Nurarihyon no Mago

Chapter 3

Nurarihyon no Mago 2nd Novel: The Story of Edo’s Nura Gumi

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Story 3: The Story of Kyoto’s Youkai
Chapter 1
---Sigh, this is troublesome.
Keikain Ryuuji thought to himself as he glanced at his partner walking next to him.

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Rather than calling it a ‘glance’, it would be more accurate to call it a ‘stare’. His partner is really tall, and had handsome features and could be termed a ‘Bishounen’; but he had a quiet nature and this made it difficult for others to tell what he was thinking.
Like Ryuuji, he was wearing a black wind resistant cloak. Inside, he wore a western suit and a pair of high boots. He was also wearing arm guards and compared to Ryuuji, who was wearing wooden Geta, he was dressed quite conservatively.
Keikain Mamiru---that is the name of Ryuuji’s partner.
At night, the two of them are currently patrolling Kyoto’s suburbs. Normally, Ryuuji would not bring someone along when he is patrolling, and always does it alone. This is the first time he brought Mamiru out for patrols.

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The one who wanted Ryuuji to bring Mamiru out, was the Head of the Keikain main house, Hidemoto the 27th, also Ryuuji’s grandfather.
This happened in the day. Hidemoto called Ryuuji, and sat down in his room, face to face with Ryuuji.
“Ryuuji, do you know of Mamiru from the branch family?”
Hidemoto asked.

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“Yes, I know him. But we haven’t met recently. Is he doing well?
“Yes, he is fine. Mamiru’s training is starting to bear fruit, he is almost ready to do his duties on his own now.”
“Oh? Training, is it? I wonder what kind of training it is.”
Ryuuji’s tone was sarcastic. But Hidemoto ignored it, like he didn’t wish to discuss that incident with his grandson, and went straight to the main point.

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“Ryuuji, can you take him along when you patrol?”
Hidemoto said.
“Bring Mamiru along? Why?”
His Onmyoji abilities are already very strong, he’s just lacking in actual practical experience. Letting him go on patrols, and letting him fight youkai is the fastest way for him to gain experience. So, I want you to bring him along when you make your rounds.”
“I see. Letting him go on patrols with me, so that I can watch him while he fights his first battles? But, why me? Mamiru is from the branch family, shouldn’t you be asking someone from the branch family who is less busy?”

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