No Moral

Chapter 92

After courteously ending his call, Yoonshin silently gazed out the half-open window. He filled his lungs with fresh air before closing the window with unwilling hands and went about his day.

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He mindlessly walked down the hallway, reaching the secretaries’ office in no time. Secretary Tak greeted him, at the ready, and stretched out his hands. “Attorney Do, you can give all your documents to me. I’ll copy them and return them to you.”

Yoonshin obliged, handing over the documents. Trying to disguise his exhaustion, he added, “The memory card for the dashcam is also there—please copy that as well. Could you keep the retainer agreement in storage? And could you look into the backgrounds of the complainant child’s parents? I want to know if there is anything in their academic, personal, or familial backgrounds I can use.”

“I’ll do that,” Secretary Tak replied.

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“Thank you.”

The photocopier started whirring, and Yoonshin leaned his arm on the partition of the office desks. His eyes naturally turned to Sehun’s office. The owner of the room was no different from usual.

Sehun, in his perfect attire and posture, focused on his work with a serious face as he rolled his pen in his hand. He looked flawless. Yoonshin was in awe of the perfection of Sehun, unattainable but for his extraordinary combination of genes.

Yoonshin propped his chin with one arm and stared at Sehun. But then, Yoonshin’s eyelashes fluttered with a twitch.

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‘Are we going out with each other?’ he wondered. He leaned further into his hand and narrowed his eyes. ‘Or maybe we’re not yet?’


They kissed, but Sehun didn’t profess his feelings or officially ask him out. To be fair, Yoonshin, who wasn’t sure of his feelings yet, didn’t either. They weren’t children—as adults with the capacity to consent, they could start with a purely physical relationship. All the possibilities were open.

‘Does he even like me?’ Yoonshin wanted to know what Sehun thought about him, but he couldn’t bring himself to ask, not wanting to add to the already negative impression he gave to Sehun.

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‘How do I make him ask me out on a date?’ he continued to wonder.

Yoonshin wasn’t sure if Sehun Kang was the type of person who could have a passionate romance. Before that, he wasn’t even sure if Sehun had the time for any romance at all. For the past few months, Yoonshin saw the other man every day at work, but they had no time to truly get to know each other. They merely observed one another from their offices. Their relationship to each other was formed solely through each other’s opinions that were far from the truth.

However, there was one thing for certain. Regardless of who Sehun was as a person and regardless of his feelings, Yoonshin was instinctively attracted to Sehun. Perhaps it was because they were such polar opposites.

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Yoonshin didn’t enjoy fighting. He became a lawyer simply because he liked untangling problems. Rather than accruing conflict with someone completely different in personality, Yoonshin typically smiled and avoided the other person. He didn’t usually chase after others like how he followed Sehun.

The discomfort that Yoonshin always felt around Sehun could have been Yoonshin’s animalistic instinct that his feelings could grow in an unimaginable direction.

‘Strangely, I feel like I can rely on you,” Yoonshin said to Sehun in his heart.

Knowing Sehun, he would probably remain aloof, unchanged, and unmoving. He would be difficult and arrogant as ever, yet he would listen to Yoonshin once in a while and give him hints.

Yoonshin’s lips trembled, attempting unsuccessfully to suppress a smile as he analyzed Sehun’s detailed and refined face. Yoonshin’s eyes landed on Sehun biting his red, bottom lip, seemingly frustrated by hitting a block.

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