Oh, Dear Nemesis

Chapter 6

tl/n: as i do have the full raws for this novel, the chapters are not numbered so i can’t know when the original chapters stop, therefore i will take the liberty to stop wherever i see fit which means that the number of chapters might not match to the ones on the raws.

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Giving up on the family’s title meant the family’s name had been erased because it had committed a great crime, or that it had collapsed because it had failed to fulfill its noble duties. Count Phlox would have never taken in a criminal, so it would be the latter.

There were many duties a nobleman had, such as taking care of the estate and paying tributes faithfully, but no matter what they failed to do, it was not honorable. 

Rudbeckia was interested in Storoni for a moment, but his expression changed into a serious one rather quickly.

“I’m sorry.”

Rudbeckia was the youngest son of the country’s most powerful family, aside from the royal family. It was natural for him, who had been a noble his whole life, to look down on the fallen nobles.

Storoni bowed his head without a sign of discomfort.

Count Phlox stepped forward with an embarrassed face and spat out his apology.

“I apologize. Storoni, take Kalmia to her room.”

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Storoni took a step back and followed the Count’s words. However, before he could even take Kalmia out of the room, Rudbeckia frowned at them.

“How can the Count let a person who is no different from a commoner watch over his children?”

Storoni’s family gave up on their title, so it was not an exaggeration to say that he was actually a commoner. However, he respected his origins and did not treat other commoners like he treated the Count’s children. Even so, there must be a clear difference from the Count’s deficit, but in Rudbeckia’s eyes, the relationship between Storoni and Kalmia seemed to be equal. Without the Count’s permission, Storoni would not have been able to live without such formality.

At Rudbeckia’s words, Count Phlox looked at Storoni with affectionate eyes.

“Storoni is a student I teach. He may not meet the standards of nobility, but he is like a son to me.”

“I see.”

After that, Rudbeckia seemed to have nothing else to say. As he looked at Storoni with stern eyes, he suddenly told the Count.

“I want to take a break. May I ask for a room from Lady Phlox?”

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There were servants for that, but Kalmia inadvertently narrowed her eyes when Rudbeckia mentioned her. She wanted to refuse, but he was the youngest son of the duke. Besides, he was also a benefactor of the Phlox family.

Count Phlox nodded his head without thinking deeply.

“Kalmia, show him the way to a room on the third floor.”

Kalmia reluctantly took the lead.

“…Follow me.”

The sound of footsteps soon caught up behind her. Before, they were enemies who were aiming at each other’s backs. Now that the situation was awkward enough that she lowered her guard, Kalmia hastened her steps.

It felt so unfamiliar that she shuddered to see her opponent, who would make sarcastic comments if he waited for more than five minutes, remain silent. Fortunately, Rudbeckia followed Kalmia without any complaints.

“Here you are. A servant will arrive soon to change your bed.” 

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Kalmia spoke harshly and tried to turn around, but she stopped suddenly. She glanced at Rudbeckia’s side profile while he was looking around the room peacefully and opened her mouth.

“By the way, Your Highness, how did you save Elois?”

The question wasn’t strange. As Elois’ family, it was normal to be curious.

As Kalmia remembered, Rudbeckia spent his childhood in the Duchy. The Phlox family estate and the Duchy were quite far apart. It was clear that Rudbeckia would have no reason to come to the outskirts.

“I was on my way here because I had business to do with Count Phlox, and I happened to witness Lord Elois’ situation.”

“Business with… our family?”

No matter how hard Kalmia thought about it, she couldn’t figure it out. She didn’t understand it, so she waited for Rudbeckia to explain, but he seemed unwilling to say anything more.

“Do you have any more questions? I would like to rest.”

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“Ah, yes. Excuse me. Rest well.”

Kalmia stepped out of the room without getting an answer to her curiosity, then looked back at the door with a pitiful expression. Rudbeckia was equally ambiguous both as an adult and as a child. He’d been like that since he was little, so as he grew up he gave people a hard time.

She stared at the door with a venomous heart, but she soon turned around with a resigned face. Kalmia’s head throbbed as she thought of her nemesis, who she had seen vomit blood before her eyes and how he was standing in front of her alive just a few moments ago.

Moreover, that wretched feeling was hers alone and that child would’ve never guessed. There was no guarantee that Rudbeckia would become her enemy again. What if Elois being alive would change her relationship with Rudbeckia? Thinking of that, her hostility shrunk like a dried apple.

Kalmia was about to go back to her room when she abruptly turned back and headed for Elois’ room. Count Phlox and Storoni had moved to another place so there was nobody in Elois’ room.


Elois was asleep, evenly breathing. His pale complexion and bloodless lips proved to Kalmia how badly he was hurt. She bit her lips as she analyzed Elois’ face and her shoulders dropped heavily. For a moment, she was disillusioned with herself for waiting for Elois’ death.

In addition, the feeling of frustration over the change of events overtook her whole spirit.

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