It was the strangest phenomenon, and even Himmel Soan didn’t anticipate it.

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He had to accept this reality now.

“Firey, see if you can retrieve your fire.

“I wonder what will happen to the fire on the other side,” said Himmel Soan.

Even Firey was intrigued. She had never seen something so odd.

She couldn’t wait to solve the mystery. She usually hated thinking about complicated things, but she was actually using her brain now.

She also tried to control the fire on the other side.

“I can do it!

“Master, what’s going on? It’s too complicated for my little brain,” said Firey.

She wanted to find out the answer, but what she saw was so shocking that she gave up thinking.

She could only be amazed by the scene.

Himmel Soan was focusing on the fire on the north side.

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After Firey retrieved the fire on the south side, the fire on the north side suddenly disappeared.

It went away as suddenly as it appeared.

However, the fire that appeared out of the blue was on the south side, but Firey could retrieve it as if it was her own.

The fire that had disappeared was the ball of fire that she ejected at first, but it was gone now.

“Is it a mirror image, a replica, or an illusion?

“Are the two balls of fire, in fact, one and the same?” Himmel Soan narrowed his eyes.

It couldn’t have been a replica or an illusion.

If it were a replica, the other ball of fire wouldn’t have disappeared.

If it were an illusion, Firey wouldn’t have been able to retrieve the fire in the south.

If it was a mirror image…

They were in the south, and if it were a mirror image, their images should have appeared on the other side, too.

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Everything apart from their own images would be explained by a mirror image.

“Firey, destroy that tree from earlier,” Himmel Soan gave her another order.

If these were mirror images, when Firey destroyed the tree on this side, the corresponding tree on the other side would be destroyed, too.

In what way, though?

Firey was on this side.

If that tree was destroyed, would her image appear on the other side, too?

“This tree?”

Meanwhile, Firey had already reached the tree.

“Yes, destroy it!” Himmel Soan said affirmatively.


Firey put her palm on the tree trunk.

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The next second, fire devoured the entire tree.

Himmel Soan frowned and looked to the north. As expected, the tree on the other side was on fire, too.

“Stop!” Himmel Soan shouted.

Firey immediately put her hand down.

However, the fire was so powerful that the entire tree turned into ash.

“I didn’t mean to do that.” Firey scratched her head.

“That’s alright. I’ve found the answer I want.”

Himmel Soan looked at the ash and reached a conclusion.

“Really? Master, what’s going on?” Firey asked curiously.

She also wanted to know what they were experiencing. Now that Himmel Soan knew the answer, she was dying to solve the puzzle.

Himmel Soan smiled but didn’t tell her immediately.

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“It’s not over yet. I’ll tell you when I have the final conclusion.” Himmel Soan chuckled.

“What? No!

“Master! Tell me now!” Firey pouted.

“If you want to know, you should use your brain. You’re meant to use it, you know.

“It’s very simple because I told you the reason already.”

Himmel Soan went back to examine the axis.

He had told the reason?

Firey was utterly confused because she didn’t know what he was talking about.

She was so intrigued.

Since Himmel Soan already knew the answer, she didn’t know what to think anymore.


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