No Moral

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 - Mens Rea

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They called it a chat, but it was a sort of deal. Mihee looked like a very amenable and amicable person, but she never acted to her detriment. That didn’t mean she was a bad person. Strictly speaking, she was a colleague that Sehun was thankful for. However, her analysis of gains and losses was strict, so Sehun had never once thought that she was completely on his side.

“Here. You’re also an expert, so instead of explaining orally, it’ll be better for you to read.” Sehun turned his tablet PC to Mihee. Mihee thoroughly read the pages, scrolling to the bottom of the document. As she did so, Sehun felt his phone vibrating. It was from Yoonshin.

“I’m going to the hospital for the pro bono case. I heard that the child was all right, so I’m thinking of wrapping up the settlement. I’ll wrap it up nicely so no harm goes to you or Attorney Song. – Yoonshin Do”

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Sehun replied briefly, acknowledging receipt, then set his phone to the side when he saw that Mihee was watching him with delight in her eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Sehun asked, on guard.

“Say, how did Attorney Do know that President Cho started an affair with his same-sex friend? I tried to poke around here and there, but nobody seemed to know. My, my.”

“Directly from Soohan’s second son’s wife. And I also had some info in my hands.”

Mihee took a sip of coffee, glanced at the screen again, and added, “Then, this is from a verified source. Director Do doesn’t say empty words. Now, I’ve seen it all. What did the wife do wrong? Wow, but this is the work of Attorney Do, right? I heard that you made the other associates read his summaries. Every time I read his writing, I think it’s a piece of art. Right, last time, I happened to meet his high school friend, and even back when they were in high school, all the students passed around his notes to study.”

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“To pass around his notes at an international school like public property… So the fool who shared his weapons with others was right under my nose.”

“Even though he let others see, Yoonshin Do was still ranked top of his class. Isn’t that fine then?”

“Despite taking the entire elite package, I still don’t understand why he chose to be a human rights lawyer.”

“He’s just that kind of person, and that’s why you like him—because he’s someone who would do what you would never do. Well, I guess opposites attract. I also like Attorney Do the more I see him.”

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Sehun didn’t deny it. He brought his coffee mug to his lips. The brown fluid tasted more bitter than usual. The unpleasant flavor lingered in his mouth, making him grimace. His bad mood went unmissed by Mihee.

“What exactly is bothering you?” Mihee asked pointedly.

“I feel uncomfortable working with him,” Sehun replied.

“You were doing fine for a while, so why now again?”

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“I feel like I’m doing something horribly wrong, and I hate that feeling.”

“Excuse me, Attorney Kang, I just can’t believe what I heard. Could you repeat that?” Mihee asked dramatically, in disbelief that Sehun admitted that he was feeling guilty of doing something wrong.

On the other hand, Sehun only said out loud something that he had thought about for a long time. Since some time ago, Sehun was bothered that Yoonshin was growing more similar to him. Although he had never formed a deep, trusting relationship with Yoonshin’s father, Professor Do, he kept getting a nagging feeling that he was doing the professor wrong too.

Sehun knew that Yoonshin did not want to learn and imitate Sehun’s methods. The associate lawyer simply wanted to integrate into this firm and was struggling to survive. The firm was always a battlefield, and Yoonshin had to survive without a decent weapon to rely on, so it was natural that he followed the commands of his superior, Sehun. But Sehun knew that if Yoonshin was repeatedly exposed to similar situations, eventually, this would form part of his sincere intentions.

Sehun recalled a passage from the book that Yoonshin read quite deeply, Great Expectations

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