Words spilled from the crown prince’s mouth in a stuttering stream.

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Unable to even finish a full sentence.

Whether it was shock or anger, it was clear that he would not escape the memory of today for some time.

‘That’s enough.’

Ellen was satisfied that she had elicited the reaction she wanted.

“Mr. Caden.”

It was a very quiet, calm voice, out of character for the situation.

Ironically, it seemed to jolt Caden out of his reverie.

He spoke, his accent somewhat more subdued than at first.

“The joke is going to far. What the hell is this…”

“What do you mean a joke. When you put it that way, I think my loyalties have been distorted.”

“What? Loyalty? No, you…!”

His voice, which had barely subsided, raged again.

He flinched, surprised at how loud he’d sounded, then closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply, hoping to calm his anger.


Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.

It was a very fictitious effort, but it was clear that the action was intended to be peaceful.

But that didn’t mean she had to wait for his response.

“Right. If I were you, I would have been excited about how many more illegal organizations like this exist, and my worries would have disappeared quickly.”

How many other places like this?

Her stealthy voice was very low, but it was enough for the one person in front of her to hear.

The crown prince’s mouth dropped open, as if he were about to shout, but then stopped.

Ellen’s straight eyes met his shaky ones.

“A place to collect money away from the eyes of the imperial family. Someone who dares to commit murder, most likely with a high degree of probability, in a province that is not their own, and is confident that they will not be discovered by the imperial family.”

This is the wedge.

“… Who do you think is?”

Confusion filled his eyes with restlessness and suspicion.

He spoke, his voice trembling.

“Have you lost your mind? What do you mean? What is the basis for tying this place to the murder case during the day?”

“I don’t know. Why?”

Ellen thought.

She will not let Killian accomplish what he wants, not in this time.

An unfortunate emperor who will lose his life to Killian Campbell in the distant future. Caden Istacio.

Today, Ellen showed him the sword Krembel had been hiding.

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“I’m… getting a divorce.”

At her crisp words, the crown prince gritted his teeth and growled in a somewhat raspy accent.

“… This is absurd. You make it sound like Krembel is to blame for everything.”

“It would be pointless for me to tell you. You have a heart for your people, and I’m sure you’ll figure it out for yourself.”

The crown prince is not stupid.

He may be furious right now, but he will eventually realize that this is a problem that can only be solved by catching the people behind it.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see myself out.”

There was no need to stay here any longer.

She headed for the exit first.

The gaze on her back was sharp enough to pierce her heart.

But even so, the crown prince did not question her about anything that day.

* * *


“Ha, you’re really going around in circles.”

Caden Istacio, the current Crown Prince of the Istacio Imperial Family, muttered to himself as he recalled the events of the previous day.

His eyes stared blankly ahead, his lips pressed tightly together.

Pale cheeks that were almost too pale to be warm to the touch, and well-defined eyebrows that exuded coldness.

‘’… That was not the face of someone who was supposed to be entertaining me.’

Gambling had never been her purpose in the first place.

Caden thought of the woman yesterday, who could only be described as eccentric.

Come to think of it, he heard the divorce announcement yesterday.

He let out a sigh that rose from deep within him.

‘Divorce is one thing, but it’s not the most pressing matter at the moment.’

He had been deep in thought ever since his return to the palace the day before.

Why had she taken him to such a place.

What the hell was that place.

And why the reports of security problems in the imperial capital didn’t reach him.

The Imperial Guards are not blind.

They’re good people.

So there were only a few people who could run a gambling house of that size, with security that exceeded theirs.

‘For example, the Duke of Krembel, Killian Krembel…’

But he quickly shook his head in disbelief.

‘No, there’s no reason for that.’

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Killian’s marriage to Kryant in the first place had been for financial security.

In other words, he had no reason to do so now that his wife, Kryant, was alive and well.

Especially not while hiding it from his lord and best friend.

‘Yeah. That kind of thing suits damn Crescent.’

He thought of his half-brother, who wore his silver hair like a badge of honor.

“If it’s that kid, it’s enough for him to do that. But…”

That still leaves him with questions.

For example, how could a woman who was only a socialite know about a secret that even the Imperial Guards couldn’t catch?

‘If she had obtained information about Crescent from the outside, I might not have believed it, but if she was an insider who shook hands with that bastard, then it’s somewhat convincing that she could access the information.’

But it was strange as it was.

If it was Crescent territory in the first place, and she was acting as an agent of Crescent, why didn’t they kill them when they saw them setting foot in it?

But if you take Crescent out of the equation, what you’re left with is Killian Krembel.

And Killian has no reason to do so.

“Oh, shit.”

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

This is why he’s being completely manipulated.

If her purpose was to distract him with stress, she succeeded admirably.


The raven that had been watching over the crown prince, who had been rolling around in his bed since morning, huffing and puffing, appeared at his call.

Quietly appearing and bowing, Caden told the raven who had come to visit him about his decision.

* * *

Late morning, a day later.

Ellen was relaxing in her luxurious hotel room when a knock on the door caught her ear.

“Count Kryant is waiting for you in the lobby on the first floor.”

She thought it was an announcement that the luncheon was ready, but it was her father’s visit.

Ellen’s heart began to thump rapidly in her chest.

‘Father, father.’

He had arrived much sooner than she had expected.

He must have left as soon as he received her letter.

Ellen turned to the messenger.

“Bring him here.”

The messenger bowed politely and headed for the stairs at a brisk pace.

Three minutes at most.

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The short trip to the first floor now seemed like an eternity.

As she paced near the front door, another knock sounded.

She opened the door and flung it open.


Daniel Kryant. Her father, who was beheaded for treason.

“Are you okay? What the hell happened? Your letters don’t make any sense…”

There was no sign of pain, just a familiar face, the one she longed for so desperately, the one where everything was whole.

“… Dad.”

The haste with which he had organized the visit was evident by the fact that there were only two knights standing outside.

She thought of her father, who must have rushed out in alarm at the news of his daughter’s divorce.

Father, father. Ah ah, my father, who died in agony.

“All right, then. Let’s go inside and talk. I need to tell you how things are… Ellen!”

She tried to hold it together, but it was impossible.

Her brow narrowed, her eyes gazed heavenward, and a feverish heat rushed to the tips of her eyes and nose. Her tear ducts failed within the bell, and she buried her face in her father’s arms.

“My God, Ellen. Don’t cry. Let’s talk about this one step at a time…”

The same sweet, soothing voice that had held her when she was so small rang in Ellen’s ears.

She hadn’t shed a tear since her death, but for that moment, in her father’s arms, she burst into tears as if a dam had burst.

* * *


“Now, let me hear your story. What on earth has happened to you?”


Her eyes were a little puffy, and the corners of her eyes and the tip of her nose were twitching.

But with a determined look, Ellen spoke.

“I’ve already told you by letter, I’m divorcing Lord Krembel.”

Daniel let out a muffled groan.

He’d seen the letter, but he hadn’t expected her to actually do it.

“Krembel is a sinking ship, and it’s time to get off.”

The girl who used to cuddle in her father’s arms and talk about the fairy tales she read that day, now realizes that such a world exists only in fiction.

“As for how far Krembel is looking now, and what he plans to do. Does your father know?”

“No… I’ll try to keep it to myself.”

“He has his eye on the throne, Father.”

Daniel stared at her, his heart racing.

No way. That would mean he’s planning a rebellion.

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“He’s a man who believes that numbers are enough, and he believes that what he wants will fall into his hands if he kills the person who owns it.”

“… You speak of him as if you knew him very well.”

“I do, but only because I have the title of the Duchess of Krembel.”

Ellen laughed bitterly.

“His ambitions are beyond our means, and even if we were to support him in achieving them, he would not be gracious to us; he would prefer to kill and rob us, as he has done so far.”

“… So what you had in mind is a divorce?”

“Yes. We can no longer allow our money to flow to Krembel.”

Daniel sighed at her firm answer.

“I see. Let’s say there’s a problem with Krembel and the divorce. What happens to our family after that? Will our family be exposed to Krembel’s retaliation or be pushed out in the power structure that comes after?”

It was a harsh word.

At least not to his daughter, who burst into tears at the sight of her father.

Daniel felt contempt for himself as a father who could only say these words.

But it was the reality.

Hard work and wealth meant nothing without honor and power.

Because that’s how he lost his wife.

“… I have plans in place. By supporting Krembel, we are not supporting the crown prince directly, but we will remain in the Crown Prince’s faction by directly providing financial aid to His Highness.”

Daniel smiled bitterly.

If this was going to work out so well, he was more than willing to give her what she wanted.

If only it were really possible.

“So you’re willing to stay with the crown prince’s faction while avoiding Krembel’s retribution? If that’s possible, I suppose you don’t have to stay married.”

“I will propose a deal to His Highness.”

“You’ll offer His Highness a deal? What deal… no, first of all, how?”

“You’ll meet Duke Krembel occasionally. I’m not asking you to believe me blindly. If you give me some time, I will prove it to you. After all, I am my father’s daughter.”

Ellen looked unyielding before her father.

She was not such a meek and foolish girl as to miss the opportunity that now presented itself.

Information about the future was something that could turn chance into certainty, and that was the power that Ellen Kryant had gained in this life.

“Time… Yes, time. How long have you been thinking about it?”

“Two months, if possible, but I’m sure my father will be able to find more time than that.”

“Two months… It’s going to be hard, but it’s not impossible. Okay. I’ll believe you.”

Having said that, Daniel quickly got up to hide his face.

Remorse, gratefulness, flattery, bitter…

He didn’t want his daughter to see a face that was a mess of emotions he couldn’t even begin to comprehend.

Ellen’s head rose with Daniel’s as he stood up, but he once again hid his face from view by placing his hand on his daughter’s head and stroking it.

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