Nine Tailed System

Chapter 33

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Marco was able to see the barrier of wind and did nothing, literally, he just stood there without even activating 'Start'.

Sylph: Well? Isn't my wind amazing? Give up, and become my toy.

But Marco did nothing anyway, then he sat on a nearby stone and took out some bread and other ingredients.

Sylph: ...Eh? Wh-What are you doing?

Marco cut the bread in two and put some ham, cheese and other things inside, making a sandwich, which he ate peacefully.

Sylph: Y-you aren't even trying! Fight me properly!

She was still holding the barrier of wind, and started to get tired.

The moment Marco finished his sandwich, Sylph stopped using her barrier of wind.

Sylph: Ugh, no more…

Then Marco stood up before cleaning himself, then he flickered Sylph away.

Marco: I won.


*Special Quest[Successful]: Succeed on Sylph's test*

Sylph stabilized herself before glaring at Marco, and then she started crying.

Sylph: Fuuuuuuuu! You're so mean! No fair! You cheated!

Marco: No… You are just an idiot…

Sylph tried to hold back her tears and hatefully glared at Marco.

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Sylph: *Sniff* You are so evil…

She started to calm down, even if she didn't liked the method Marco used to win, she still lost and she would give her powers to him.

Sylph: *Sigh* Whatever, here is my power… When you need help, I will lend you my power.

Then she flashes brightly and then vanishes, a mysterious feeling was spreading throughout Marco's body.


*Congratulations for Host to obtain the Special Enchantment: Wind Manipulation*

*Fusing with Support Feature…*

*Host will be able to fuse the Wind in the Nine Tailed Gates to increase speed or create the new attack: Wind Style: Bijuudama*

Marco closed his eyes and suddenly started to feel the wind like it is part of him, he smiled and turned back to the edge of the forest.

At the place where he entered the forest before, there was Alice with a bored look on her face, then she glanced towards him and said with a nonchalant tone.

Alice: Hmph. It looks like you got Sylph's power safely.

Marco: Aye…

Then Marco smiled, and the wind started to strongly blow around him, since he controlled the Nine Tailed Gates, he was easily able to control to a certain point magic too.

Marco: I still can't do that much, but I can use it in fights. 'Like the one that will come REALLY soon'

Marco's smile turned into a frown, and started to feel something disgusting approaching him, it gave him goosebumps just from feeling it, he knew that a chimera should come now, but he didn't think that thing would make him feel like that.

Alice: I sense a monster… But not quite… Nothing beside Elves, Fairies, and that Alraune should live in this forest…

Marco: Well, we have a training dummy for my powers.

Marco and Alice turned towards a certain direction, and looked at the grass rustling in front of them, it broke through the trees and appeared.

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It looked like a dead blonde woman that is being parasitized from many different plants, there were violets, roses, tulips, sunflowers, and many other flowers, every single one had their roots inside the woman's corpse, creating an abomination completely different from what it should have looked in the game.

Marco: What… The hell…?

Alice: ...Another unknown monster…

Marco: ...Like the chimera.

Then the ivy and flowers of the monster shot out and attacked both Marco and Alice, the former avoided the attacks and used 'Start', while Alice blowed away the attack with her tail, and frowned.

Alice: What is the meaning of this?! Attacking me? Do you know what it means to attack the Monster Lord!?

Then she started to chant a spell, and created a storm of fire, but it looked like the chimera was immune to fire, surprising Alice.

Alice: What!? It didn't even flinch from my attack!?

Marco: *Sigh* Leave it to me… I still want to know what I can do with my new magic.

Alice: … Alright…

Then Alice backed away, letting Marco fight, he immediately used the 1st Gate and started to concentrate.

Suddenly, wind blown around Marco, he opened his eyes and bent forward, before shooting towards the chimera like a star, his speed dramatically increased, it didn't seemed like a speed that the 1st Gate should have, but it seemed like it came from the 3rd Gate.

Marco was able to reach the chimera almost instantly, and attacked, however, only his speed increased, his strength didn't changed, and he only knocked her away of some couples of meters.

Marco smiled at the results he obtained by using the power of the wind and took a boxer stance while making small jumps left and right.

Marco: I can do better!

Then Marco disappeared once again and appeared in front of the chimera, before executing an uppercut, stunning the chimera.

Immediately after that, he threw a palm strike to the chimera's abdomen, making it retreat some steps backwards, but before the chimera could react, Marco was again in front of her, and this time he twisted around his body, striking the chimera with his tail.

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The strike was pretty strong and made the chimera crash against a tree, snapping it in two, the upper half fell over the chimera, temporarily blocking her movements.

Marco smiled the entire time from excitement, and suddenly heard a familiar voice inside his head.

Sylph: Fantastic…

Marco: 'Oh, hello Sylph, you woke up?'

Sylph: No, I was just exploring your mind, and it is full of things, the last host I lent my power to had a empty mind, it was always blank, but there are even rooms! Hey hey, what is this thing with a black screen?

Marco: '...Just ignore it…'

Then Marco's talk with Sylph was interrupted from a vine almost hitting him, but he successfully dodged it, then he looked at the chimera that broke free from the tree and immediately attacked him.

Marco just twisted his body while extending his arms horizontally, he continued like this for some seconds and was accelerating, then a small tornado was created, all the attacks were repelled away, and when the tornado disappeared, Marco wasn't there anymore.

Now, with two tails, Marco was over the chimera, ready to smash her flat with his tails, which he did.

The body of the chimera immediately vanished into thousand of particles, and the leftover leaves and petals scattered around.

Marco deactivated the Nine Tailed Gate and stopped using the power of the wind, it was a bit tiring, so he took deep breaths while Alice came back.

Alice: Is it over…? What the hell was that thing…?

Marco: It looked like multiple parasites in a corpse, probably something like a chimera-zombie-plant…

Alice: You may be right… Still, your mastery over the wind is great for someone who just obtained it.

Marco: Meh, I can use my tails and bijuudama, I am good at manipulating wind because I was already manipulating other powers.

Alice nodded in agreement, then something else approached them, neither Alice and Marco prepared themselves because the presence wasn't hostile, they turned and seen a fairy with purple hair, wings and clothes.

Fairy: Did you beat that scary thing?

Then other fairies came out from their hiding places.

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Fairy 2: That flower monster is scaaary. When it finds you, it eats you…

Fairy 3: But they beat it!

Fairy 1: Thank you, big bro!

Fairy 2: Thank you too, scary looking snake lady!

Alice: S...Scary looking snake lady…?

Marco covered his mouth with his hand and giggled. Meanwhile the fairies slowly flew away… Towards San Ilia… Not the best of the places, but Marco didn't give a fuck.

Alice: So… Where is the next destination?

Marco: Where is the nearest spirit?

Marco answered with a question to Alice's question.

Alice: The closest spirit is Gnome, at west from here, but I don't know much about her position.

Marco: Alright, then we will stop for a moment at Sabasa Kingdom, in Safina.

Then Marco and Alice walked towards the next destination, at Safina, while at San Ilia a mess was happening, but it is their problem, not his.


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

6th. Slap Lazarus' face

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