CCM 69 – Yo, Stop Fighting while you’re Both Asleep

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[ahh… aahh, aaahhh!]


It’s still early in the morning.

But I have to open my eyes and can’t help but to involuntarily let out a scream.


All because of the slave from the Ald Family — Em.


Afterall, this little girl’s upper body just has to lay down right on top of me.


[***zzzz***, ***zzz***]


It seems like she’s still fast asleep. Oh, she looks cute even though she drools — wait, that’s not what I should be thinking.


[Arios-sama… arios—-sama….]


Now what kind of dream is the girl seeing right now?


Is this all because of this girl’s sleeping habits?

Is her sleeping habits just terrible?


Just this prior night, Rei and I slept in the same room as Em to be able to look over at her.

Ofcourse, to avoid any kind of “accident”, the girls slept on top of the bed while I laid myself down on the floor.


But this girl’s sleeping habits… scary.


In fact, it’s almost the same level as Rei’s…


[*Nom* *nom* *nom* nom*]



Now it’s Rei’s turn as she switches over from her other side. It’s her sleeping tendencies as usual.

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[You…. What are you seducing Arios for………]


Is she sleep talking?

Is she really just sleep talking?

Ahhhh, I don’t know anymoreeeeeee.


[No… I won’t allow it…]




Rei, who’s still obviously asleep, turns and her elbow makes its way to Em.




*hits* *hits*


Then Em, who’s for better or worse isn’t any far capable than Rei, retaliates while obviously still not awake.





Yo, stop fighting while you’re both asleep!!


[The breakfast is now done and ready, everyone~ !!!! …e – eehh!!?]


And so the morning sun had already bloomed when Maeri found out about their slugfest.




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[Hm? Arios, why do you look sluggish so early in the morning?]


We were quietly eating our morning fill when Rei asked abruptly.


[Ugh… whose fault do you think it is…]

[Huh?  How?]




Rei even pouts her cheeks in dismay.


[Arios-sama… How pitiful…]


Only Maeri, who knows of my pain, is the only salvation that can keep me hanging.




Em, who hasn’t said anything until now, then laughs all of a sudden.


This young girl’s temperament is quite docile contrary when she’s asleep.

A little bit too ironic when she sleeps.


[Em-chan, you don’t need to hesitate if you want to eat more, okay? There’s a lot of food so don’t restrain yourself.]


Em happily replies ‘Okay!’ towards Maeri’s words filled with her care.


*nom* *nom*


I look at Em and I can see from the girl’s side profile with her swollen cheeks of how energetic she chews and it’s just too cute.


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–But then, a certain memory resurfaced into my head. 


‘Comrade A had said, chances are high that the sword saint Arios Makuba holds the homunculus which was our target’.


It’s hard to forget this scenario even how much I loathe it.



That’s what the member of SoA had been referring to as she talked about Em.

But, from what I can see, there’s only a young girl happily eating in front of me.

A homunculus… A human made through artificial means…

A product of an experiment, is it…


Even though her appearance just looks like your typical sixteen year old girl that you can find anywhere.




Rei perhaps has been able to read what I am thinking of as I notice that the way she looks at Em hints a bit of sympathy.


Anyway, what we need to do next is to check and investigate the perimeter of the Ald family. 

For that purpose, I need to reinforce the combat abilities of Rei, Kaya, and the others.

Because honestly, we don’t have any idea what SoA are capable of being able to do.


Oh, just to take note, the members that I had just captured last night had been escorted to the royal capital right immediately.


And this time, the transfer isn’t just being done with your usual security.


Magic handcuffs, magical tools to bind a person’s hand and restrict their usage of mana, are now used on each of the SoA’s members to avoid the possibility of repeating the same mistake Arturo had said.


Well, you still need to inject mana to the shadow stone to activate its power in the first place.

So as long as we’re able to contain their ability to use mana, they shouldn’t be able to use the stone to escape.


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[I… I still feel so bewildered…]


Then, Em’s hand stops from eating as she whispers.


[I didn’t think that it’s possible for me to be this happy… that I could be glad that I’m still alive and breathing…]


[Thank you, everyone. For making all this happen even though I literally have nothing to return this kindness.]

[Hahaha… It’s just fine.]


I can’t help but gently pat Em’s head after seeing her seemingly guilty and depressed.


[I believe you’ve gone through a lot of difficulties and hardships all this time. But here you are who’s able to overcome them and make it through all of that. Well done.]


[Now you just have to leave the rest to us. We’ll make sure we’ll be able to do something about it.]


Em’s face then starts to change its shade into light pink.


[I wonder what’s this feeling in my chest… I don’t really understand but it’s making me glad.]

[Haha.. Is that so.]


We gotta do what we gotta do.

So this young girl can keep her smile forever.


That reminds me, I was able to learn new abilities after defeating the members of SoA last night.

I’ll make sure to put that into good use.


And so I finish my breakfast with my determination renewed.


Translator’s Notes:

Happy weekend!

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