Here, the tree shadows flicker back and forth, the light of the setting sun penetrates through the forest, reflecting a brilliant golden red on the mountain stream.

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As far as the eyes can see, dense foliage lined both sides of the road and an endless sea of clouds churn at one’s underfoot. Listening carefully with ears perked, one can only hear the thin sighs of insects’ cries and the occasional roars of a few wild animals along the road, coming from a distant place, already fading into the dim light of the night in the forest.

Here is like a solemn, uninhabited mountain peak.

Strangely, a house was unexpectedly built in this deep and secluded location.

Calling it a house is already giving it a lot of face. This building is just a thatched shed at best. It was hard to tell whether the owner lacked elegance. It was built in a rather unconventional and unrestrained way: the poor, thin wooden pole exhaustedly supported the messy rice straw, standing askew as if it was going to give out, kneel and perform a kowtow at any given second. The low and short fence was so sparse that a pheasant did not even have to flutter its wings to be able to get in through the cracks. In the center of the courtyard lay an incomparably hideous wooden table. Combined with the chopping board and kitchen knife on the table and an unpleasant stove half a meter away, it can be seen that this courtyard ought to be the kitchen and dining room. At this time, the leaking bamboo door of the thatched shed was opened wide and borrowing the dim light, a bed could be seen inside, along with a deer, a weasel and a wild dog squatting at the bedside.

This strange group that gathered together, however, did not fight at all. Occasionally, other animals could be seen appearing and disappearing outside in the courtyard, all concentrating on catching the murmuring voice of the person in the shed.

In the next second, the leaves suddenly rustled in the distant, making a sound.

The faint movement was far away, but to the wild animals, it was tantamount to meeting a natural enemy and in a split second, the animals recoiled, hair exploding as they scattered. However, in an instant, a thin figure wrapped in a rich smell of blood came near.

The figure’s height could not be considered tall, with disordered, half-length hair loosely tied behind the head with a long narrow strip of cotton cloth. He was dressed from head to toe in a patchy Taoist robe, the arm that peeked out from underneath the rolled sleeves merely skin and bones. His skin was pale and wan, without a hint of color to be seen, figure extremely thin and emaciated, like a beggar who had been starved for three days, and was about to set off immediately from the bridge opening to the street across to beg.

The wild boar’s throat was both accurately and ruthlessly cut open, large bloodstains forming from being dragged all the way. The long, sharp and protruding teeth of the dead catch was on display, looking thoroughly ferocious. At nightfall, the mountain breeze brushed by, blowing the hunter’s tousled hair upward. He raised his hand impatiently to hold it together, revealing a little of his delicate and fine face that could not be hidden covered in bloodstains.

Wei Xi carried back today’s prey and with a glimpse, he realized what was happening inside the house. He wrinkled his brow and kicked the base of the fence entrance. Inside the thatched shed, the lecture suddenly stopped. A moment later, Wei Dedao’s aged voice sounded weakly from the inside: “Disciple?”

Wei Xi threw the wild boar in front of the stove: “What kind of creatures did you let in again?”

The three animals inside the house heard this and quickly retreated. Before leaving, the deer in the front, who understood very much to be subservient towards Wei Xi, nodded its head. Upon making eye contact with Wei Xi, the weasel and the wild dog quickly ran off with their tails tucked in.

Wei Xi entered the house to wash his face. Wei Dedao, dressed in a robe that was more ragged than to his, sprawled on top of the bed as he heaved a sigh: “Your shidis and shimeis have already been scared away by you.”

Wei Xi ignored him. After washing his face, he found a pair of scissors to cut the ends of his hair. His hair trimming skill was uncanny and in an instant, he managed to cut his hair so that it was both rough and bumpy.

Wei Dedao snickered happily, both hands fumbling for the table top, and poured him a cup of cold tea: “Tired ba, drink tea, drink tea.”

Wei Xi faced him and glared at him. Wei Dedao’s two eyes were wide open, staring at the void without focus, unaware.

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This old man was blind.

He should not have been blind in the past. Wei Xi listened to Wei Dedao boast of his chivalrous deeds until his ears grew calluses, especially about that one period from decades prior when he led his clan disciples out the mountain to fight enemies, which was repeatedly mentioned. Mentioning it again and again, he would suddenly spring up and insist on pulling Wei Xi to see the frame in the backyard, on top of which hangs a human head. The human head can not be said to be a fake one, but how can a blind person fight in a war? Thus it was clear that he was not blind before.

Wei Xi often treated the greater part of Wei Dedao's story with a half-believing, half-doubting attitude. For example, he said that his sect was distinguished among others that practice Taoism, with hundreds upon hundreds of disciples, and also saying he had profound attainments in his cultivation, being exceptionally talented. But why did Wei Dedao live for so many years in a thatched shed that was not even as good as a beast’s cave, barely surviving on wild and chaff vegetables, while Wei Xi had never seen the distinguished sect’s immortal mountain and hundreds of thousands of sect disciples? This old man speaks of his profound cultivation, but how come he is both old and blind now?

Wei Xi had a stomach full of ridicule, but he was not in the mood to reveal it. He doesn’t like to show his temper. In fact, towards many things, he lacks interest. When Wei Dedao doesn’t order him to work, he usually calmly sits inside the courtyard in a daze. Only when he is hungry will he go out and focus on filling his stomach.

Him following this old Taoist Priest by chance is a long story. Wei Dedao said Wei Xi was a wild ghost picked up by him in the past, who he (WDD) cared for meticulously, like he was his own child. After he (WX) opened up his spiritual wisdom, he (WDD) received him as his last disciple. This kindness may be said to be as high as the mountain and deep as the sea, unable to be repaid. The former, Wei Xi, was not in a position to refute, he followed this old Taoist priest for not just a few years, from when he gained consciousness to today’s appearance. Concerning the affairs of before, the memories were fragmented and hard to sort out. However, being painstakingly taken care of, like one’s own child, this sentence was obviously rubbish. From morning till night, Wei Dedao, except for giving unbearable lectures, only slept and ate. Without him serving as an ox and a horse, this old fogey will still be digging grass roots for meals today.

Wei Dedao started playing the same old tune again.

“My Taicang sect has been established for a millennium, commanding universal respect from those who practice Taoism, with countless sect disciples…….You are my last disciple. In the future, when you inherit my mantle, becoming the sixty-second sect leader, you must take it upon yourself to glorify the family…….” Saying this, the old man dug under the bed again and fumbled out a dusty cloth bundle, inside filled with sliver. The surfaces of the slivers were already blackened, and the carvings on the round silvers, which should be portraits, were already in a complete mess from the rust. Wei Dedao separated the yuanbao shaped silver pieces to one side and towards the flat silvers, blew on it, lifting it to his ears, “......don’t know after the war, who the emperor outside holding power is. No matter, since the country is at peace, the silver can be put to good use. Put these funds away carefully, this is the key to our comeback in the world in the future……”

Wei Xi released his cup, got off the bed and walked nearer.

“Wait a minute.” Wei Dedao put aside the silver and called to stop him, “What’s for dinner tonight?”

​​Wei Xi: “Roasted pork leg.”

Wei Dedao always had a lot of opinions towards food: “Can’t you cook braised pork?”

Wei Xi replied: “Can’t.”

Wei Dedao grabbed him and ingratiatingly stuffed a red envelope: “Cook braised pork, roasted pork leg is not good for digestion, the wild boar without a doubt wants to be braised in soy sauce.”

Wei Xi picked it up and with one look, discovered Wei Dedao gave him the jade pendant that never left his body before. The entire body of the jade was shining and white, the plump and smooth surface like a piece of solidified cream. Wei Xi instinctively realized that this was a good treasure. This was the only proof in so many years that made him feel that maybe the old Taoist’s past was not completely random talk. Now however, it was causally given to him by the stingy old man for a bite of braised pork.

He frowned, staring at the small jade pendant: “Isn’t this your sect leader seal?”

Wei Dedao remained calm: “You are so trusting. I was bragging.”

Wei Xi fixed his eyes at him, suddenly realizing something: “You’re dying.”

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Wei Dedao blew his beard: “You really can speak, I lived for more than 500 years, but in the end, I am a mortal. How can a mortal not die?”

Wei Xi unexpectedly didn’t argue with him, handing the jade pendant back with a wooden expression: “I don’t have a human body and can’t leave this mountain. You better find someone more qualified.”

Wei Dedao, however, did not take it, merely laughed and climbed back onto the bed. Pleased, he lay paralysed on the rice straw mat. His head inclined, he gazed in Wei Xi’s direction. The two blind eyes at this time seemed like it had focus, seemingly glowing with vigor: “Since 120 years ago, when heavenly law fell, aura collapsed, and the realm of practitioners fell one after another, I knew that we would have this day sooner or later. Ninety years prior, I still accompanied your shixiongs and shijies when leaving the sect, to enter the world and go back to the hometown, mass killing. Those that practice Taoism can’t interfere with the affairs of the mortal world, so I’m blind in the two eyes, with no idea where your shixiongs and shijies went……nevertheless, I still have no regrets up to this day. Disciple, do you know, what is Taoism?”

“It’s dog fart.” Wei Xi asked, “Do you still want to have a meal?”

“Anyways, you will understand it someday.” Wei Dedao also didn’t insist on pushing the matter, he looked back at the hollow at the top of the head. The coagulated pupils lost focus again, only left with faith as he muttered to himself: “I want to eat braised pork……”

Finished acting shameless, he finally let the matter drop. He shut his eyes and lay sprawling, quiet like he had fallen asleep.

Wei Xi stood in the same place for a while. Turning around, he stepped out the door.

He carried his knife and gazed at the wild boar he dragged back at dusk.

From when he had memories, don’t know if it was because he did not have a human body, he frequently felt hungry. Moreover, with a huge appetite, there was almost never enough to eat. Therefore, usually in the past with similar preys, he would separate a piece of leg for Wei Dedao. The remaining wild boar would then be swallowed up in one bite.

Yet today, however, he didn’t even want to touch it.

The stove burned all night, the fragrance of braised pork dispersing in this mountain valley.

Until daybreak, there was still no sound of Wei Dedao pressing for a meal from inside the house. Wei Xi sat crossed-legged in front of the stove looking at the sky. Noticing the sound of the charcoal fire as it was about to die out, his senses finally returned and he silently stood up.

He found a pleasing location in the backyard, used a shovel to dig a hole, then carried the already cold Wei Dedao out.

Wei Dedao's mouth that used to not be able to stop chattering for even a moment was now tightly closed. After Wei Xi lay him down, he thought for a while and dug another small hole on the side. Dragging the frame from the backyard and taking human heads that the old fogey was so proud of which had been hanging for who knows how many years, he poured it all in.

The human skulls were smooth, round and lovely, with their wide eye sockets, rolling around inside the hole, they looked absolutely delicious.

Wei Dedao always forbade him from eating these.

Wei Xi stood in front of the two holes, suddenly hungry and frozen in confusion again.

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Behind, footsteps sounded. He turned his head, catching sight of hundreds of wild creatures outside the fence. These were the jackals, wolves, tigers, panthers, chickens, ducks, cattles, and sheeps that usually all loved to listen to Wei Dedao’s lectures. Wei Xi who noticed them, suddenly was even hungrier: This mountain saw no signs of human inhabitation, so the animals that opened their spiritual wisdom were not few. Obviously, there was sufficient supply, yet Wei Dedao refused to let him eat. Wei Dedao was very annoying when he made a fuss, so he usually had to run far away to find ordinary prey.

The healthy and sturdy stag in front met his gaze, obviously trembling in the legs, yet still propped itself up and bowed its neck towards Wei Xi. Afterwards, strolling to the front of Wei Dedao’s hole, he lay down the wild grass in his mouth.

Wei Xi stared at them for a while, finally stepping back, allowing them to present their offerings.

No one came empty-handed, even the wild dog had a pheasant in its mouth. Wei Xi sat crossed-legged in front of the tattered fence, watching this group of rations that he had coveted for many years under the restraint of Wei Dedao come and go from the beginning to the end, heart so still that it did not stir even a little.

Until the weasel who was done worshipping came closer.

Wei Xi's head leaned against the fence, gazing up and down languidly: “Courting death?”

The weasel’s tail exploded, instinctively turning around to run. After two steps, however, it slowed down. Turning its head three times with a single step, infinite desire bursted out from its shifty-eyes.

This meaning was one of wanting to lead the way. Wei Xi originally had no desire to acknowledge, but caught sight of Wei Dedao’s grave piled up with offerings. Again at a loss, not knowing what he should be doing, he rose up and followed.

With the hungry boss following behind, the weasel ran swiftly like lightning, and in a moment, led Wei Xi to the front of the mountain wall. With a glance, Wei Xi recognized this to be this mountain’s edge, also the limit of the place he had been hunting for tens of years. He came here countless times and every single time he was stopped by the invisible boundary because he had no body.

This mountain boundary used to protect the mountain inhabitants from the invasion and harassment of the outside world like a door god, is also the shackles trapping the souls of the living beings in the mountain from being able to reincarnate like normal.

This place is isolated from the world, even ghost messengers have never set foot here. Thus, if the souls that die here can’t find people to release them through scripture chanting, they can only wither nearby day after day till they turn into trapped ghosts with strong obsessions, looking for substitutes.

However, the mountain’s evil ghosts were originally few. When Wei Xi’s spiritual wisdom was in its initial stages, he would occasionally catch a few to eat. Later, they could not be seen.

This was a pity, evil ghosts’ yin qi, actually filled up the belly more compared to pheasants and wild boars……

In the front, the weasel suddenly stopped his steps, suppressed his strength and let out a cry.

Wei Xi realized what it brought him here to do now.

The front of the mountain wall’s boundary, which was always only overgrown with weeds, now unexpectedly quietly lay a corpse.

This is finding something delicious as an offering to the boss, ah.

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- Junior martial brother/sister ↵

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- Senior martial brother/sister ↵

- Rubbish ↵

- Similar concepts to a grim reaper as in they escort a soul to the underworld after to death. However, I didn't want to use grim reapers because they were too western and were not exactly the same. ↵

- Chinese have a concept of yin and yang with yin typically associated with females, the cold, earth, the dark, the moon and other negative concepts. Yang, on the other hand is typically associated with the sun, males, warmth, etc. ↵

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Leafy: Hello, translator here! I'm a novice translator so please bear with me if my translations are slow and not exactly accurate. In addition, my raws weren't taken from the official site so the author's notes aren't included. If you have access to the official raws and would like to read the author's notes, feel free to send the screenshots of the author's notes to me through gmail at [email protected], Discord: LazyLeaf#7434 or even the chat button at the bottom-right corner of this site. Thanks for reading my translations and please support the author if possible. Have a wonderful day, everyone! Help me answer a quick poll, thanks!

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