The young ladies of Group 1 were waiting with their horses not far away.

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They began to chatter excitedly as Ellen arrived.

“Oh my, young lady. What a thought!”

“Did you see the Duke of Krembel jump to his feet?”

Myers interjected.

“I’m afraid he’s going to do something.”

She sounded genuinely concerned, and then turned to Ellen with a kind smile.

“Lady Kryant. I’d like to talk to you a little more. Do you think you’d be willing to give me some time?”

“Of course.”

It was an offer Ellen had no reason to avoid.

She, too, was curious as to why these youngsters were so favorably disposed toward her.

With a nod of approval, Myers led her to Ellen’s tent.

The others who were present decided that they were not a part of the group, and after saying their goodbyes, dispersed to their respective tents.

Out of some inexplicable goodwill, Ellen chatted with Lady Myers.

The horse’s red mane is very pretty, he must be a much-loved child, and your horse has a very clean coat…

Such words were exchanged.

A hand grabbed her shoulder ferociously from behind.


Ellen’s body jerked as she was suddenly yanked backward.


Lady Myers let out a low exclamation.

It was something along the lines of, ‘Oh my God, really?’

“… I’ll tell His Highness separately, so let’s go home. Really… You must be very tired.”

Gillian opened his mouth, channeling his anger as best he could.

“Lady Myers. I’m sorry, but I think she needs to go home now, so you can save that for another time.”

He said, trying to sound nonchalant.

But he didn’t loosen his grip on Ellen’s shoulders.

Gillian was about to drag her away.

“My God, look at Lady Kryant’s complexion!”

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Gillian’s exclamation was met with a hint of annoyance.

“… Kryant?”

“You can’t be this pale, you need to get to the infirmary.”

“I’ll take care of that. And let me correct one thing. This is Mrs. Krembel, who is already married to me. Be careful with your titles.”

Having issued a congratulatory order with the gesture typical of an arrogant person, he turned his back as if he had nothing to deal with with a mere count’s daughter.

“… It’s not to the extent that you have to work hard. If my complexion doesn’t look good, it’s probably because of the pain in my shoulder.”

“Oh, I see.”

But Ellen’s next words undid his efforts.

Lady Myers stared at Gillian as Ellen echoed her words.

Are you going to let go of that hand?

Their gazes met with an unspoken question.

Gillian gritted her teeth and released her grip on Ellen’s shoulder.

Once free of his grip, Ellen patted herself on the shoulder.

“Lady Myers has agreed to have tea with me, so you don’t have to.”

Gillian sighed loudly, as if he were troubled.

“No, it is the duty of a husbanded to mind his wife’s business. Go back to bed and get some rest.”

“No, that’s okay, I’ve never gotten the memo.”


She could see that Gillian’s anger had reached its limit.

But even so, he was keeping his temper in check.

No wonder.

There were too many eyes in this place.

Nobles who had been glancing in their direction since the first time Lady Myers had shouted, were now gathering in large groups to watch them.

And such an uproar would surely reach the ears of the crown prince, who was presiding over the event.

For that reason, as soon as Caden heard the report, he made his way to the scene with terrifying speed.

He walked as fast as he had run and grabbed Gillian’s shoulder.


With a jerk, Gillian was yanked backward.

Their gazes met squarely, their eyes level.

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“Your Highness?”

“… If you act like that, what am I supposed to do? Keep it together.”

Caden warned in a low voice.

Gillian’s expression hardened at the chilling words.

He took a deep breath and spoke.

“… I apologize, Your Highness.”

Gillian’s fists clenched as the realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

“Alright. I hope I never have to brush with you again in this venue over the same issue.”

“Yes. Your Highness.”

Gillian bowed, apologizing again at the warning in Caden’s voice.

He felt a sharp pain on the inside of his hand.

Realizing he’d been clenching his fist, Gillian reluctantly loosened his grip.

‘I must not be found out yet.’

Not yet.

He was supposed to be the crown prince’s loyal confidante.

But even as he vowed this, his boiling eyes remained fixed on Ellen.

* * *

“I apologize. I should have paid more attention.”

Caden said, pressing a hand to his head as if he had a headache.

“I’m really sorry. I was the one who asked you to stick around if you could…”

“No, I was the one who insisted on going to the game, and besides, it’s not like it’s hard to hold your own in a crowd like this.”

Ellen shrugged lightly.

Caden felt his teeth clench.

He was really upset, and she was being so casual about it, like it was no big deal.

“That’s fine. Is your arm okay?”

Caden asked with a hint of annoyance, and Ellen circled her wrist to check her condition.

“It’s going to be a little stiff for a while.”

“Why don’t you play it a little safer?”

“I will do my best not to cause trouble to Your Highness. Don’t worry.”

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Ellen recalled that he had seemed a little unhappy when he had picked hrt up by carriage the other day.

“Your Highness is paying his part of the bargain by keeping Duke Krembel out of my hands. I’m not going to bother you any more than that, so don’t worry, really.”

At her firm words, Caden opened his lips to say something more, but soon let out a small sigh.

“Hooh… Anyway, it seems that Gillian is under a lot of pressure. Outside where eyes gather like this, aiming for a time when only the young ladies are together.”

“Exactly. Fortunately, it looks good.”

Caden asked, looking like he didn’t know what the hell he’d just heard.

“… What did you say?”

“I said it’s nice to see, isn’t it, walking into a scheduled trap and floundering…”

At Ellen’s words, Caden made a face that looked like he was tired of her.

“Well, I’d better get going, then. Lady Myers has been waiting too long.”

She glanced over to where Lady Myers was waiting, and Caden saw the desperate glances she was giving him.

“Oh, well, I’ll be there in a moment, but you must stay with Lord Cheshire until then.”

“As you wish.”

Ellen bowed with a faint smile.

Returning to Lord Cheshire’s tent with Lady Myers, she made a brief excuse and offered her apologies.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Lady Myers.”

Ellen said, laying her hand over Lady Myers’s spindly fingers.

“But thank you for being there for me.”

She laid her other hand on top of her and smiled.

“No. Do you think I was helpful by being there?”

“Of course.”

Ellen said, and she meant it.

Appropriately yelling, appropriately angry.

It was what those without power and force could do, and the young lady Myers from a moment ago had filled that role.

“You see, I’m pretty perceptive.”

As if that wasn’t intimidating enough, she was genuinely amused.

“You are, and I’m sitting here because of you, so thank you.”

Ellen bowed again, and Lady Myers chuckled softly.

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“Lady Kryant. Don’t you wonder why I’m so benevolent?”

She asked in a very questioning tone, out of character for her bright face.

“I consider myself to be the best of all the women of my age, both in family and in education.”

It was a statement that could have been read as conceited.

But there was a gleam in Lady Myers’s eye as she said it.

“I want a word with the young master of Kryant.”

“Talk? You mean with Elsie?”

“Yes. Keep him around. I’m sure you’ll find it helpful.”

“… Have you ever met my brother, Elsie?”

“No. I’ll be meeting him for the first time today.”

“But why?”

“Because marriages between nobles are made on that alone.”

A bitter light shone through Lady Myers’s eyes.

“I have heard, I have seen… Above all, it is a family that raised someone like the Lady. My mother and I consider Kryant the best marriage match.”

“If it’s at the level of the young lady, it’s worth considering marriage talks with the Marquis of Avalanche or the Marquis of Port, who are currently single.”


She said firmly.

“I at least won’t be marrying into a family of marquis or higher.”

This is also my mother’s will.

There was a hint of sadness in her eyes as she said it.

House Myers is one of the core factions of the neutral faction.

The patriarch, Count Myers, is close friends with the Marquis of Avalanche, the leader of the neutral faction, and they help each other defend the neutral faction’s territory.

So, as Myers’ daughter, she had no choice but to marry a typical aristocrat within the neutral faction, solidifying the solidarity of the same faction.

Ellen pondered over what had never happened before.

Is this the future I have changed?

“I hear what you’re saying, and it’s something I’d welcome, but I’ll need the input of my brother and father.”

“I understand.”

“Well, I’m glad you say that, so shall we be friends first?”

The two women looked at each other and smiled

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