Not Familiar

Chapter 21

A website like ‘Little Field’ is not something that can be casually accessed like a normal website, not unless you are a very powerful computer expert. But why would an expert be interested in things such as this?

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    Fang Huaining couldn’t figure it out, and quickly started to investigate. He checked the IP address of the person that had logged in and successfully located it, then found that the address was in city A, same as him and was only 40 to 50 kilometers away. From the location, it seemed that the place was quite familiar…

Fang Huaining couldn’t help thinking of that long, dark alley, with an old dilapidated apartment building at the end.

    So it was him? !

    But how could it be…

Fang Huaining understood almost immediately, after thinking about it for a while, he felt that was too careless when giving this USB flash drive, and had forgotten that there were a lot of messy things on it. 

But Li Ting was somehow able to pick this particular software and even successfully installed it, landing inside the Little Field. Fang Huaining couldn’t help but also admire it.

    Fang Huaining didn’t need to see it with his own eyes, he could clearly imagine it, an inexperienced petson, sitting there with a serious look on his face, fiddling around, maybe even searching up all kinds of methods on the internet, trying to install this damn thing.

The way he behaved, so stubbornly, There was really no difficulty that could make him give up easily.

    Thinking about it, Fang Huaining couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly. He clicked on the ‘Little Field’ again, and opened the accounting software detailing the operation records of the other party. 

This was just Fang Huaining’s prototype design. What he said to Wu Yi was not entirely wrong. He did have the idea of ​​helping customers by building a similar software. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to quickly collect so much information within a few days. But there had been no urgent need for action, so the content of this protoype design was very rough compared to the software that was actually meant to be used by Li Ting, and the functions were not completely designed either.

Somehow, Li Ting still found a way.

    Looking at the three extra records there, Fang Huailing felt a little helpless.

    xx brand mill handmade rice cake x4, ¥18.6

    xx brand flour 2.5kg, ¥12.5

    xx street supermarket carrots, 1kg, ¥4.0

    If it was somebody else that had invaded his private domain, even if they don’t get cursed out by him, they would definitely be thrown out immediately and then blocked.

    But now, looking at the trivial daily activity records, Fang Huailing just rubbed his forehead in an amused manner. This strong sense of reluctance was as if a fruit tree had suddenly started growing in an arsenal of knives and guns, full of sweet fruits, but despite knowing that it doesn’t fit there he was still a bit reluctant to cut it off…

    Fang Huaining attributed this feeling to the fact that it was not Li Ting’s fault in the first place. The responsibility lied only with him for not speaking clearly, and there was no need to blame others.

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    But how could he explain this to the other party? He must be using this software frequently. If Li Ting keept using it, then Fang Huaining would be able to invade the privacy of the other party’s accounts anytime and anywhere.

It would obviously be very abnormal, like a voyeur.

And ‘Little Field’ is much more difficult to use than the original accounting software he’d intended to give Li Ting. It runs slowly and consumes memory, definitely not a friendly app, so it was not a good choice for Li Ting.

    Thinking of this, Fang Huaining picked up the phone, but when he opened the communication software and saw the chestnut profile*, he put it down again.

[TL: Li Ting’s pfp.]

    Forget it, privacy or not, in fact, the initiative was only in his own hands. As long as he can control himself and not look at it, the other party doesn’t have to worry about this problem. After all, Fang Huaining doesn’t really use that function very much. As for the slow running problem… …

    He pondered for a while, then silently opened the background code.

    Let’s modify it.


    Once he started working, it was dawn outside before he knew it. Fang Huaining skipped sleeping, took a cold shower, picked up the books on the table and went straight back to the research institute.

    As soon as Library A opened in the afternoon, the administrator at the information desk saw Fang Huaining walk in.

    “Huh? Why are you here today?” Fang Huaining had come into contact with this person when he changed the operating system for Library A before, and the two of them were familiar with each other. “I helped you keep an eye out for the books you were looking for, but they were borrowed again immediately after they were returned.”

    Fang Huaining nodded, then put the books in front of her, and asked, “Someone used somebody else’s card to borrow the books for me. I have the library card here and I want to check the specific return deadline for these books, can I?”

    The female admin immediately said: “The earliest one was borrowed more than a month ago, and the latest one was taken yesterday.”

More than a month ago? Then it was before the summer vacation, which means that the person who borrowed books has been trying for so long and only yesterday they finally borrowed all the books? Who the hell would be so caring!

    “Who does this library card belong to, can you tell me?” Fang Huaining asked again.

Administrator: “It’s a sophomore from the engineering department in our school, named Liu Lei.”

    Liu Lei? !

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    Fang Huaining leaned over to look at his photo, although he didn’t recognize the guy with a strange haircut.

    Also, while it was possible for communication engineering students to come into contact with these books, but for a sophomore… it was too difficult. And there also a discrepancy with Li Han.

    If this person really wanted to gain favor with him, how could it be possible for him to do good deeds without leaving the name? ! Or was is it just the beginning? !

    Fang Huaining became more and more curious.


    The classes would officially start in a week, and for the next few days, the research institute would be on vacation. Last time, Fang Huaining helped out in Song Chuping’s summer camp project.

Therefore Teacher Song insisted on bringing him along when he invited the camp* students out for a meal. 

[TL: mtl gave me ‘camp’, but it likely refers to that project FH helped the prof. with.]

Opposite the institute, there were two restaurants with good reputations, and most school dinners were likely to be done in one of those two places.

    And since today was also the last day of work for the interns recruited by the institute, as soon as Fang Huaining and the others arrived there, they met Li Han and the other interns. Li Han was also in the same group as Song Chuping, but he basically never had contact with the teacher, and most of them had been invited out by senior brothers and sisters. 

However now that they met Song Chuping in the midst of it, he was very generous and wanted to settle the bill for them together, but Li Han only said that they didn’t need it.

    “My brother used to work here and he has an employee discount, he will come over later and we can get a discount, so we won’t trouble you, Teacher.”

Fang Huaining, who’d had his head down the entire time suddenly looked up to listen and saw Li Han.

    Li Han was also looking at him and seemed to have something to say, but Fang Huaining was immediately pulled away to the private room by a senior brother before he could speak.

    Song Chuping was very good at talking, and the people under him were also very good at talking. Fang Huaining was familiar with them, but after all, he was not in their team, so it wasn’t suitable to express any opinions on other people’s projects, as a result, he spent most of his time eating in silence, tuen later sat there and played with his phone afterwards.

    Originally he was playing games, but then he started to feel bored so he opened his ‘Little Field’ again. After browsing the code for a while, he felt that there was nothing new to add, so he poked around, and then accidentally, yes, really accidentally, poked open the accounting directory again.

    Fang Huaining said to himself in his heart: He was just looking at it casually, if there was anything inappropriate, he would never open it again next time. And then he continued to look at it with confidence.

    At a glance, there were indeed two more records added, and it could be seen that the little money fan was really conscientious and unwavering.

    What did he buy today? Toothpaste… He actually used the same brand of toothpaste as himself, but it was apple-flavored. What does apple flavor taste like? He also bought slippers, very cheap slippers… five yuan for two pairs? Can this even be worn?

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    Fang Huaining complained silently in his heart, then suddenly realizes, there were two pairs…

    Looking back at the toothpaste, it was also two tubes, Fang Huaining seemed to think of something all of a sudden.

    While eating at the other end of the table, Hong Yue suddenly asked: “Do you know what day it is today?”

    Everyone present was at a loss.

    Brother A: “Salary payment?”

    Brother B: “Dinner day?”

    Hong Yue shook his head: “Today is August 24.”

    Brother A continued to think: “Liberation of Paris?”

    Brother B: “Win95 is on the market?”

    Hong Yue was speechless .

    It was Song Chuping who spoke: “The Qixi Festival*, on the seventh month of the lunar calendar, you are really hopeless.”

[TL: According to my experienced danmei reading ass, Qixi Festival is similar to Valentines day in China.]

    Senior Brother A calmly said, “This festival has never appeared in our life schedule, how will we know?”

    Senior Brother B Suddenly pointed to the side: “Look at Huaining, his expression turned even worse than ours just now, he hasn’t found anyone for the holidays either, why should we panic?” Fang Huaining, who was named, looked up from the phone,

    He rubbed the space between his brows and explained: “I didn’t sleep last night.”

    “Wow, is it to prepare for today?”

    “Isn’t preparation supposed to be done to conserve energy for the night time?”

    “Too confident…”

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He really couldn’t stand the nonsense, so Fang Huaining turned off the phone and decided to withdraw first. Seeing that he was a little tired, Song Chuping didn’t force him.

    Fang Huaining walked out of the hotel and was about to take a taxi, but when he walked out to the sidewalk, he was startled by the sight of two shadows tugging and pulling in his peripheral vision. He turned his head and saw that the two were hugging each other, and it seemed… they were both boys? !

    But what surprised Fang Huaining even more was that the two separated quickly. No, no, it was the short one who pushed the tall one away, and cursed something unhappily. He seemed very familiar to Li Ting’s younger brother?

    Then the two started arguing, one said that the other didn’t care about him and wasn’t suitable for him, and the other said that the other didn’t like him at all, and that he was too cold recently. In short, ‘you push and I pull’, Fang Huaining couldn’t listen to the content very carefully, because his mind was agitated due a certain reason.

    He had known about things similar to this*, and although he does not reject it, but there is no such relevant group around him, and Fang Huaining had never seen it with his own eyes, so it was indeed a surprise to him, the sudden incident from just now.

[TL: Homosexuality]

But what shocked Fang Huaining the most was still the other party’s identity, since he turned out to be…Li Ting’s younger brother, and his voice occasionally sounded like Li Ting in a few sentences, which made Fang Huaining feel confused.

    When he came back to his senses, the tall boy had already left, and Li Han was squatting on the ground crying.

    Fang Huaining watched his back silently, then suddenly turned his head as if sensing something… and saw Li Ting standing not far away.

    He didn’t know when he arrived, and he whether he watched the whole farce quietly, but there were no ups and downs on his face.

    Sensing the gaze from the other side, Li Ting looked over keenly.

    Faced with such a cold gaze, Fang Huaining didn’t know why, but he felt a little hot when he met his eyes for a moment…

    Author has something to say: Answers to a few questions that everyone is more concerned about;

    1. At present, there are more of the gong’s perspectives, because Li Ting’s personality needs a process of progressive understanding. But as for the complete article, Li Ting’s portion will still be a little bit more.

    2. This article is not a sweet article, nor is it a cruel article. [Nervous.jpg]

    3. There are conflicts in the plot, and there is also a little blood, but I won’t diverge too far while writing it and scare everyone.


Li Han seems like a player to me somehow, smh

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