Yo, For Just a little Tho

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What remained after the Goddess left is nothing but an unnatural silence.


Even though Rei’s beside here.

Em too.

Even the villagers.


Not a person was able to speak even a single word for a brief moment.


[Th-that person just now… she looks so beautiful, doesn’t she…]


Rei finally breaks the silence as she mutters some kind of flattery.


[She can really set the mood all over the place though… Just who was that person, Arios?]

[…It’s Dies-sama. The Goddess.]


Telling the truth isn’t that can eve be easy but I gotta be honest about this.

I mean, there’s no use in lying at this point. The Goddess introduced herself the same way earlier, didn’t she?


Can’t really blame Rei looking so shocked about it though.


[When you say Goddess… Is she the same Goddess that’s in the books and fairy tales!?]

[Yep. Though I’ve only just met her just recently.]

[No no no no, the fact that you’re able to meet someone like her is like a miracle already don’t you think…]


…She’s got a point.

I mean, based on the stories about the goddess, she’s an absolute being who once created everything.

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The Laws of the World for example, such as how anything that drop to the ground, as long as the Goddess wills it, it shall fall to her hands.


The Goddess– didn’t she just stop the time during the fight against the Vanitas Roar as well?


…And based on what she said, someday, once this skill ‘Cheat Code Manipulation’ grows, I’ll be able to do something similar to it, didn’t she.


I already have something absurd in my hands already though.


My Invulnerability, for instance.


[But the Goddess, huh…]

[I knew it! Arios-sama really knows of the Gods and Goddesses!]

[Fufufu. I’ve said it already, haven’t I? Arios-sama is one of them gods! If the Arios-sama perishes, then this world shall follow!]


This is bad.

It seems like the villagers heard of the unnecessary conversation the Goddess and Em had and are making a fuss over it.


These people have already started to change my nickname from the Novice Adventurer Arios to ‘God Arios’ already. Isn’t that too much of a leap no matter what you think about it?




Let’s just stir away from this topic hoping this fake cough would help me.


[Now that I think about it, how are you feeling, Em? We got rid of that black stuff from earlier so you shouldn’t be able to hear those voices again.]

[Oh, uhm… okay.]


Em nods her head as she closes her eyes and puts a hand on her chest.


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A few seconds later, Em opens her eyes as she answers me while moving her head from side to side.


[…It feels like a dream… It’s not really there anymore…]

[I see…]


Now that’s a relief.


Em – a slave of the well known noble Ald family, is actually a homunculus or a human that’s artificially created.


Based on the things I’ve heard from Viin and the Goddess, there’s a high probability that this young girl is being used for some kind of experiment.


That being the case.

I should prioritize infiltrating the Ald family’s estate just as the Goddess has said.


I’m up against someone of influence and importance.

I will not be able to afford to lower my guard and to remember to proceed with the infiltration with caution in mind.


[Arios-sama, what’s more, it seems I can now freely use that power.]

[That power…?]



The Goddess also said the same thing.

That the power and abilities that the dark creature had unleashed earlier will now be usable by Em and she is free to use according to her will.


[Why not try to test those powers for a bit? Let me say it again but a bit is enough.]

[Ofcourse. Just a bit, is it.]


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Em says so as she closes her eyes.


—but then.




What a shock.


*the ground has started to trembleee – gogogogo* (SFX)

*the leaves and trees began to sway* (SFX)


[Yoooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I already repeated it, but please just use a bit!]

[I do… As you’ve said, the power that I really am currently using now is “just a bit”.]


Em is still keeping it up even after hearing responding to my cry.


This is baaadd.

It’s probably her lack of combat experience and with nothing to gauge her powers at, she isn’t aware of the impact her power actually has. This reminds me of just what had happened recently with Viin.


And these are the types that I find the most troublesome. I mean, they aren’t even aware of how dangerous they can be.


–Activate Cheat Code.

–Rewriting of Target’s Attack Powers (Low)


Reduce Em’s offensive abilities to 25%.


[…? What the…?]

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The power that’s been leaking all over Em’s body started to subside and the ground’s shaking finally stopped.


[Sorry but I have to tone your power down for a little while. I’ll restore it back later so can you bear with it for the moment and keep things up?]

[Tone my power down…? You can do something like that…?]

[Yeah. But first and foremost, Em, you have to realize how absurdly strong you are.]

[U-understood…! I’ll do as you say, Arios-sama!]


Yep yep.

Looks like she got my point.


Or so I thought but…





That’s weird.

I can somehow feel a couple of exasperated gazes coming from Rei and Kaya as they look at me.


[Arios, there’s one thing I really want to tell you so bad.]

[W-what is it?]

[If your words we’re a knife you’d definitely get yourself stabbed, know?] (TL: Metaphor is actually about boomerang where words get back at you)

[The heck!?]


I immediately reached out myself in panic but I did not feel anything stabbed in there thankfully.


Translator’s Note:

How many weeks have it been? I can’t recall. Huhu. So busy. Anyway, I will dump all the result of my harwork here so far. And this chapter is far from last. I ask for everyone to accept Simply’s humble apology. Happy weekend!!!

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