[Oh, it’s Arios!]

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[He’s here! He’s here!]

[Grandma, hurry!!]


We’ve finally arrived back at Rastal village and lots of people went out to see us.


Oh by the way, we took a brief rest in the royal capital before we went on our way.

It’s been exhausting after all.


Further, aside from winning the fights against Dudley and Vanitas Roar, I was able to learn two more abilities.



List of currently available cheat codes:

– Attack Powers Up (Low)

– Fire Attribute Magic – All Use

– Visualization of Target’s Physical Abilities

–  Rewriting of Target’s Attack Powers (Low)

– Absorption

★ Invulnerability (minimum)

★ Summon Ancient Weapon (1)


Er, yeah…

Just the name of these new skills definitely make me feel uneasy.


Let’s talk about Invulnerability (minimum) first. 

It gives me some idea what this ability is just from its name but — If my guess came to be true then this skill would be too OP.

What a broken skill. Seriously.


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Then there’s Summon Ancient Weapon (1) as well.


Now this one is kinda confusing.

What’s an ancient weapon supposed to be anyway?


I am not really familiar with the words but I think I saw them from children’s stories before.

It’s described as a familiar of a Goddess — buuuutttt….


…It can’t be… right?


If this would really allow me to summon an ancient weapon, then that would be too crazy.

The weapon’s power should be overwhelming but just the thought of being able to be in possession of this kind of destructive power is enough to raise the ends of the hairs on my skin.

I better let it lay low for a while.


Because more importantly…. I want to enjoy this brief time of peace.

Everyone waited fervently in front of the village entrance after all.


[I’ve been waiting for you…. Arios-sama.]


The first one who greeted me as she bows down her head is my own personal maid — Maeri.


[I’ve always believed in my heart that Dudley will taste defeat in Arios-sama’s hands. But that gallant figure you showed as you protected the audience… Fufu, you were so cool and dashing back then.♡]

[Haha… Thank you.]

[Then how about… the two of us, later tonight…?]

[And that’s iitttt!!!!!!!!!!]


And there comes Rei’s mighty rebuttal.

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I have to give credit as well for how fast she was though. I almost didn’t see it with my eyes when she arrived in front of us.


[Fufufu, but on that note, the fight against that giant creature was indeed amazing, wasn’t it?]


Kaya then joins the conversation with a bitter smile on her face.


[An all rounder without any blind spot with full control in the battlefield with an accurate grasp… I really can’t keep up with him aside from swordsmanship…]

[No, no, no, no. It isn’t like that…]


It’s all because of <Visualization of Target’s Physical Abilities> and <Rewriting of Target’s Attack Powers (Low)> that we were able to win that easily.

It’s due to these two abilities that made the A rank adventurer got overwhelmed.


[With that being the case Arios, about tonight… Can you teach me more about your sword…?]



A wild Rei has suddenly appeared once again.

And here she came faster than earlier. Even Kaya was caught offguard.


[Seriously. I just can’t let my guard down against both of you, hmph..!]


Rei appears to be sulking as she whispers something.

I don’t know what’s going on with her but she doesn’t really have to get so worked up, right?


[Well, more importantly.]


Rei then faces me as she asks me a question.


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[What do you plan to do later on? You intend to stop by in Rastal for some time only, right?]

[Yeah, about that…]


I only planned to stay in this village temporarily.

Yep, that was what I fully intended to do at the beginning. I don’t have anywhere in particular to go in the first place so I thought, ‘sure, why not’.


But this time.

I now have a particular goal in mind.


To become stronger than ever — to thread the path of what a true sword saint is all about.


Rastal village is a place full of peace and tranquil unlike the royal capital.

The idea of spending my days leisurely here with my friends doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Back in the capital, days will pass by so fast like the clocks don’t have enough hands but it is in clear contrast to Rastal where we can spend our days at our own pace.


[If the rest of the village don’t think of my presence as a nuisance… Then, I would like to live here for a long time.]


I look at Rei and the rest of the villagers before I speak once again in a lower octave due to my embarrassment.


[I can’t do much but… Even though I’m a newbie, I hope I can be of help to everyone….]

[Hahaha. You do not have to be so formal with us.]


Arturo says so as he puts his hand on top of my shoulder.


I wonder if the guild master is already drunk.

His face is soooo red.


[Arios is already one of us and a full fledged resident of Rastal! There’s no one in this village will refute that.]

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[Yep, yep!]

[You can even spend your whole life here you know!]

[Don’t forget you still have to marry me!!]


The villagers decide to chime in after Arturo’s declaration but…

Contrary to my fears… Everyone welcomed me with their open arms.


[Everyone… Thank you.]


I didn’t expect to receive such a warm greeting just as we got back.

Just — how nice and pleasant this village could ever be to me.


[Fufufu. Ain’t it nice?♪]


Rei wraps her arms with mine as she flashes me a beaming smile.


[Coming into this village is the right choice after all, don’t you agree?]

[Yeah… It feels so gratifying.]

[Please wait, be fair and don’t start making a move on your own all of a sudden, Reimira-sama!]

[Rei, this girl…!!]

[Waaa.!!! Waaaaa!!!. WAaaaaaa!!!]


The tables have now reversed as Maeri and Kaya start their assault to overturn Reimira.


Translator’s Note:

A pleasant chapter to start our weeks. Happy weekdays ahead!

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