Oi, How am I supposed to Win This

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A man affiliated with SOA gnashes his teeth as he prepares himself for battle.


The situation is just too dreadful.

Kaya Rutis have become too strong without their knowledge.

There’s this metallic ‘something’ as well that who knows what and where it came from.


What’s worse, their enemies aren’t just these two alone.


The B-rank adventurer, Yuya Arzen.

There’s also the suspicious girl wearing a large hat so deep it even hides her eyes. Her name seems to be… Rei. A D-rank adventurer who has deep ties with Arios.


Adventurers of B and D rank.


They’re enemies that would normally not put even a dent in their eyes.

However, chances are that these two became stronger as well due to Arios.


With that inside the man’s mind, he can’t help but feel despair this time.



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The metallic being that seems to be called Viin speaks. 


[How would you like to be eaten, pretty little kittens?]

[F… F*cking junk! Don’t look down on us!]


The man can’t hold himself anymore as he screams and points his blade towards Viin.


[We are the honorable people who’ll save this kingdom, Saviors of Arceus!! How can we be defeated by the likes of you trash!!]

[*Wenngg* Is that so.] (Viin)

[Obviously! We’ll never leave you bumpkins alone until y’all die! So why don’t y’all bite the dust now this instant!!!!]

[You’re getting on my nerves. I shall trample upon you – with my <Battle Mode 2>.]


Or in simpler terms, Viin started to rotate it’s circular body in such a high speed.


*shing* *Shiingg* *SShhhhiiinnggg*


Viin’s rotation starts to get faster and faster until it’s body starts to shine. As faster Viin rotates, the brighter it’s body shines…


And after a few seconds, Viin’s form has completely changed.


It’s circular body has transformed into a humanoid one that doesn’t look any different compared to a normal human.

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What’s more, it’s frame is quite remarkable. It’s scale might be as big as two normal adults.

It’s face also has two red circular lights that seem to be it’s eyes. It doesn’t look like it has a mouth but it has a nose that seems slender and pretty high.

It has two hands which are shaped like gigantic knuckles except they appear to have spikes like a morning star. Seeing Viin’s new form, the man can’t even help but doubt himself if he’ll be able to even survive if he’ll be punched by those hands.


[W-w-.. just what is that…]


And before the man knew it, he’s feet had already started to walk a few steps behind.

Still, he knows he can’t back down.

Even so, his survival instincts are not stopping sending him warnings to run.


[Battle Mode 2… It had been so long since I’ve taken this from way back in the past as I serve the Goddess-sama.]

[T-t-the Goddess, you say…]

[Indeed… This mode was granted to me by no other than the Goddess-sama.]


Viin extended his right hand as he spoke.


Looking at it closely, a red jewel can be found embedded there. Different from the shadow stone which emits a horrifying aura, this red jewel is called the ‘Crimson Stone’…


[Ah… That’s…]


Kaya seeing such, despite being an A rank adventurer who has quite an abundant experience, can’t help herself but get surprised.


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[I think I’ve seen that before. I believe Arios-san got something like that when he defeated a giant orc.] (Kaya)

[…Is that so. Mou, so Arios-sama holds a Crimson Stone too.] (Viin)

[Un. If I remember correctly, I think he has two of them…] (Kaya)

[Fufu… How crafty of you, Goddess-sama… Nevermind the <Cheat Code Manipulation>, you still want to bless him with new skills, huh.] (Viin)


The crimson stone started to shine fainltly as Viin said so.


[Oh by the way… You… Shall face your judgement.]


–Not good.

The man’s body sensed instinctively the real danger of this encounter.


If that crimson stone really has the ability on par with the shadow stone, then it’s more likely for ‘that’ to possess power beyond reason. I need to get away ASAP–!!


Or so the man thought but it could never ever be granted.


[*Vomits* GaahH!!]


Because before the man took notice, Viin’s fist is already about to swallow his body.


[I-impossible…! H-how could this..!?]


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Just what had taken place.

The man is about to be beaten without knowing anything about what had happened.


Perhaps the stone increased it’s agility.

Or maybe…


[It’s Space Transcendance.]


The same time Viin’s voice entered his ears, Viin’s hand is already on top of his head.

Despite the fact that Viin never moved once from where he stood.


And so the man realized what the words Viin had said meant.


‘Did that ‘thing’ just say that it’s attack can overcome space–!?’





We can’t beat that.

There’s no way we would be able to defeat that.


The man then lost all of his hope along with his consciousness.

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