Nuwa Growth Diary

Chapter Prologue

Prologue: I’m Nuwa?!

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Before she turned 20 years old, Feng Xiaoxiao had always believed that she was an ordinary person. However, after she turned 20 years old, this belief was overthrown. The driving force behind this was the man who had adopted Feng Xiaoxiao but had insisted that she call him master instead of papa.

Actually, Feng Xiaoxiao also personally didn’t want another father to appear without a good reason. This wasn’t due to something like respect towards her biological father……to tell the truth, Feng Xiaoxiao was an orphan. She wasn’t all that attached in regards to the concept of parents. It was even more impossible for her to stick to a completely meaningless form of address for the sake of a stranger she’d never met before like Mister A whom she didn’t even know was round or flat.

Although as a child, she had eaten meals at other people’s households growing up, drifting to and fro among each neighbor in the neighborhood, but she wasn’t at the stage of cold-bloodedness where she didn’t have even the least bit of thirst towards familial bonds. There was a reason as to why she was so unwilling to accept the notion of a father.

That’s right, everyone probably already saw through this reason——she ate meals at other people’s households growing up……

Why did that man adopt Feng Xiaoxiao, but still make a little girl work at every household to eat?! There was also a reason for this. It was said that the man’s occupation was that of an explorer.

Could an explorer even be considered as an occupation?! This was very hard to say. There were some people who were DI’s purely due to interest and also some people who had been accepted into some organization or hired by a corporation. There was still a portion that specialized in challenging all kinds of dangerous terrains and their existence could be classified as unconventional athletes.

In the end, Feng Xiaoxiao didn’t know which type her own master belonged to. However, there were only two points that were quite clear-cut. First, it’s impossible for an explorer to stay in one place for too long, so this was the reason for him adopting her, but not personally raising her and it was also precisely because of this one point that Feng Xiaoxiao didn’t think of using any methods to find the other person. Maybe this man was still in Dubai, enjoying the sunshine and sandy shores at this very moment and in the next moment he’d fly to the South Pole to look at penguins.

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Secondly, her master was wealthy, very wealthy, extremely wealthy……regardless of whether it was issuing a large sum of living expenses into the bank account of the family that Feng Xiaoxiao was lodging with every January or the sometimes mysteriously appearing and then mysteriously disappearing again soon after, teacher of various skills. All of these reflected without a doubt, the fact that this master was someone who had money to burn.

Prior to her turning 20 years old, the question that Feng Xiaoxiao was always unable to comprehend was this. Why did this kind of man impulsively adopt her, this kind of little girl, back then?!

Only on the day of her 20th birthday did Feng Xiaoxiao find out the answer——He was a mental case.

“You’re already 20 years old. It’s finally time for you to know the truth.” She had heard that his real age was already not that small, but he seemed to resemble a 30 year old, mature man as he serenely stated this.

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at the candles inserted into the birthday cake on the table: “Can you wait until I’ve made a wish and blown out the candles first?! They’ve almost burned down completely.”

“These issues aren’t important.” The man looked seriously at Feng Xiaoxiao and said: “The matter that I’m going to speak of next relates to the entire world.”

“……” Feng Xiaoxiao also looked seriously at the man: “I think that this issue is very important. If the candle oil drops down, the cake will be ruined. It’s the middle of the night and I don’t want to go knock on the door of the menopause widow’s house on the neighboring street and challenge her just to buy another cake.”

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The man nodded his head: “I can understand your thoughts. This because you still don’t know what you’re about to face……a minor widow is nothing. She’s simply insignificant when compared to what I’m about to say.”

Feng Xiaoxiao was silent. She felt that she really shouldn’t expect for there to be a common language with this mental case.

“Have you heard of Nuwa (女娲)?!”


“Nuwa is one of the three sovereigns of legend, the Earthly Sovereign and is also called Sovereign Wa. She used mud to make people so she’s also venerated as the primogenitor of the human race. Later on, she also smelted the five colored stones to mend the Heavens……you can say that so long as it’s a place with earth, Nuwa is the most supreme existence. Don’t tell me that you really haven’t sensed it even a bit?! As a child, you were better than all the other children at playing with mud. This is conclusive proof.”


“Nuwa’s assumed name was Nuxi-shi (女希氏), with Feng as her surname. This is the reason why you’re called Feng Xiaoxiao……Feng Xiaoxiao, you’re the Nuwa of legend! And I am the guide that has come to help you awaken, Taibai Jinxing (太白金星)!” The man solemnly finished speaking the last word and following that, he closely watched Feng Xiaoxiao with a heart filled with longing and expectation.

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Silence. A long silence.

After a long time, Feng Xiaoxiao nodded her head to indicate her understanding: “When you were just entering through the door, did your head get sandwiched?!”

“……” The man had a face full of black lines for a long time before he sighed: “Ever since 3,000 years ago, the tide of 10,000 Arts has fallen into the Final Arts Stage. The essences of the Divine Immortals oddly enough, haven’t appeared in this world for a long time. Even the various gods of the heavenly court have all cut open a void and migrated to another world……The various gods only left remnants of their souls in a dormant state within spell bodies and had them stay in this world. If things don’t take a turn for the better, in the end, these soul remnants will also gradually dissipate into nothingness. Only the Ancient Three Sovereigns or the Great Emperors have the possibility of waking up the soul remnants in the spell bodies of all the gods and you are the sole Ancient God that I’ve found in all these years……”

The man picked up the long knife from the table which was originally intended to be used to cut the cake, his face bemoaned the state of the universe: “I know you don’t believe me, but in a while you will.” Finished speaking, he grasped the knife and walked over towards Feng Xiaoxiao.

“What are you thinking of doing?!” Feng Xiaoxiao was on guard.

Nowadays, merely wanting to calmly and peacefully celebrate one’s birthday in the middle of the night actually has such a huge risk?!

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“Don’t be afraid, you’re definitely Nuwa! So long as you can access a place with earth, you won’t die.” The man’s other empty hand took out a jar of mud: “Fortunately, I’ve prepared ahead of time and brought the mending mud for you. In a while, you’ll be able to personally witness your own god power.”

“Banana, you big watermelon!” (T/N:香蕉你个大西瓜 this was the literal trans n i got no clue what it means)

Feng Xiaoxiao’s complexion paled and she blankly stared at that long knife brandished in her direction……she wanted dodge. Feng Xiaoxiao swore that she really did want to dodge. However, ginger gets spicy through age. Although this man looked like a mental case, but this couldn’t deny the fact that in the end, he was her master.

She should’ve known earlier. How could a man who could send a martial arts expert to be her instructor not know how to do even some kungfu?!

Therefore, that long knife, as expected, cut open Feng Xiaoxiao’s shoulder without the least suspense. In an instant, blood spurted out.

Feng Xiaoxiao dropped to the floor due to her serious injury. The individual had become completely frantic. The man however, crouched down in front of her with an excited face. He threw the long knife aside and offered the jar of mud while looking at her with pleasant surprise: “Hurry! Spread this on your body, use your god power, and then you’ll be as good as before.”

That expectant look was as if he was watching his beloved money tree performing magic tricks. He was just missing the sentence “In the following moment, you will be witnessing a miracle”……

Feng Xiaoxiao clenched her teeth. She grabbed the jar of mud under the man’s expectant gaze and then ferociously threw it at the face of the man in front of her. Finally, she roared out the lines that she had wanted to say the most since the moment the other person had come through the door.

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