Nine Tailed System

Chapter 2

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[1 year later]

Marco grew a bit more, and knew more people from Enrika, which were only friendly monsters like elves or dark elves, there were even some harpies and rarely some lamia passing there, Marco became a bit popular due to him being the son of the man who saved the monsters from Illias Kreuz.

About the Nine Tailed System, he wasn't able to do any progress, he was still stuck on the 'Start', he didn't received any special quest due to his situation as an infant. He was able to walk some months ago, and was getting better on his speech.

Soon he and his family would leave Enrika and travel to Illias Village, so they prepared the things, well… Marco's parents prepared the things, Marco was still too weak to help them even if he used 'Start'.

Lucifina was currently carrying Marco around the village to take a bit of fresh air, Marcellus was at Illias Kreuz to do his work.

Right now a dark elf came near them with a smile in her face.

Dark Elf: Hello Lucifina!

Lucifina: Hello Lona, how are you?

Lona: Good, thanks, sometimes hostile monsters come nearby but after some talk they got away, how is the kid here?

Lucifina: Marco is alright, happy as always.

Lona looked at Marco and tried to make a cute face to make him giggle, Marco sighed in his heart and started to act once again.

Lona: Hello Marco!

Marco: Hewwo!

Lona's heart melted at Marco's acting and started to hug him while screaming.

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Lona: He's so cute!!! I wonder how he will look like when he grows!

Lucifina: Heh, he will surely attract any girl when he gets bigger.

Marco: 'That's Gabriel's job, not mine… That fucker could easily make an harem if he wanted one, but he so fucking unlucky, especially with that bitch of Jeanne… No one uses my friends like that for fun…'

Jeanne was the 8th girlfriend of Gabriel, Gabriel had something like a curse, he would never get a normal girlfriend no matter what he would do, Marco remembered that Gabriel had 9 girlfriends, and no one lasted more than 5 months.

Jeanne was a bitch in one word, she would collect men like prizes, and go get fun with one at the time, when Marco found out about that, he was enraged and killed Jeanne himself before hiding the body somewhere and burn it.

Later he said everything to Gabriel and he forgave him since he thought that the girl was a bitch and should get punished too.

Now they were going home because Marco was getting hungry, while Marco started to eat with Lucifina's help, they were waiting for Marcellus to come, some days he would leave Illias Kreuz to get home and play with his son Marco, and today was that day.

But Marcellus didn't came yet…


It was night, but Marcellus wasn't there yet, it was strange because he was really strong since he was able to go all the way to the Monster Lord's castle and kill the 15th Alice, the Monster Lord.

Every Monster Lord from the Dark God's line would be called Alipheese, or in short Alice, the Dark God was the first Monster Lord, who was on par with the goddess in terms of powers.

And right now there was the 16th Monster Lord, Alipheese Fateburn 16th, daughter of the 15th… It would be a bit awkward when he, son of Marcellus, would meet with the current Alice, daughter of the previous Monster Lord, who was killed from Marcellus and his companions.

Currently, Lucifina was getting worried about Marcellus, while Marco started to cry a bit, it would still hurt very much when someone familiar to him would die, Marco knew that this was the day of his death, while Lucifina didn't…

Lucifina picked up Marco with a worried face and hugged him before saying with a soft voice.

Lucifina: Don't worry, he will come soon…

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[1 week later]

One week passed from that moment, but unlike Lucifina said, Marcellus didn't arrived yet, but the only thing that arrived was the rumor about his death, which shocked Lucifina, and cried.

Marco slowly walked towards her with a sad face and hugged her, he didn't wanted to see her so hurt, so he tried to comfort her.

Marco: Mama, don't cry… He will be in a better place…

Lucifina: *Sob* My son…

Then Lucifina hugged Marco between her arms while crying about Marcellus' death, the news reached the other people living at Enrika, who gave personal space to Lucifina.

[1 month later]

Lucifina and Marco left Enrika after saying bye to the monsters living at Enrika and Marco's aunt, Micaela, who was sad too about Marcellus' death, right now they were travelling towards Illias Village.

Since Marco was still an infant there wasn't any monster that tried to capture them, it would be useless since one was a woman and the other was a 2 years-old kid.

[1 year later]

Marco and Lucifina took an house nearby Illias Village due to the villagers being hostile to the two of them, it seems that Illias Village is xenophobic towards outsiders, but Marco and Lucifina were alright anyways.

During this time, Marco couldn't use yet the 1st Gate, but 3 years later he will be able to access the 1st Gate, it seems that since he lived a peaceful life, he couldn't get enough willpower to stay conscious during the 1st Gate like the System said.

Soon they were getting used on to live without Marcellus, even if it was an hard hit for both of them, even more so for Marco since he knew about it and couldn't do anything.

[6 years later]

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Marco grew up even more, he currently had 9 years, some things happened, like the free access to the 1st Gate, like Marco predicted, he was able to enter the 1st Gate without problems 3 years ago, which unleashed a big boost compared to his 'Start'.

It was enough to beat any normal monster of Illias Continent, and some from the south of Sentora, the 2nd continent, it offered some advantages, like the boost previously mentioned and the apparition of one tail.

He was able to freely manipulate the mass of red energy surrounding his body in that form, being able to create claws from his tail, extending it at a really fast speed, and his body turned hot due to the temperature of the energy, but it didn't hurt him at all.

His features didn't changed, he still had the slits in his red eyes and sharp nails, but the disadvantage of this form is that you need 30 seconds before using the next Gate, like a cooldown, it was really a bad thing since you need 4 minutes to enter the 9th Gate.

He obtained some informations about the System too, like the special mode: Berserk.

The System would set an objective to reach, and make the host fall unconscious while the System will do ANYTHING to accomplish the objective, even killing loved people, but he will be able to use the next gate, even if without control.

Surprisingly Lucifina didn't found yet about the System, maybe she stopped using her angel powers for too long and she can't sense many thing around her like before, maybe she can't sense anything at all except using her 5 senses.

Right now, Lucifina was working in the kitchen while Marco was cleaning the place to help his mother with the house, until Marco heard a sound of something heavy falling in the ground, it surprised him a bit but he walked towards the source to see what it was.

When Marco reached the source of that sound, his expression turned from curiosity to horror, finding Lucifina unconscious in the ground, near her mouth there was some blood, and since there weren't any visible injury then it meant that she coughed it out.

Marco rushed towards her with a frightened face and tried to help her, she was too heavy for his 9 years-old body, so, while she was unconscious, he used 'Start', and easily put her in her bed, then he waited for her to wake up while wearing a worried face.

Marco: 'It must be the illness that Illias sent… Dammit!'

While Marco was watching over Lucifina, in a pocket dimension where everything was illuminated from a bright light, there was a woman in a white dress and really long blond hair, she had 2 big blue eyes, her ears were pointed, like an elf's ears, and had different jewels over her.

But the most eye-catching thing of her was her pair of big white feathered wings, she was Illias, the Goddess. She was sitting over a throne, and in front of her there was a big mirror, she wasn't looking at herself, but to Marco and Lucifina thanks to some magic.

She was really interested on Marco since he was born, he was born with holy powers given from Lucifina, but somehow, his angel's bloodline was replaced with human bloodline, this greatly shocked her, but the shock didn't ended there.

She watched Marco surrounded from a thin red aura, and when he was alone he seemed to behave as if someone was ordering him to do things, but she didn't knew that Marco was a reincarnated man, so he already knew how to behave as a man.

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She was watching over Marco almost the entire time, and for a long time she wasn't surprised anymore from what Marco was doing. Until, at the age of 6, his aura increased and shockingly developed a tail made of the same aura Marco was surrounded with.

Illias started to think about what it could be, but when she tried to enter his soul to check what it was, she found something that would greatly shock her…



*Recognized: Illias

*Status: Goddess of this World*

*The status is not high enough to enter the soul of the Host*


At this moment, she felt a sharp pain in her head, and left immediately from Marco's soul, since then, she never tried anymore to do the same thing, she just observed Marco from the Heaven, somehow, Marco didn't knew about her attempt, because the system didn't told him due to it not being important.

It seemed that Marco didn't wanted to be baptized, surprising another time Illias, the only thing she could to to manipulate him would be to encourage him in his dreamscape, which seemed possible to enter without any problem.

One time she entered his dreamscape to see if she could or she would blocked from this "Entity", and fortunately she could, but doing that, she put Marco in a black place, surrounded from darkness, surprising him while Illias immediately left after confirming the limits of her powers over him.

When Marco woken up, he just shrugged and left from the bed, thinking it was just a strange dream.

Some time ago she gave Lucifina an illness, which started to make a big damage to her right now, her heart melted a bit from seeing that Marco was sad about Lucifina, but she stopped worrying after thinking about Lucifina using her angelic powers to save herself and turn back at the heaven.

So she may worry about him only as an important pawn, but even she would feel something seeing a child with a terrorized face.


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

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