Old Injury

Chapter 7

“Can’t we not break up?” The cry was intermittent, and the owner of the voice eagerly expressed his appeal, “I will be obedient, and I will never cause you trouble. I don’t want anything, I just want to stay by your side… This way, Isn’t that okay?”

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I leaned against the wall, intending to wait for another suitable time to go out.

The evening wind with a suitable temperature on the roof blew slowly through the narrow doorway. It may be located in the deep mountains. The wind carried a fresh fragrance of grass and trees, which made me a little sleepy.

“Don’t want anything? Do you think I’ll believe this?” Song Bai Lao’s ending sounded with a smile, unprovoked reminding me of Zhu Li’s antique cello, with its gorgeous tone and high price.

Once I couldn’t help but secretly fiddled twice while Zhu Li was away, but the sound was very strange, and my fingertips were aching from the vibration of the strings. Song Bai Lao is also like this. When speaking to people he doesn’t approve of, it will be hard to listen to, and if he is not careful, he will be cut.

“We are not a couple in the first place. You love me and I would like a contract. You have never made a deal, and you don’t have to act affectionately for me.” In the non-stop crying, Song Bai Lao’s words became colder and colder, and there was no trace of warmth. “After two years with me, you should know what I hate the most.”

“Instead of pestering me here, you might as well go downstairs and try your luck to see if you can find your new target.” He was struggling to the death under the cold swords that Song Bai Lao kept sending out, and this time he was completely “killed”.

I sighed silently, this is really too heartless and worthy of beating.

Passionate will be annoyed, ruthless is also annoyed, and it is safest only to cut off love.

Since his student days, Song Bai Lao has been surrounded by people, Omegas, Betas and even Alphas. He is always in a chaotic atmosphere and walks alone in campus.

We can all be said to be “heterogeneous”, but because of his poor personality, no one can approach him, and because I am a Beta, no one wants to approach me.

Heterogeneous thinking patterns may be similar. He occupied the rooftop of a remote teaching building as a site, and used it as a place to skip classes every day. Without knowing it, I also chose that place as a place to temporarily escape from the depressing campus life.


I once stood in a similar position to today, and heard a live scene between him and an Omega.

Over the years, nothing has changed.

“I’m not like that…”

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While I was distracted, Song Bai Lao and Su Shu didn’t know what was going on. There seemed to be a slight noise of clothes rubbing against each other. After a moment of silence, Song Bai Lao’s breathless rebuke sounded.

“Well… Now, get out of here right away.” He uttered the word, “get out!”

The messy footsteps came hurriedly, I straightened up slightly, and the male artist with red eyes was at the narrow staircase. Hit it right.

He was stunned when he saw me, and the unwillingness in his eyes almost solidified.

I don’t need to guess, he must be thinking, how can this person become “Mrs. Song”.

He wiped me away in a hurry. After I walked the last few steps, I saw Song Bai Lao standing there with long legs on the rooftop with all kinds of green plants.

When he saw me, he wiped his lower lip with his thumb and said, “What are you doing?”

He didn’t seem to be in a good mood. I was afraid that I would make a lot of mistakes and annoy him, so I briefly said, “Your father is looking for you.”

Song Bai Lao put his hands in his pockets and looked at me quietly for a moment: “Hmm.”

Then he ignored me and made no further action, instead he turned to look downstairs. There, the lights are shining, the clothes are fragrant and the temples are shadowed, the symphony orchestra is playing soothing and lingering music, and the hoarse voice of the female singer is slowly sounding, which is a song suitable for dancing.

The night sky suddenly burst into blooming dazzling fireworks, one after another, with a variety of patterns. Although it was short like a meteor, it added a splendid stroke to the quiet and deep mountains.

This kind of wedding is really romantic.

In exchange for any pair of newlyweds who are in love, they must embrace and dance with each other at this time, and kiss under the fireworks.

It’s a pity that Song Bai Lao and I are not lovers, this scene is a waste after all.

Song Bai Lao raised his head and admired the fireworks in the sky, but he didn’t want to continue to pay attention to me.

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Liang Qiu Yang couldn’t stay too late, saying that his brokerage company was very troublesome and controlled him very strictly. Before nine o’clock, his agent’s car was waiting outside, and he said goodbye to me in a hurry, and he went into the car.

I watched him leave, and went back to the banquet as a wallflower for another hour, until ten o’clock, and finally waited for the guests to leave one by one.

Song Bai Lao disappeared, and Luo Qinghe was not seen. It was unknown whether the two finally spoke.

Ning Shi was all smiles as she walked away, looking very satisfied with my performance today.

She touched my face and gave me a hug.

“You’re doing well.” She whispered in my ear, “We’ll contact you on the phone later.”

Once upon a time I always looked forward to her hug, but now, it’s more frightening than a snake’s kiss.

The servants began to clean the courtyard one after another. After I finished delivering the guests, I turned around and saw Li Xun and a middle-aged woman, coming downstairs.

Seeing me, Li Xun smiled at me: “Mr. Ning. The young master has just fallen asleep, Mr. Song and Mr. Luo are talking in the study. He asked you to rest first, saying that you don’t have to wait for him.” Then she introduced me to her, “This is my mother. She is an omega and the housekeeper here.”

The middle-aged woman nodded respectfully to me: “Mr. Ning, you can just call me Aunt Jiu.”

“Aunt Jiu.” I Greeted her and asked her which room I slept in.

Aunt Jiu was stunned and pointed me to a room.

The colorful lights outside were still on, and I was sleepy and tired. As soon as I entered the house, I fell asleep on the bed without turning on the lights.

I thought Aunt Jiu must have pointed me to a guest room. After all, Song Bai Lao had no feelings for me, and even hated me. Living in separate rooms without interfering with each other is the most suitable way I can think of to get along.

But I forgot, which bed partner does Song Bai Lao have feelings for? It’s true that he married me as a bussines marriage, and it’s true that he didn’t want me to have his children, but he never said that I should be just a decoration.

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In the middle of the night, I was sleeping soundly when a scorching human body suddenly covered my back.

He pressed firmly on the back of my neck, and his slightly heavy breathing hit my ear, with the strong smell of alcohol, which made me shudder for a while.

“Song…Song Bai Lao?” I quickly woke up, my heart was beating violently, and there was something inexplicable besides being frightened.

“Leave your husband to sleep alone on the wedding night, how can you do that.”

He pressed my body with one hand, and slid the other hand into my pants along the gap. The hot palms pressed against my buttocks, rubbing so hard that I couldn’t help but let out a pained sound.

I put my forehead on the pillow and said tremblingly, “You…you said I don’t have to wait for you.”

The movement of the palm stopped, and a very light smile sounded in my ear.

“I also asked you to abide by your duties, why don’t you remember?” His tone was a little cold, and he ripped off my trousers until they fell to his thighs.

“Wait…wait!” I struggled, trying to escape from under him.

He clasped my neck harder to keep me from moving. The weight on my back was far away, and there was a sound of him taking apart something from behind. After a while, he pressed it up again, and I immediately felt a giant slippery thing sliding between my hips.

Immediately before my eyes, many confused images flashed, the stuffy equipment room, the strong fragrance of flowers, the shaky sight…

I was stiff and trembling, and my body started to heat up shamefully.

Song Bai Lao’s soft lips pressed against my face, rubbing my ears: “It’s not the first time, why do you pretend to be so reluctant?”

I froze, not only because the question was so embarrassing, but also because of his slow, unrelenting intrusion.

His size was so impressive that I had a hard time accommodating it, but thankfully he didn’t come in knots. Alpha’s penis would knot in the front during passive estrus, like a dog, and get stuck in the gut during ejaculation, which can be really painful.

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Fingers clenched the sheets tightly, taking deep breaths. Zhu Li said that the shrike would nail its prey to the thorns to share its food. I feel like a poor grasshopper now, pinned to the bed by Song Bai Lao and ravaged.

In the meantime, inevitably he discovered the tattoo on my tailbone. It seemed to be very interesting, he kept scratching with his fingers, as if he wanted to break the false scar, poking into the flesh and stirring. Whenever this happens, I will scream very loudly, and the reaction is as big as the abdominal wound is really torn open again.

This sex is not so much a human copulation but a beast copulation.

I have no room for resistance at all, I can only let him play with it. Finally he hugged me from behind and bit my neck, but I didn’t have any glands there.

Alpha’s canine teeth are sharp enough to pierce the skin with ease. A small stream of heat slowly dripped down my neck, and I groaned in pain, begging for mercy almost uselessly.

After a while, he released his teeth and stuck out his tongue to lick my wound. The soft and creamy touch, with the intimacy after the affair, made me feel strong.

He felt it and withdrew from my body: “Do you like it? Your ‘mark’.”

I touched the place where he bit, and hissed in pain, but I couldn’t say I liked it anyway.

“Isn’t this what you want… You can show off everywhere…” He said haltingly, pounding on his lower body for a while, and release something under the bed, then yawned contentedly and fell asleep.

I pursed my lips and limped out of bed to take a shower, but I found no trace of semen in my body. He was so drunk that he didn’t forget to use contraception. It seemed that he was really afraid that I would steal his seed.

After taking a shower, I carefully lifted the quilt. I slept on the other side, occupying a small bunk, and fell asleep with my back to Song Bai Lao.

The bed is big enough that you can have no physical contact at all for a night.

The next day I woke up in a trance, it was already bright, Song Bai Lao left at some point, and he was nowhere to be seen on the bed.

A used condom was thrown on the ground, very disgraceful.

I didn’t want Aunt Jiu and the others to see this scene. I threw it into the trash can in the bathroom with a dozen tissues, and then wiped the carpet there for a long time.

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