No Moral

Chapter 138

“I saw it on the calendar on your desk,” Yoonshin continued.

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Sehun didn’t answer for a moment. A loaded silence ensued, then he said, “And when did you see that? You didn’t have time to be casually peeking when you were in my office.”

“Well, stuff happened,” Yoonshin said ambiguously.

“It’s my off-day. Didn’t this conversation end yesterday?”

“It ends when I’ve understood. Where are you going? You didn’t spend Christmas Eve or Christmas with me. I waited instead of complaining. But if you’re going to set me aside today as well, don’t you think that’s a bit cold-hearted of you? You can’t neglect me just because I’m a guy. We’re going out right now. I’ll tell you especially because you might not know how dating works, but couples usually meet on days like today.”

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“Are you saying that we should go on a date in the stifling sea of people?”

Yoonshin, in disappointment, let out a dry laugh. “Well, isn’t that a given? I have a half-day off today. I just finished work too. I’ll buy you an expensive lunch. Come out.”

“Not today. I recall that I explained that I needed to go somewhere today.”

“Where is that place then? You never go out, but where do you need to go today?”

“You don’t need to know,” Sehun replied tersely.

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“Don’t I have the most right to know?” Yoonshin asked imperiously.

“Hey, you’re… Never mind. I’m hanging up.”

Thinking that Sehun wasn’t being serious, Yoonshin was about to reply. However, Sehun had heartlessly hung up. Incredulous, Yoonshin tried to call again, but the other man refused to pick up this time. Yoonshin stared down at the dark screen, looking dumbfounded.

“Rude as always. Remedial services, my a*s. Your personality can’t be remedied.”

His rage reached a boiling point, and he roughly pushed back his bangs. The surface area of skin in contact with the cold air increased, yet his face was still burning.

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If Yoonshin dropped the hint that he was free this afternoon, Sehun could have asked to have dinner together, or if Sehun was very busy, he could have asked to have a drink together later that night, just to see each other. Yoonshin even offered to buy him lunch, but he was neatly rejected.

Yoonshin had no idea what in the world the older man had to do to make him so busy at the end of the year. It could just be his gut feeling, but Yoonshin felt like Sehun was hiding his whereabouts, which fueled his curiosity.

“What, how much more is he planning on earning? Fine, keep working your a*s off and become rich then,” Yoonshin said bitterly.

Yoonshin irritably shoved his phone into his coat pocket and stomped away. Resolute that he wouldn’t take Sehun’s calls even if he called later, Yoonshin took his phone back out and turned the power off.

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* * *

Upon arriving at the parking garage, Yoonshin looked around the spacious second basement floor. He was about to head to the central lobby, but seeing that Sehun’s car was still in Building A’s designated parking area, he stopped in his tracks. According to Secretary Tak and his sister’s secretary, all of Sehun’s cars were suspiciously black.

“One Mercedes Benz, one Ford, a Ferrari, a McLaren…” Yoonshin counted the cars in the order they were parked and stopped when he counted seven of them.

All of Sehun’s cars were parked in their place.

‘Did he use public transit? Or does he have a car that I don’t know about?’ Yoonshin thought.

The latter was more likely than the former. To add to the list of possibilities, he conjectured that Sehun might still be at home. Yoonshin unthinkingly thrust his hand in his coat pocket and fumbled with his phone, lingering with regret.

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