No Moral

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 - Promise To Meet

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“Okay, be careful on your way back,” Ikyung said before she hung up.

Upon ending the phone call, Yoonshin’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. Palms sweaty, he felt as though a thick fog filled his surroundings, obstructing his vision. He was scared, but there was nothing else he could grip. Yoonshin was feeling this hopeless—his sister must be having it worse. So, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her that he didn’t want to meet his potential partner anymore.

He was only coming back from a date, but why did he feel like he committed a crime? He felt guilty toward the woman, Sehun, and himself.

He let out a heavy sigh, and his expression grew cloudier. His eyes glazed over with tumult despite trying to concentrate on driving.

Was there any way out?

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There was one trick that could solve all his obstacles, but the only person who could do that was very defensive, so Yoonshin couldn’t find the right timing to bring it up.

“He said he didn’t care whether I wanted an excuse or confession…” As Yoonshin recounted the conversation after Sehun held him back, his thoughts became as chaotic as rush hour where cars were honking in all directions. On one hand, it was understandable that Yoonshin would be confused by Sehun. Sehun, who was always clear-cut about right and wrong, made a critical error. While he said that the risqué situation was a mistake, he mentioned that he was being shaken up by Yoonshin.

What were his true feelings?

Yoonshin wasn’t sure but figured it was both.


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That incident was a terrible mistake made on Sehun’s part, and at the same time, it was getting more difficult for him to handle Yoonshin. The cryptic words he left to the silent Yoonshin confirmed that.

“It’s getting harder for me to hold back.” Sehun had said.

‘What part of me is making it hard for him to hold back? He clearly wanted to kiss me…’ Yoonshin thought, then it occurred to him, ‘Does he want to sleep with me?’

Yoonshin’s imagination that was running wildly stained his cheeks red. Perhaps he went a bit too far. Although nobody was watching, he felt embarrassed, so much so that just then, when he saw the company residences, he swerved into the adjacent lane without thinking. He was so flustered and his change of lanes was so abrupt that it warranted the drivers nearby to honk angrily at him.

Beep beep! Beep beep!

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“Ack…” Yoonshin gasped.

Even though the speed limit was low, he could have caused an accident. He blinked his emergency lights a few times in apology and took deep breaths before turning to the entrance of the building.

He smoothly glided into the basement parking garage and parked. He felt like clearing his mind with some fresh air, so he headed upstairs via the emergency stairwell.

Upon going outside, he stared up at the extravagant company residence building. He aimed his gaze up at Sehun’s floor, then he observed it intently. He tried to shoot some telepathic waves at Sehun, who wouldn’t listen to him anyway, then quit, wondering what the point of it was.

Yoonshin headed to the right of the road toward the 24-hour café he frequented. He ordered a coffee and took a seat on the inner side of the café where the counter couldn’t see him. The residents of the complex usually used this place, and considering that it was late, there were no people inside.

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As he listened to the classical music tickling his ear while fiddling with his mug, Yoonshin took out his phone.

‘He’s not going to call till the bitter end, huh?’ he thought.

Yoonshin didn’t like to leave things hanging, no matter the subject. He found the other’s name and hovered his fingers over it before resolutely calling the other man. He didn’t have high hopes that the other man would pick up because he rested on the weekends, but Sehun responded quite fast.

“Yes?” Sehun answered.

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