This beggar was unexpectedly also a mental case!

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The security guard captain was angered into a rage, crumbling up the piece of paper into a ball and directly throwing it away. He pointed his finger at Wei Xi: “Damn it, dare to play with laozi.”


Wei Xi looked at the slightly swaying ball of paper that rolled next to his foot, extended a finger and scratched the back of his ear. Another mistake?


At this time, a small security guard standing guard at the side hurriedly ran over, eyes staying on Wei Xi’s face suspiciously for a moment. Grabbing his leader: “Captain Wu, Captain Wu, forget about it. I saw him on Friday. This person indeed brought a ticket. Let him go over ba.”


The security guard captain shook off his subordinate: “You’re f*cking bullshitting. You saw him on Friday, today is already Wednesday. He went up the mountain for six days, up there doing what? Committing suicide?”


Being asked this, the small security guard was also speechless. Besides, although this young man looks conspicuous, in his memory, the other does not seem to have dressed like this on that day.


“All right you shut up.” The captain saw that his subordinate was not speaking anymore and he sneered. Recently, his family is not doing well, yet he still had to come to work as usual. The scenic spot was full of people, and he was originally already very irritated. He was just worried that there was no channel for him to vent. He didn’t dare provoke a neat and well-dressed tourist. Coming upon a little beggar, what is there to be afraid of?


The small security guard hesitated: “Or let him report his ID number to check……”


“F*ck off!” The captain pushed him away and raised a finger to point at Wei Xi, “Come out! If you don’t have a ticket, you have to pay a fine of three hundred yuan before leaving!”


Wei Xi stared at his finger, then turned to face the other and shook his head slowly: “I have no money.”


His eyes were deep and serene, and when the security guard captain made contact, he cowered a little. After realizing this, he became even angrier. The anti-riot rod in his hand knocked on the ground and his eyes revealed an ominous glint: “Then you don’t even think of leaving.”


Wei Xi stared at the middle-aged man whose face was full of anger and raised his eyebrows. This person’s face was dark, derived of any of the usual reddish tint from blood, with bluish-black bags under both eyes, sparse eyebrows, eyes suffused with white and his gaze displayed an ominous glint, a typical example of an easily irritable face. This is nothing much, only his glabella is also sunken, his jaws wide, and his skin dry and with a distinct beard, indicating narrow-mindness and capriciousness. The area between his brows was narrowed, showing he is stubborn, gloomy and irritable. The husband and wife palace at the corner of his eyes was dim, it is estimated that at home, he would raise his hand as soon as there were disagreements. This kind of person, once his temper flares, is very unreasonable. However, Wei Xi just so happened to be not very good at reasoning.


Then just fight.


Wei Xi was a little happy, it was not him who took the initiative to stir up trouble, Wei Dedao can’t say anything even if he knew.


However, when he was about to leave the line, somebody at the side suddenly sighed: “Wait.”

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Wei Xi turned his head to look. The one that spoke was a weak, wind-blown willow-like middle-aged woman that was lining up behind him. This woman was very beautiful, yet her complexion was very gray, features worried and her body seemed to be in very poor health. Her husband was behind her, carefully holding her.


That woman noticed the rod in the aggressive security guard captain’s hand and glanced at Wei Xi who was so weak he seemed unable to withstand a single blow, and said a little unbearingly: “It’s not like there were no people who lost their tickets before. Just now, there were so many that were all let over, why are you so persistently insisting that he sneak in without a ticket? Furthermore, where can you sneak in without a ticket on this mountain?”


When she asked this, the security guard captain immediately felt a little weak. He has worked here for many years, of course he is aware of whether or not one can sneak in without a ticket on Fengyang mountain – Fengyang mountain is steep and rugged. Although the front leads to a busy metropolis, the continuous mountain ranges behind the scenic spot are primitive forests that had not undergone development. The only way to enter the scenic spot is through the gate. In the past, the development department dispatched several professional survey personnels to the strange forest in the back and they all had a hard time escaping unscathed. It’s complete nonsense for ordinary backpackers to want to pass through, much less this feeble baby chicken-like little beggar in front of him. He used this reason to teach the other side a lesson, merely using this as a pretext to make a fuss.


He was a little resentful that his thoughts were directly exposed. However, although the woman who spoke was thin and weak, her clothes were very exquisite, and her husband behind her also gave off a commanding air, causing one to not dare to offend. He could only flush red in the face, reluctant to admit defeat: “How can I know whether or not sneaking in without a ticket is possible, you can ask him! Anyways, the scenic spot stipulates that if you don’t have a ticket, you can be fined. If the three hundred yuan fine is not paid, I won’t release the person. I’m not afraid even if you complain to the Bureau of Tourism.”


When Wei Xi heard this, he conscientiously rolled up his sleeves and walked towards him: “I don’t have money.”


The woman who spoke saw his skinny and pale figure, and his thin firewood-like wrist, and hastily raised her hand to stop him. The security guard captain’s shameless words angered her into gasping several times.


Her husband immediately held her shoulders concernedly. The woman patted the back of her husband’s hand, signaling to him that she was fine, and said to Wei Xi: “You don’t have to go out.”


Wei Xi looked at her doubtfully, isn’t it possible to leave after a fight?


The woman said to the security guard captain: “I can pay the fine for him, right?”


The security guard captain sized up the glittering ring on her finger and the diamond watch on her wrist. His face changed and he answered reluctantly: “If you’re willing to pay, then there’s no reason why you can’t.”


The woman coldly took out three bills from her purse and slapped it on the handrail, and then pushed Wei Xi: “Let’s go.”


At this moment, Wei Xi finally realized that the other was helping him. His back against the other’s hand, he unexpectedly did not give birth to any vigilance, but only uncertainly looked at the other's seemingly angry face.


This woman's temperament is clean and noble, wearing pearls on both ears, and she is benevolent, but on closer examination, her facial features were actually tangled with gloom.


Facing her gentle eyes, Wei Xi's desire to fight weakened a lot for an unknown reason, so after a moment of silence, he merely turned back towards the embarrassed middle-aged man holding the money and said: "Your family is going to break apart, you will have a lot of misfortune."


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The husband and wife palace at the end of this person's eyes was so dim to the point that it will die out soon, all the way implicating the son's fate on his forehead, with little change. His sinister and irascible eyes and brows turn into a face that dies alone and has no one to support him.


When the security guard captain heard this, his eyebrows immediately turned upside. The woman hastily dragged Wei Xi away. It was only after leaving the scenic spot that she unhappily chided him: "You're still stirring up trouble, just your little body going up is not enough for a hit from the other's rod."


Yet, after she finished scolding, she took out two hundred yuan from purse. Looking up and down at Wei Xi's worned-out clothes, seemingly not knowing where to start, she finally sighed and stuffed them in the basket on his back.


She said: "Daring to come out to play without bringing a single cent, children nowadays are more and more uncountable."


Wei Xi was not angry when he was chided. He thought bafflingly, why do the women outside give things to him for free?


First, it was tasty cakes, then it was money.


His train of thought suddenly paused, and he lifted his head up in astonishment. A beast approximately the size of two humans sped over from ahead. Its whole body was pitch-black, its eyes were round and open, and it roared in a low voice with a ferocious face.


Wei Xi raised his hand about to fight, but the beast suddenly stopped. A young man came out from inside and stepped forward to greet: "Chief Lin, Madam Lin, are you going back?"


This beast is unexpectedly driven by a person!


That woman, who was probably Madam Lin, nodded gently to the visitor, then said goodbye to Wei Xi: "The car is here, we're leaving, you should also go back early."


Just as her voice fell, she was stopped by Wei Xi’s raised hand. Wei Xi looked at the car, then looked at her forehead: “Don’t go up.”


Madam Lin was dumbfounded: “What’s the matter?”


Her husband, who had never acknowledged Wei Xi from start to end, frowned upon seeing this: “What do you want to do?”


Wei Xi did not pay attention to him, but looked at Madam Lin and asked: “Your family has recently been plagued with trifles, with many unfavorable matters, causing your body to steadily deteriorate, in low spirits?”


Madam Lin’s complexion immediately changed. She glanced at Wei Xi’s worned out and tattered Taoist robe and bearings, and immediately became nervous. She asked very cautiously: “ You, how do you know?”

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Because the top of this pair of husband and wife’s heads were both shining with black, like the original owner of Wei Xi’s body. The black clouds covering the crown of the head means that disaster is looming and bad luck is imminent. Such an unfortunate appearance was also found on the young man who had just gotten off the beast called “car”.


Wei Xi was just about to explain, but Madam Lin’s husband had already opened the car door with a frown and helped his wife into the car without a word: “Go, go, go.”


Madam Lin: “......Lin Hanyang, I haven’t finished speaking yet, what are you doing?”


Mr. Lin was speechless for a moment. He had never believed in these strange and supernatural things, but he was no match for the women in his household who were willing to believe them. In addition, it’s true that his family is not going well these years. His wife never had been able to conceive a child and was prone to illness, not to mention that recently the company has also begun to have bad luck. Although it seems to him to only be normal poor health and changes in the market economy, it was unknown where his mother went to check that she insists on saying it was a problem with the ancestral home in his hometown. As a result, during Golden Week, the two husband and wife were called back to this small town from far away, burning incense and worshiping Buddha, donating money to avoid calamities, and inviting a bunch of “masters” to select an auspicious date to practice. Today, the two of them were arranged to go to this mountain temple on Fengyang Mountain, which was said to be very effective, to pray for good fortune.


Lin Hanyang accompanied his frail wife to and fro, constantly on the move these days, and saw an unknown number of mystifying “masters” in his ancestral home. Now he has a headache when he hears about them.


Wei Xi, perceiving his vigilance, tilted his head expressionlessly, only to see Madam Lin eagerly rolling down the car window after the door closed to talk to him.


Mr. Lin was presumably unwilling to believe his advice. Wei Xi hesitated for while if he should knock Mr. Lin unconscious and then snatch Madam Lin. After seeing Madam Lin’s weak body, which seemed unable to bear any shock, he nevertheless had to give up on that idea. The talisman he brought out had already been given to that woman selling cake. He thought about it, tore off a piece of sleeve, made two gestures on the cloth, and gave it to Madam Lin.


Madam Lin, who was anxious because she could not open the door, took it with a bewildered look: “???”


Wei Xi pointed at the money Madam Lin had just stuffed into the basket: “Just take this as compensation for the money.”


This time, not to mention Madam Lin, even Mr. Lin, who was sitting by his wife looked dumbfounded. He glanced at the solitary and helpless two hundred yuan bills in the basket, thinking this routine is not quite right.


However it doesn’t matter, being able to get away is a good thing. He doesn’t really want to hear about anything related to feudalistic superstition right now.


Women–ai, their hair is long and their knowledge is short, they even believe this.


Just before the car was about to set off, the car body suddenly shook abruptly. Mr. Lin was startled and he immediately supported his wife and asked the driver: “What happened?”


The driver looked in the rear mirror and found nothing unusual. He scratched his head and said: “It’s nothing, maybe the rock on the pavement collapsed.”

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The deep black sedan slowly drove towards the highway. Pedestrians on the scenic road who happened to glance back when giving way were all surprised and made their companions look back: “Look at that Cayenne. Why is the tail light missing?”


Wei Xi watched Madam Lin leave, then began to look at the “eye” that he had just broken off the beast. This beast was sure enough formidable, it could unexpectedly still walk as if nothing had happened after receiving such a serious injury.


He brought the eye to his mouth and took a bite. Chewing it carefully, he immediately frowned, and his eyes became disgusted.


Bland and tasteless, too tough, not as good as the taste of the cake.


Forget it, just make do with it.


- An arrogant way to refer to yourself. Directly translates to "father". So here, the security guard is calling himself Wei Xi's father. Female counterpart is laoniang (mother). ↵

- The woman is putting her hand on Wei Xi's back. ↵

- 你: Informal you ↵

- 您: Formal you ↵

- 故弄玄虚(gùnòng-xuánxū): Deliberately mystifying; purposely making simple things mysterious. ↵

- Something like this:












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