Nine Tailed System

Chapter 62

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Marco, in drugs and in the 3rd Gate, was jogging around with a dumb smile on his face, while unconsciously avoiding slime balls aiming towards him, and threatening to kill him.

When the slime balls touched ground, they melted it before turning back to Erubetie, who was following him with a pissed off expression.

Stoned Marco: Lalala, lalala…

Erubetie: Stop moving around you stoned little runt!

Marco stopped moving like she said, and turned around showing a serious expression.

Stoned Marco: The little Karen thinks that she can talk to me like this? Let me show you my magic trick then, I'll turn this hand into domestic violence.

Marco walked towards Erubetie, who stopped moving and waved her hand, creating a tsunami made of slime which was thrown against him, but Marco swung his arm downwards while his aura extended and grew, forming a giant claw, which blocked the attack.

Erubetie was surprised from his strength, and was ready to get serious, but before she could swing her other arm to make an attack at her full power, a red flash passed beside her arm, and chopped it off.

Surprisingly, it didn't released any magical power, showing that Marco wanted to really kill her, Erubetie was shocked from his speed, and noticed a gust of wind surrounding Marco.

Erubetie: 'Is that… A spirit?! Why would a spirit make a contract with someone like him!?'

Marco's three tails coiled around her body and started squeezing, but Erubetie's semi-liquid body was immune to it, and easily crawled away from his tails, unlike the weaker slimes, her body didn't had any burned spot, because she was really strong.

Her severed hand turned into a humanoid shape and jumped on Marco's face, surprising him, and he tried to claw it off.

Stoned Marco: Ugghh… Karen! Remove this thing before I will put the bottle of beer in your ass!

Erubetie: Tsk… A damn human shouldn't be so overconfident.

Then she grew out another arm in the same place where it was severed before. And then she melded it in a slime spear, and thrusted it into a stunned Marco's chest, with the intention of instantly killing him.

The spear passed through his chest, and he spit blood, which was absorbed from the slime in his face, he regained a bit of his sanity with that hit, but couldn't move.

Sylph: NO!

Gnome: …!

Both the spirits in Marco's mind yelled in shock, well… Gnome isn't, but you got it...

The liquid-made spear immediately melted and entered his body, consuming him from the insides, and reached his heart, that she squeezed and popped, killing him.

Marco kneeled in the ground, powerless, and blood leaked out from his injuries and mouth, his eyes were losing life.

If he wasn't stoned, he would have easily dodged the attack and removed the slime on his face, he could have prevented this situation if he remembered to use Sylph's wind…. But it is too late...


*Status: Dead*

*Nine Tailed System will deactivate…*

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*Warning: The Kyuubi is going out of contr-*

The system's voice was interrupted from an interference, a bit like the last time in the Witch Hunt Village.

[In Marco's mindscape, beyond the 8th Gate…]

It was a dark place, one couldn't see anything beyond 1 meter, but one could see that the ground was made of dirt, it looks like it was a landscape of a hill under the lightless night, there was not even a star or the moon in the sky, nothing that could help with the brightness.

Even if the place was as black as the death, the noise that could be heard was really loud, it was the sound of chains, as if they were blocking something… Something dangerous…

But if the darkness was gone, you could clearly see a chained beast, it was as big as a skyscraper, it had orange fur, and 9 tails rampaging around.

It was Kurama, the nine tailed fox. And it was trying to break those rusty chains, which were connected from his neck to a pillar, the pillar was completely black, and it had the diameter of 100 kilometers, around the size of a small mountain.

Kurama: You think these rusty chains will hold me? How pitifully naive, I will break them soon!

Then Kurama turned around and charged a bijuudama against the pillar, the bijuudama continued to enlarge, and enlarge… Until it was as big as him, and finally he threw it at the pillar.

The explosion was immense, dwarfing the one Marco did the last time using the Wind Manipulation, but the pillar came out unscathered…

Kurama clicked his tongue, and tried to get out as fast as he could, as much as he hated humans, if the host dies, he's dead too, he has less than 5 minutes to gain the control of the body before he get fucked up.

Kurama: Let me out!!!!

But nothing answered back…

He was there since the birth of Marco, peacefully observing every single moment of his, when he saw that he could use his chakra without any problem, he was surprised, until he found out it was this "System" that helped him.

He was really angered, he was fighting with Madara, that captured him with his Sharingan and used him against Hashirama, and now he found himself into the mindscape of a kid!

When he checked his memories, he was shocked from knowing he was only part of something called "Anime", and his host was a damn kid that talked about friendship as if it was the solution of every problem.

At least Marco was not annoying like the blonde kid, sometimes he was even funny, depending on the situation, even if his dark humor was really creepy… And that was a lot coming from him, seriously, eating a fetus while giving an oral?

Just the thought would make Kurama almost puke, but he couldn't be distracted now, he needs to be free and regenerate Marco's body before his brain dies too and use it for himself, or he will be consumed from a weakling like that slime who pierced his body…

But his hopes risen when he heard a crack in the rusty chains.


Marco was in the ground, dead, and Erubetie looked down at him, she knew that the air around, which contained a strange substance, made something in his mind, and if he was 100% conscious, she feared it would be harder stopping him.

But now it was ok, he died because he revealed a weakness, which she used, she was ready to melt him when her body was suddenly cut in many pieces from wind blades.

She was surprised and thought that Marco was still alive, but she saw a figure floating over his body, it was Sylph, and she was not amused.

Sylph: I'll make you pay!

Then she created a tornado inside the cave, ready to shred Erubetie's slime body in pieces, but a barrier was created between the tornado, which disappeared at contact, and Erubetie.

?: Stop.

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Erubetie recognized the barrier as the Aqua Pentagram, and she and Sylph turned towards the source of the voice, finding another slime-like figure, which looked like a blue mermaid, she had long blue water-made hair that covered her right eye, and her body was completely sky-blue.

She was Undine, the spirit of water.

Sylph: Deeny!

Sylph flew in front of her and said with a desperate tone.

Sylph: Deeny! Please save Marco!

Undine: I…

Undine was trying to tell her no despite Sylph's tone, but two things changed her answer…

The first was the feeling of destruction coming from Marco's body, which was slowly increasing, and the second were Sylph's tears.

Undine: I… Alright, I'll try my best…

Erubetie was surprised from her answer, and asked.

Erubetie: Why?

Undine: First of all, I can't refuse a request from one of my only friends, especially when she is crying… And something is really wrong with him…

Erubetie didn't understand what she meant with that, but she closed her eyes.

Erubetie: ...Alright…

Then she turned into a puddle, and left from the place. Leaving Undine, Sylph, and Gnome who materialized too, with Marco's corpse.

Undine stood over his corpse, and embraced it, letting her liquids inside his body, and healing the devoured organs and bones, heart included.

She was at the natural habitat, which would make her stronger than normal, so in a few minutes everything was fixed, now it remained making the heart beat again...

But no one knew how to manipulate lightning, so they just manually squeezed the heart to pump blood.


*Nine Tailed System is activated*


*Body: Perfect conditions*

*Status: Dead*

*Conditions for restoration completed*

*Problems… Heart is not automatically beating, Kyuubi is unchained, possibility for Kyuubi to kill Host and take the body*

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*Solution: Upgrade System*

*3%... 9%...27%...*

*99%... 100%*

*Congratulations for Host to upgrade the Nine Tailed System 2.0 to Nine Tailed System 3.0*

*Problems… Heart is not automatically beating, Kyuubi is unchained, possibility for Kyuubi to kill Host and take the body*

*Solution 1: Medical Aid*

*Solution 2/3: Swapping the Kyuubi with a Nine Tailed Chakra Core / Chain him back.*

*Using Medical Aid…*



The spirits were surprised when Marco's heart started to beat again alone, and blood continued to pump in his body, they were looking at his corpse with a surprised expression.

[Meanwhile, in the Mindscape]

Kurama was able to free himself from the chains, and tried to take control of the body so he could use his own chakra even better, but something stopped him.

It was a message, in a game-like window in front of him.

*The Kyuubi will teleport back where he once was before he appeared here, accept?*

*[Yes] or [No]*

Kurama was surprised from this message, he finally had the opportunity to save himself and leave Marco here, but when he re-read the message, he got suspicious.

Kurama: Will I appear back in the fight with Madara and Hashirama?


Kurama clicked his tongue, either he leaves from this dark place and get sealed back in a woman's body of the Uzumaki family, or he stays here, still trapped here in a half-dead body, probably the System will chain him again, he was almost free the last time, when he used Marco's rage at his own advantage…

But that damned lamia, who is named Alice, ruined the things.

And now the System was basically telling him how to be killed, will he follow Marco, in a dark place, or will he follow the Uzumaki family, where he will end in Naruto's body, and become "Friends"(Kurama: HAH!) with him?

Kurama: Tsk… This can't continue… If I go back at my original world, there will be someone that could be using me to awaken the Juubi, which is worse than being friends with a little blonde human, but if I stay here, then Marco will surely do something when he finds out about me…

System, any other decision?

*The Kyuubi could disappear, instantly and without any pain.*

Kurama: …

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Kurama: Fuck this shit, I'm out… Use the third option, I will not take any chance...


When he finished talking, he disappeared in a pop, as if he never existed, he didn't felt any change in his body or pain, so it is better this option, he didn't really have anything to do. And if he really needs to decide if being a slave or die, he would have picked the latter.

In his place, there was a small glowing orb, which trembled a bit before it instantly expanded to the size of the pillar, representing the entirety of Kurama's chakra, it looked like it could easily destroy the entire Sentora if unleashed.

The orb formed some tendrils that connected with the pillar, which was starting to glow, the orb was finally absorbed from the pillar, who was glowing like the sun in the sky, revealing a beautiful world around it, with some trees around, a river, lakes, clouds, and some mountains far away.


Marco's heart was beating normally, which made Sylph and Gnome full of hopes, and surprising Undine.

But she immediately concentrated on his body and checked his functions, after a quick body check, she didn't found anything abnormal, and noticed that Marco was slowly breathing.

Sylph: You did it! Thanks Deeny!

She flew at Undine, who raised an hand and closed Sylph in a bubble, but she was still trying to hug Undine, even if unsuccessful.

Undine: Remember, I did it only because you asked me and I found something abnormal in him, I know you three are here for me, and I will agree to test him, but if he fails, then I will let Erubetie consume him.

Gnome nodded, agreeing with her, and Marco's body twitched.


*Status: Healthy*

*Congratulations for Host to upgrade the system to Nine Tailed System 3.0*

*Features: Nine Tailed Chakra Gates*

When Marco heard that, he immediately pushed up the body in shock, he didn't felt any pain except for a bit of headache, but he didn't care for it now.

Marco: '...Don't tell me...?!'


1st. Kick Gabriel's ass

2nd. Achieve coexistence between Monsters and Humans

3rd. Kill Illias

4th. Return to Lucifina's grave

5th. Visit every places in Illias Continent, Sentora and Hellgondo

6th. Turn back to Sabasa Kingdom

7th. Visit Kitsune Village using the Nine Tailed Cub System

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