Nine Tailed System

Chapter 23

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The King panicked, his eyes widened from shock, while Marco just smiled at Alice's action.

King: How can this be!?

Alice turned back at Marco's side with a calm gaze and said to Marco.

Alice: You can even forget about that sword, it is unlike anything this worthless king said.

Marco nodded while the King, still in his throne, looked at the ceiling with a blank expression and pale face

King: ...Ooo…

Marco: ...Are you ok?

The King didn't answered and started crazily laughing.

King: Fuaahaahoha! Ooo Illias. Look at what happened! Fufuhaha!

Marco: ...Let's just get out from here…

Alice nodded while looking at the king with an amused face, and turned to walk with Marco away, but the doors suddenly opened and revealed the guard captain, who panicked at the sight of the king.

Guard Captain: My Lord! What happened to you!? What happened here! Oh my goddess, the Goddess Sword! It's shattered!

The guard captain rushed to the king to support him and turned to Marco.

Guard Captain: Marco! What the hell happened here!?

Marco, with a poker face, said.

Marco: ...A man that called himself Madara Uchiha came here and broke the sword with a strange black orb that flew with him.

Alice raised an eyebrow at Marco's excuse, while the guard captain narrowed his eyes and slowly repeated.

Guard Captain: Madara… Uchiha…? Can you describe him to me? We can put posters of him in the walls of the city.

Marco nodded and said while holding back a laugh

Marco: Absolutely, he looked like a 30 years old man, he had white spiky and long hair and pale skin, he wore a flowing white robe with six black magatama markings across his chest.

A grey horn-like protrusions grew out of his left temple and overlapped his forehead akin to a protector with an upward-curve on the right temple.

Around his back there were 9 black orbs and he had a completely black shakujo, which may be possible that it could be another black orb which could change shape, and the most shocking thing about him were his eyes...

Alice was surprised about his description of a man he just 'Invented' in his mind, while the guard general tried to imagine him, and was surprised from his appearance, then he asked.

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Guard Captain: And his eyes?

Marco: They were completely purple with a black ripple pattern spreading all over the eyeballs… I felt as if I were looked down from a god… Unable to do anything except kneel…

Marco faked his fear, which convinced the guard captain, who asked with stupor.

Guard Captain: Incredible… Anything else?

Marco: Yes, the moment one of his orbs touched the sword, it broke immediately, without any resistance, and commented about how pathetic the sword was, belittling Illias...

The guard captain frowned, while Alice tried to hold back her laugh from looking at how Marco convinced the man with some words and acting.

Guard Captain: Such a man… How can it exist… We need to report it immediately, increase the security and search for informations about him, thank you for your cooperation, Marco.

Marco nodded with a serious face, and then left with Alice, the moment he was far enough, he started to laugh, while Alice looked at him strangely.

Alice: How did you gave such a description to this 'Madara'?

Marco: Well, he was a fictional character from a story that my friend told me about…

It was not a lie, Madara was a fictional character from an anime that Gabriel told him about, Alice nodded in understanding and followed Marco towards the library, trying to sneak in, when Marco suddenly remembered something important.

Marco: 'Now there should be Granberia that would test Luka, but I doubt that she would fight me aga-' *Crash*

He was interrupted when something violently shook the ground, and a guard came near another group of guards to report.

Guards: A monster is attacking!/ A monster?!/ If she attacked us, then she may not be a simple one… Do you know what monster it is?/ It's one of the Four Heavenly Knights, Granberia!

Marco: Pffff!

Marco was choking from his own saliva when he heard the name, and coughed while bending his body forward.

Marco: What the fuck?!

Alice: That was unexpected…

Then Alice stepped away from Marco, and something crashed at the group of guards, making all of them faint, Marco recovered from his saliva choking him, and turned towards the fainted guards, when in front of him appeared the familiar dragonkin which beaten him like a ragdoll when he had 3 tails.

The sudden appearance made Marco jump away in fright, and put an hand in his heart to calm down.

Marco: Holy crap… The fuck are you doing here?!

Granberia sized him up and said with a disappointed tone.

Granberia: It seems you didn't changed since our first meeting… But I hope that you got really stronger…

Marco: ...Oh crap baskets… You came here to challenge me?

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Granberia smiled at his question and answered.

Granberia: You are completely right! When I found out that you beat Alma Elma, I was surprised so I wanted to check how strong you got. Now, let's have a match!

Then Granberia took out her sword and pointed it at Marco, who started with his 1st Gate and took a serious expression.

Granberia: It seems you lost your fear… That's good.

Granberia waited for Marco to use all his gates, 25 seconds later he entered the 2nd Gate, and 30 more seconds later he entered the 3rd Gate.

At this, Alice's eyes narrowed while Granberia put herself in a stance, since this power was enough to make her serious, even if not to the level to use serene mind.

But, unexpectedly for Alice, Marco didn't moved, either he was waiting for Granberia's attack, or… He unlocked the 4th Gate…

Marco, 30 seconds later, smirked and said.

Marco: It's time to unleash the beast…

Then Marco was enveloped from a black orb which emitted black smoke, Alice was shocked, knowing what was happening, while Granberia didn't stopped looking at it, knowing that this power up was different from the previous gates.

When the black orb disappeared, it created a crater under his feet, and revealed the beast inside it.

But unlike the last time, the beast stood where it was, and opened its mouth.

Marco: I'm done!

A corrupted voice appeared instead of Marco's usual voice, making Alice flinch a bit, but was relieved when she found out that Marco was still conscious, Granberia was surprised from the change of looks of Marco, and from the power it was releasing, which was enough to make it hard for her to beat him.

Granberia smiled and said.

Granberia: I hope this will make me excite…

Marco: Don't worry…


From the ground where Granberia was, a claw came out and grabbed her foot, Granberia was surprised and looked at Marco's hands and then the tails, noticing that one was stuck in the ground.

Marco: ...You will not regret it!

Then Marco stretched his arm at Granberia, it suddenly got bigger and extended towards her, Granberia put her sword in front of her to block the attack while the claw at her foot released her.

When the other claw and Granberia's sword came in contact, she was flung some dozen of meters back, the claw turned at his original size to Marco and he sprinted forward, he was pretty fast, and reached Granberia quickly.

She didn't expected this speed so she just guarded herself, but she didn't expected that Marco used Thunder Thrust with his hand, and thus she was flung against a wall, crashing to the other side.

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If they were in a open space and not inside a castle, surrounded from a town, then Marco would have already thrown small mountains like toys and shot continuous weaker bijuudama.

But he couldn't destroy everything and kill many innocents only for a fight, even if he was not holding back with his strength.

When Granberia recovered herself from the shockwave made from her blocking Marco's thunder thrust, she looked at Marco with an excited smirk.

Granberia: So you can use the Cursed Sword Style, and a variation of it using your body… This makes things even better!

Then Granberia rushed to Marco, while he waved 2 tails forward, in hope to catch Granberia, but she slided under them and tried to use her Thunder Thrust, which was stopped from Marco's claws right in front of his face.

Then the other two tails smashed downwards, destroying the floor, but Granberia dodged, jumping before the tails could reach her, and then jumped from the ceiling to Marco's neck, while using her Demon Skull Beheading.

She was really near to his neck, but suddenly, Marco appeared at her side, still in air, grabbing her body and push it in the ground, making a crater under her.

Granberia: 'Too fast…! No… Wait…'

Then she noticed another Marco over the original, there was only the upper body of the other Marco, which was clear that he created another half-body from his original.

Granberia: Another Marco…?

Both of them looked as if they were grinning, and the second Marco entered back in the original.

Marco: You should be careful about what you don't know…

Then Marco crouched a bit down, and opened his mouth, from it, a orange ray came out and shot towards Granberia, who was standing in her feet.

It was another variation of the Bijuudama, it is weaker than the original, but it can be used as a ray, the dragonkin was shocked from the sudden attack and stuck her giant sword in the ground in front of her, separating the beam in two others, which penetrated the walls.

Outside, people were frightened from the sudden twin beams that were going from the castle in two separate direction.

Back in the castle, the floor in front of Granberia was ruined from the destructive power of the beam, while the walls had big holes despite the small size of the ray.

Granberia took out her sword, which had a small crack from blocking the beam, and put herself in her stance once again, but this time she took deep breaths and activated Serene Mind.

Marco noticed the sudden calmness around Granberia and narrowed his completely white eyes.

Marco: 'She is using Serene Mind… I need to be careful.'

Then all of Marco's tails shot forward and took the shape of claws and attacked Granberia, but she just took some steps and dodged all of them, surprising Marco.

Then she shot forward, her body was surrounded in a small wind, giving her more speed, and used once again Thunder Thrust, this time it was faster than the previous time, so Marco just dodged left, while a cut appeared in his cheek.

Marco looked at where Granberia should be while his injury regenerated, but she wasn't there, instead, she was behind Marco, ready to slash him down with Dragon Butcher Attack, be able to slash through small mountains.

But Marco was not stupid, if she wasn't in front, then she was behind, so he swung randomly his tails behind, but Granberia was able to dodge them anyways, even if she got away from Marco.

Granberia: It was good till it lasted… But I need to go now, I know you are holding back a bit, and I understand your reason. We will see each other in another day, good luck with your journey. 'If this goes on, then my sword may break for real…'

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Marco: Alright, at least don't tell anyone about this form…

She smirked in answer, sheathed back her giant sword and teleported away, while Marco deactivated his 4th Gate and kneeled in the ground while his dense aura left him and taking deep breaths due to being tired.


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

6th. Slap Lazarus' face


While the King was talking about the Goddess Sword, something crashed in the wall at their left, and everyone turned to find a man.

?: So that is the 'Goddess Sword'?

Alice was surprised from the gargantuan quantity of energy he was releasing, which could easily squash both Illias and Alice 1st together, the King was angry due to the presence of the intruder.

But Marco was shocked, he couldn't even breathe due to the identity of the person who crashed in the wall.

It was Madara Uchiha himself, in the six path sage mode, 9 black orbs were floating behind his back, and he was holding a black scepter with a ring at the top of it.

Then Madara sent flying one of his Truth-Seeking orbs to the Goddess Sword, which shattered in countless shards, shocking Alice and the King.

Madara: Tsk… Pathetic, I thought that it would be strong enough to take one of my Truth-Seeking Orbs… It seems that this 'Illias' is incredibly weak…

Marco: What… The hell?

Madara ignored him and continued to talk to himself.

Madara: No matter, I will become the new god of this world anyways…

Then he flew away from the same hole he made when he entered, the King was getting crazy due to knowing that the Goddess Sword is broken now, and the guard captain entered in the room to see everything destroyed.

Guard Captain: Hey Marco! Who did this?!

Marco: ...M… Madara Uchiha…


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