No Moral

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Pandora’s Box

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At a loss for words, Sehun scoffed, yet he didn’t deny what Yoonshin said. Instead, he asked, “So, what can you do?”

“The assailant is the president of a company. He doesn’t move alone and makes public appearances in various places. There might be someone who told him where all the blind spots are. Should I investigate the correlation?”

“It’s been two days since I’ve given you the file, yet you still haven’t done that?” Sehun queried, then raised his left hand. Yoonshin flinched and raised an arm defensively, thinking that the older man was going to touch him again, yet the other man scowled as he simply checked his wristwatch. Yoonshin felt a bit sheepish and averted his eyes. “Oh, I thought you were going to touch me again.”

“Your initial approach isn’t bad. The investigation in the disclosure is too clean. As you may know, there’s rarely a time where all the witnesses of the same incident have the same testimony. This isn’t murder, and it isn’t robbery, so in the perspective of the police, this case is insignificant, so they didn’t dig deep enough. You need to be open to the possibility that there could be gaps in the police investigation.”

Above all, it was likely they felt that it was too much work. Yoonshin never handled such a case, but he watched similar things happen from the sidelines. Plus, he didn’t say it to Sehun, but it was also possible that another lawyer interfered and made a deal with the prosecution. They were all likely possibilities.

“Okay. I think I can salvage something if I look into it deeper. First, I’ll meet the secretaries, especially the ones who personally follow the president.”

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“He hired a professional security company. The personal secretaries under him all have a close relationship, so instead of them, look into the employees at the security company.”

“I really should look at the company cash flow, right?”

“I already taught you everything. It’s time to hike down the mountain. I’ll be grateful if you write your resignation letter while you’re on your way,” Sehun said derisively.


Yoonshin thought that Sehun was being too nice. Their conversation looped back to the beginning.

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“We didn’t even reach the summit yet.”

“If you want to keep going, find something first. Then negotiate with or blackmail the president. Pressure the other party so that they retract the counterclaim against your client. While you’re at it, make them give some money to the client and apologize. Finally, go comfort your client on a white horse. You like that, playing the hero.”

Yoonshin had never threatened or coerced anyone before, but based on the prospective result, Sehun’s method was the best option. Even if he found evidence that the client was harmed, it would be the president’s first charge, and considering how light the sentence was in proportion to the nature of s*xual offenses, the president wouldn’t be greatly affected. Ultimately, it was better to be somehow beneficial in substance to the client.

Yoonshin gripped his briefcase and bowed his head in a way ambiguously in between apology and gratitude. Sehun stared intently at Yoonshin’s craned neck before he swiftly turned around and walked forth with no further explanation.

Yoonshin made a complicated face as he watched the other go. He was amazed that Sehun knew the case better than he expected. ‘I thought he wasn’t interested in pro bono cases.’

Sehun was someone who clung desperately to victory; yet he was more helpful to the client than Yoonshin, who was hung up with the evidence he could see. Honestly, it was a shock for Yoonshin, who had unconsciously felt a bit of ethical superiority to Sehun. He felt the tune of his mind transpose uncomfortably from harmony to dissonance.

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“Wait for me, Senior Attorney!”

Deep in thought as he watched the other’s slim frame grow smaller, Yoonshin chased after Sehun a step later.

* * *


Yoonshin went to work earlier than usual to read the file. He made a large arc in the air with his pen wedged between his long fingers. He couldn’t sleep well last night. What Sehun had said the other night bothered him and made his throat feel tight.

“You like it, playing the hero.”

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“How come everything he says is full of himself? That’s a talent,” Yoonshin muttered.

But in a different light, Sehun hit the nail on the head. With mixed feelings, Yoonshin resumed reviewing his documents. Funnily enough, he felt like he could find the path to the right solution by following the advice from his superior last night.

“I got the list of restaurants and bars that the client went to with the assailant… Checked the point of contact between the security company and the restaurants… I wonder if it’s possible to track the bank accounts of the security guards at the company?”

To track a person’s bank account, one would need to formally request permission. It was only possible if the investigation authority granted a search warrant. However, Yoonshin wanted to proceed covertly. He knew that the opposing party was the type to be thoroughly prepared when it came to legal issues.

He wondered if it was possible to secretly investigate through the professional investigation unit at a big law firm. He contemplated whether to ask Secretary Tak and looked up. But instead of just Secretary Tak, he also saw Sehun, who was listening to a brief of his schedule upon coming to work. As always, he was in a well-ironed suit. Sehun was perfectly put together at all times.

He was also always busy.

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