Yo, Aren’t There Too Much of all of You Here

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 Simplicity  Web Novel [ ウェブ小説]  January 9, 2022 4 Minutes

[Y-you’re kidding me!?]


Rei jumps out in surprise just as we went out from the guild.


[What’s up with that number… have they lost their minds!?]


We’re now in Rastal Village’s entrance.

And as Rei has already said, there’s quite a large number of people standing outside.


According to my estimates, they’re roughly 7000.


[I-I can’t believe it…]


Even Kaya finds the situation in front of our eyes unbelievable.


[Just from the number alone, isn’t this enough to form a single unit of the army’s division…? Not to mention, over there, that’s…]


At the direction Kaya is pointing to stands a young man wearing a military uniform that stands out from the rest of the army.

The man has blond hair strictly parted at a seven to three ratio with deep blue eyes sharpened like a predator.


It’s the Army’s 19th Division Commander – Forms Sdanor.

No doubt about it.

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We can’t be sure but the reason for the whole 19th division to make their way here in Rastal village…


[W-w-what’s happening!?]

[T-that’s the kingdom’s army… but w-why!?]


It’s even causing panic to the residents. I can see fear and anxiety in their expressions not knowing what the whole army division came here for.


–It’s a threat.


As long as he likes it, he can move a whole army division to wipe out our existence – or so what Prince Leafa’s threat appears to be.


[Please calm down, everyone. Don’t worry.]


I try to ease the villagers’ down by appearing as gentle as possible.


[It’s not like we are doing something bad and illegal against the kingdom… We’ll talk to them to find out why they are here so please feel assured and we’ll be back.]

[It’s Arios-san!]

[The one who defeated the previous Sword Saint…!]

[I believe we’ll be fine as long as you’re here but… Please take care!]


The villagers cheer us on as we make our way towards the army.


[Y-y-you lot… Just what are you trying to do…!? Why would thousands of soldiers march to a rural village like this!!]


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But before we reached the army, an old man was already there demanding an explanation from the division commander, Forms.


However, no matter how much the old man demanded an answer, he wasn’t even taken seriously by the commander.


[Fufu, apologies but it’s a military secret. I’d like to talk about if you’re the guild master however.]

[What did you say..?]

[We have no reason to talk with uninvolved civilians. Just call him already so we can end things quickly.]

[Grandpa, leave this to me.]


The old man was on the verge of lashing out when someone stepped in front of him.


It’s the second princess, her royal highness Princess Reimira Li Arceus.

The most powerful person in this village.


[R-Rei-dono…! You’re here!]

[Yes. Let us handle the rest.]


Reimira gives the old man a gentle smile before it changes to a stern one as she looks at the division commander, Forms.


She’s giving off vibes different from her casual and kind personality. She is projecting majesty proving her royal lineage in front of the masses.


[..Oya, you are…]

[It’s been a while commander Sdanor… Two years has passed since we last met, hasn’t it?]

[For her highness to be able to remember me after those years, it’s such an honor.]

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Forms puts his hand in front of him and bows to Princess Reimira at exactly thirty degrees. 

Right immediately, he turns around and gives an instruction toward his men.


[You lot. You are in front of the princess. Go and bow your heads.]

[No need, their fine as is. I am currently on a vacation so there’s no need for me to flaunt my authority needlessly.]



Forms acknowledges Rei’s opinion on the matter and returns to his military stance.


[I hope this won’t come rude but I’ve seen that her highness has grown well for the past 2 years. You even contributed in subjugating the terrorists that are hounding our kingdom.]

[I can say the same. You are now giving a different feel compared to when I met you in the Investiture Ceremony. You must have experienced a lot as well.]


It seems they are still exchanging formalities.

Reimira then looks past Forms shoulder before she sighs in exasperation. 


[Still, I have to say that seeing the army standing their ground in this place isn’t that pleasant. The residents are already panicking inside the village. As honorable as the commander is, I believe you have a just reason to come to this rural place, no?]

[Yes. Ofcourse.]


Forms then closes his eyes before speaking once again with a rather solemn expression.


[It is related to the capture of the terrorists from the Ald estate. When we have contacted the guild’s HQ, we have noted that a black stone was found and being kept here in the village.]

[A black stone…]

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[Yes. As per the army’s information, the black stone is pretty dangerous that’s why, we are sorry to say but, it has to be surrendered to the army.]


…I see.

So this is what it’s all about.


Majority of the captives have already been transported to the capital but that’s not the case with the shadow stone.


As the Goddess has told me, the shadow stone shouldn’t run rampant as long as I take hold of it. That’s why I suggested for the shadow stone to remain in my possession and not to be transported to the capital.


So this army division came all this way to retrieve it, huh.

There’s no need to talk about how powerful the shadow stone is. Sending an army this large to retrieve it is definitely worth it.


[…I see. So that is the case.]


That was just Reimira’s response to the commander’s request. She’s already putting up walls while maintaining a poker face.


[But isn’t it strange? SoA had been filled with mystery until now and no significant information had been discovered about them… So can you tell me how the army was able to conduct that study about the stone you were saying?]



Forms was speechless for a moment before opening his mouth in response.


[Apologies but it is a military secret. I apologize for the inconvenience but we’re not allowed to disclose it even to the princess.]

[… I see.]


And so Reimira’s response can only give people the chills.

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