Oh My Ice Goddess

Chapter 4


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Why are they still tailing me?! Don’t they feel tired or anything?!

“YOU BRAT! PREPARE YOURSELF WHEN I CAUGHT YOU! I’LL FREEZE YOU TO DEATH!” I felt the chill when I heard that scream from that woman. She’s the owner of this… err…whatever.

Unfortunately for her, I’m an expert when it comes to escaping and running away from people. Since I was seven years old, I lived by stealing others’ belongings which I sold to the Black Market. Seven years passed and it made me a veteran thief. However, there are just persistent people in this world…

Like those two women! What should I do to escape from them?! And why is she so angry? I only snatched a wooden whatever from her which for sure will be priced cheaply in the Black Market!

I entered another alley and climbed the drums and barrels which were stacked together to form a high wall. I moved faster since it seems those two women who are chasing after me are getting nearer.

I climbed another wall and jumped to the other side. I ran straight, expecting to see an iron gate on the other end. However, I remember that they closed it down yesterday. Shit! Dead end! I could not run back to pick the other way because for sure I will encounter those two women.

No choice!

I changed my route and took the left turn even though there are many loitering gang members there. This is the Black Sparrow’s territory. Tsk! What will be, will be! I’m hoping that if I meet them, I can outrun them. If ever I would have to fight, I’ll take the risk and hope that I can put up a decent retaliation.

I continued running while convincing myself that it would be alright. There are already many gangsters eyeing me. I think I reached the center area of their territory and if nothing goes wrong, I will have no problem crossing this region. I looked back to ensure if those two people are still following. I saw that no one else is running. It only means that I finally distanced myself to them! Yes! Hah! I’m really great—


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I flew back and my butt landed first on the ground. It hurts! Ugh! How annoying! Who the hell bumped with me—

“Uh-oh.” I bit my lips because of the man standing in front and looking at me.

“I remember your face, brat.” He suddenly grabbed me by the neck and put me up. Shit! He’s strong! He’s only grabbing me with one hand but he had raised me already on the level of his eyes. I’m dead!

“Let go of me!” I tried to kick him but he caught my right foot using his other hand.

“You were the one who stole my gun the other day!” Then he tightened his grip on my neck which choked me more, resulting for me to grab his hand while trying to free my neck. My other hand is holding on the wooden weapon I stole earlier.

I studied the man in front of me. His body is huge and he’s got big muscled and arms. I know who he is. He’s the idiotic hooligan who was standing on one of the alleys I roamed the other day.

I saw his gun which was hanging on his waist and since it looks odd due to its appearance that’s why I snatched it from him. I planned to sell it this day together with those things I stole today.

“I don’t know you! What gun are you talking about!?” I hit his hand using the unknown wooden weapon but it seems he’s not affected. Ugh! My neck hurts so much and I’m almost suffocating!

“Ah, is that so?” He said to me then he glanced to the side and gave a sign. When I followed his gaze, I saw a man throwing him a gun which he pointed at me.

“Now what? Can you remember me now? Or you’d only remember after I shot your head with this?” Then he grinned while the others surrounding us laughed.

My heart’s beating became faster. Shit! I don’t want to die! I still have something to do with my life! I’m still young!

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I no longer care to what will happen! All I know is I have to escape. I can’t die in the hand of a gang member!

“I never remember idiot people!” I spat on his face and dropped the wooden thing. I immediately pulled out from my pocket my chain whip while he’s still distracted.

“Die! You piece of shit – “ He pulled the trigger but before it even reached me, the bullet entered one of the chains in my chain whip and fell straight on the ground. After that, the gun he was holding vanished from his hand because I wrapped it with my chain whip and pulled it to me. It fell straight to my pocket. The next thing that happened, my chain whip is already strangling his neck so he shouted and tried to grab it. I took this opportunity to kick his birdie.

“Hyaaa!” I put all my strength when I kicked that since I’m aware that it’s men’s weakness. His face distorted so much that it could no longer be expressed in painting. He suddenly released my neck so I was dropped on the ground.

“Ouch! You’re a shit!” I feel like all my bones in the butt area broke. Ugh!

I hurried stood up and grabbed the wooden weapon and ran away from here. However, I was suddenly encircled by those men who were watching earlier.

“Hooooh. It looks like you are strong, Miss. Who would have thought you could defeat Rick? He’s one of our strongest member.” Said the lanky guy.

“You’re also pretty. Do you have a boyfriend?” The fat one on my side grinned. Eeeww! I’d rather die than have him as my boyfriend!

I helplessly watched them surround them. Shit! Fifteen in total. I can’t fight them all!

The lanky guy threw a knife. I once again dropped the wooden weapon and held my chain whip using my two hands. I threw one of its ends towards the flying knife and it entered one of the chains. Then I directed the knife to the person eyeing my back.

“Urghhh…” When I glimpsed at him, the knife got buried on his thigh.

After that, they all attacked me at once. However, before I got mobbed by them, I threw my chain whip and pulled the fat guy by his neck. He’s so damn heavy!

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“Oi…oi…oi!” I made him circled around, acting as a barrier so that the other guys wouldn’t be able to attack me. However, he forcibly tried to stop and he even clutched the chain whip. He screamed because of what he did.

“Whoops. Sorry! I’m the only who can hold this.” I ran towards him and kicked his stomach. I threw my chain whip towards the other guy after releasing it from the fatty’s neck. It wrapped around his hand which made him screamed in pain.

“You’re strong, brat. But we’re many!” I looked behind me and was surprised by the sword-wielding man.

“You’re dead.” Said the one with another knife.

I closed my eyes since I know that once they all attacked, I would die.

I will be dead.

I’m dead.


Eh? Why can’t I feel anything?

I opened my eyes and saw that those two men behind me were already unconscious.

“Whoooo! Finally! I thought my bokken will no longer be returned to me!” said the woman whose wooden weapon I stole.

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“We’re lucky. This is a gang.” The other girl told her.

“Ah. Yeah, right. Gang insignias. Oh well. Let’s finish this so that we can eat.”

I watched these two. They act as if they don’t care about these guys surrounding us. It was as if they are not treating them as opponents.

“Hey kid. I’ll forgive you for stealing from me if you get their insignia.” The one wielding the wooden whatever put it on her shoulder.

“Insignia?” What’s that?

“That flag.” She used her weapon to point at something which made my head turned. When I eyed the direction, there’s a house there with a black flag painted with the image of a sparrow hanging on its roof.

No choice once again, huh. For me to escape, I need their help. They look strong so it should be fine…and they only need that flag.

“However I have to—“ I paused when her female companion glared at me.

“Just do it or I’ll freeze you to death.” I suddenly felt the chill when she said that while her companion just laughed.

“F-fine!” I don’t want to fight with them anymore. She’s scary. I almost had goose bumps when I heard what she told me.

I looked up on the flag hanging atop that house.

Heh. Easy as pie.

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