, it looked like a city from his old world, but no one was there, it was completely empty, as if it was the apocalypse, but nothing was broken and no living creature was present.

Marco just continued to walk forward, unknown about what he was doing. Everytime he looked up, he would only see a blood red moon over him.

Marco: What the hell is happening…

?: Hehehehe…

Marco jumped from the sudden feminine giggle he heard, and an empty and creepy place like this didn't helped calming him down.

Marco: God be damned… The fuck was that?!

?: Hehe…

Marco turned towards left, and found only a shadow disappearing in a blur, Marco's eyes narrowed before he sighed and just hastily entered a random building, he then took the stairs and got on the roof of the building to observe the world he was in right now.

Everything was full of colors, many green plants, trees, neon signs, everything was colored, but it was empty. Marco smiled a bit and thought about a chair and a cigarette, which he put in his mouth.

Marco: ...It was a while that I didn't have any lucid dream…

Then he raised a finger and a flame appeared, turning on the cigarette, and he started smoking, since it was a dream he didn't felt anything, but it still calmed his mind.

Marco: I should have made some cigarettes for me when I was awake…

?: So that's how they are called…

Marco's eyes widened at the sudden voice and turned around, finding someone unexpected, there was a woman with a figure which could only be described with 'Attractive'.

She only had a small jacket which covered her really big boobs and her sides, that jacket was connected with black panties which made her figure even more appealing, she had purple long stockings and a dark blue coat which covered her shoulders and her back.

She wore fingerless gloves and a golden ring on her middle finger of her right hand, she had a golden collar and a red tattoo going for her left side.

Her hair were long and purple, her eyes were red, and had long pointed ears, she had a pair of sharp horns in her head, and had a pair of big red bat wings coupled with a tail that seemed to have an opening at the tip of it.

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She was a succubus, not a normal one, she was the Succubus Queen, the Heavenly Knight of the wind, Alma Elma.

When Marco finally comprehended who it was, he smiled and his smile turned in laugh, surprising her a bit.

Alma Elma: What's so funny?

Marco: I really didn't expected you inside my dream…

Alma Elma: You are the one talking… I didn't expected the Monster Lord herself piloting a modified ship…

Marco: Alice's doing what? ...Well, that's impressive…

Alma Elma: Yeah, she seemed to have fun… So I didn't disturbed her and I entered your room for a little visit… But the world inside your head is really different than anything I seen...

Marco looked back at the world once again before turning back at Alma Elma.

Marco: So… How do we do this thing? Should I try to kick you out from here or are you here just to talk?

Alma Elma giggled a bit and said.

Alma Elma: You can just relax while I will please you…

Marco: ...Nah, I still have things to do before dying…

Alma Elma: Alright… I heard from Granberia and Tamamo that you have some big capabilities, even if not enough to match us… So, how do you prefer that I start? My hand? My mouth? How about I squeeze you between my breasts…? Or… Do you want to start with anal?

Marco: ...Well, if I am defeated… I would like to start my last moments with a blowjob…

Alma Elma: Really honest, huh?

Marco smiled before he frowned and facepalmed.

Marco: Goddamn… I sounded like Gabriel before he sleeps with a girl…

Alma Elma smirked in amusement before she unfolded her wings.

Marco: Still… There is a mistake that you did when you entered here…

Alma Elma heard him but didn't said anything, and just flew towards Marco, who started to smirk.

Marco: In this world… I am God…

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Marco snapped his fingers and a really thick wall of steel appeared right some centimeters in front of Alma Elma, who crashed head first in the wall.

Alma Elma: Ouch! What was...

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself pierced by multiple sharp spikes that popped out from the wall, she suddenly spit blood, and even more spikes popped out, piercing her.

She tried to move, until a hole was made in the wall, revealing Marco with a desert eagle in his hand pointed towards her, he shot her, and Alma Elma blinked, finding herself back in Marco's room, where he would soon wake up.

Alma Elma took deep breaths due to the scare she got when Marco shot her, then she calmed down and looked at Marco once again.

Alma Elma: 'I should never try anymore to enter in a lucid dream…'

Then Alma Elma left the room, and outside she met with Alice.

Alice: How did it go?

Alma Elma: He played with me inside a lucid dream…

Alice was surprised a bit and said.

Alice: That's impressive…

Alma Elma: Yeah, being able to control a lucid dream like he does needs a great imagination and willpower. Well, soon he will wake up, I'll take my leave.

Alice nodded and Alma Elma disappeared from the ship, Alice closed her eyes and sighed before glancing back at Marco's room, then she stopped the ship for some moments and relaxed herself, looking at the sea.

Soon, Marco woke up with a yawn, and slowly looked around, confirming that Alma Elma was not there, then he stood up and prepared himself before going out from the room, and looked outside.

The sky was without any cloud, it seems that the storm that should be here disappeared with Alma Elma, then he found Alice looking towards a random direction of the sea.

Marco: Good morning…

Alice turned towards him and said.

Alice: Good morning my ass, it's afternoon.

Marco: ...Oh… Well, I will pilot the ship now…

Alice nodded while Marco walked towards the ship's wheel and pulled the lever, making the ship move again.

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At the Monster Lord's castle, Alma Elma appeared with a small smile.

Alma Elma: I'm back, even if defeated…

In the room she currently was, stood Granberia and Tamamo, the former had closed eyes and said.

Granberia: So he acquired the next form?

Alma Elma: He didn't used the tails you talked about, he defeated me in a lucid dream…

Tamamo: A lucid dream? That's impressive, so it means that he has a stronger willpower than you?

Alma Elma: It seems so, when I tried to take control of the dream, I felt a strong wall blocking my consciousness, I could just enter his dream and do normal things, but you would not believe about what I found when I entered his dream…

Alma Elma smiled while Tamamo and Granberia were curious...


Alma Elma was inside Marco's dream, she admired the desert city and the blood moon over her head, then she remembered what she came here for and tried to get control of the lucid dream, but…



*Recognized: Alma Elma*

*Status: None*

*The status is not high enough to take possess of Host's dreamscape*

*Warning: If 'Alma Elma' tries once again, the System will terminate the intruder*

Alma Elma was surprised, and suddenly felt a sharp pain on her head, then she took back her consciousness from trying to control the dream, she didn't wanted to try anymore because she was a bit afraid of what this 'System' was capable.


Tamamo: A System? What's that?

Alma Elma just shook her head and said.

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Alma Elma: I don't know.

Meanwhile, Granberia smirked.

Granberia: Alright, then I'll check him out myself…

Then she walked out from the room, but was stopped from Alma Elma's voice.

Alma Elma: Where are you going, Granberia?

Granberia: You already know. To test that boy again.

Alma Elma: ...She left.

Tamamo: Stopping a nuisance before it grows… That seems unlike her. But it's too late now, I think he grew strong enough to be able to go against us...

Alma Elma: I think it's just the reverse… By the way, where's Erubetie?

Tamamo: She shut herself up in Undine's cave. She enjoys soaking in the waters of her birthplace…

Then Tamamo smiled and said with an happy tone.

Tamamo: Shall I visit my hometown, as well?

Alma Elma: Granberia is going off doing whatever she wants too… Isn't this chipping away at the appearance of the Four Heavenly Knights?

Tamamo: Doesn't that include your actions, too?

Alma Elma laughed at Tamamo's remark, while the latter left the room, too.


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

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