No Moral

Chapter 133

“Hello, Senior Attorney Song. Did you come with Attorney Kang?” Yoonshin asked instead.

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“Yep. It was a waste not to, in this country that doesn’t produce a single drop of oil. I came in Sehun’s car,” Mihee replied.

“Oh… Is that so?” he asked back, his eyes fixed on Sehun’s lean body as he headed down to the front rows where all the partners sat. As if Yoonshin was invisible to Sehun, he didn’t once look Yoonshin’s way. The way he chatted with the other partners down at the front was coldhearted.

Mihee noticed that Yoonshin was preoccupied with the front row. She brought his attention back to her by asking, “Why are you alone here? This row is the extra seating, reserved for the office managers and other management staff.”

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“Oh, yes, because I have the least years of experience compared to everyone else on the team,” Yoonshin replied.

Mihee shook her head after glancing at Yoonshin’s seat. She didn’t seem to comprehend the treatment that he was receiving. “If it was by team, then you should be way up front. The corporate law department is always first in gross profit by a landslide. Are you being bullied by the other associates and staff by any chance?”

Truth be told, Yoonshin knew that he was being ignored, outcasted, and treated like a pro bono lawyer because he was sown into the firm by his wealthy family. However, in a broad sense, he truly was hired through nepotism, so he couldn’t complain openly about it.

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Moreover, he was directly assigned under Sehun’s care, and the partner lawyer had—in some aspect—approved of his utility, so it was inevitable that the other associates detested Yoonshin. Yoonshin grinned awkwardly and replied, “I think it’s better that I’m a bit further from my seniors. Thank you for your thoughts, but I will sit here today. You should go to your seat. Everyone is waiting for you.”

Yoonshin covertly sent a look, indicating his discomfort about talking so openly with her in front of his colleagues. Mihee, an expert at handling people, immediately caught on and gave him a look back. “Oh dear, I didn’t notice. Okay, since there are a lot of watchful eyes, let’s do as you wish. If there’s anything that you want to consult with me, I’m always free to talk.”

She patted his shoulders in encouragement and seated herself next to Sehun.

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When the seat next to him was filled, Sehun finally turned to look in Yoonshin’s direction. Naturally, his eyes met with Yoonshin, who was looking in his direction.

At that moment, Yoonshin felt anger surging in him. He averted his eyes. He thought, ‘Who was the one who said that he didn’t want fingerprints on his things so told me to not touch anything in his car?’

Of course, this was a long time ago, and Sehun didn’t treat Yoonshin like that anymore. But the moment he became aware of the difference in treatment of Yoonshin and Attorney Song, he felt more upset than he thought he would be. Yoonshin’s face turned mildly downcast.

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He knew that Mihee and Sehun had a long history together and that they were close. He didn’t know the details, but he had heard stories from Secretary Tak.

Mihee used her mother’s family foundation to financially support her junior, Sehun, since he was young. He never forgot her support, so in return, he chose to enter Doguk. Based on that, Yoonshin could extrapolate that they were quite special to one another. But Yoonshin was hit with the urge to know the particulars of their relationship.

When they were dining together for the first time, Sehun had tried to sound him out by asking if he had slept with Mihee. Perhaps he simply asked that to feel out what truly happened between Mihee and Yoonshin, but thinking about it another way, it was quite a baseless question. Yoonshin couldn’t ignore the possibility that this could be a very important hint.

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