Old Injury

Chapter 74

As expected, Luo Qinghe became the new councillor of Xiangtan City.

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The news media has done a lot of reports, and generally they are looking forward to his future performance as a rising political star.


Song Xiao left Xiangtan on the day the result came out. He didn’t say where he was going, but only said that he would come back when Ning Xi was discharged from the hospital. Before leaving, he left a letter to Song Bai Lao and asked him to open it after he left.


The letter was actually not long, it could be read in ten minutes at most, but Song Bai Lao was bored in the study all afternoon.


Some things can only be explained in person, while some words can only be attached to paper and sent to words, expressing unspeakable affection for those who are clumsy.


Song Xiao must have thought a lot when he wrote this letter, and just now, thousands of words have been gathered into this letter.


I didn’t ask about the content of the letter, and Song Bai Lao didn’t say anything, but I always felt that after he walked out of the study, his eyebrows became slightly relaxed, as if he had figured out something, and seemed to have let go of something.


“I’m a little regretful…” Song Bai Lao rubbed against my cheek, breathing in the crevice of my neck.


I shuddered, opened my sweaty eyelashes, and said unsteadily, “…regret?”


He licked my ear and whispered, “I can’t leave a scent on you now. ”


I went to the hospital for a follow-up visit this morning. After Luo Meng Bai gave a diagnosis report of complete recovery, Song Bai Lao couldn’t wait to pull me to bed in the evening.


After holding it for half a year, his eyes turned green from “hungry”, and as soon as the prey succeeded, he immediately greedily wanted to make up the half-year’s amount. It was almost dawn for a few hours, and he was still pestering me, so good that he seemed to have another three hundred rounds.


Without the pheromone, he is still an Alpha, an Alpha who is the best in every aspect of his body.


I can’t beat him, my hands are sore, my feet are sore, and my whole body is covered in sweat. If he doesn’t finish his work, I’m afraid that I will be dehydrated.


Electricity ran through my body, I bit my lip and groaned, my fingers clenched sharply on his naked back.


“Hey, baby, it hurts so much for you to grab me.” He deliberately blew into my ear as he spoke.


I turned my face away, my calf slipped off his waist, let go of my teeth, and let out a small, undulating breath from my throat.


Song Bai Lao caught up, kissed my lips sticky, and robbed me of my little oxygen deeply and domineeringly.


After the kiss, I was so dizzy that I couldn’t grasp anything in my mind.


“Ning Yu, your wound is healed.”


Song Bai Lao straightened up and gently stroked my flat abdomen.


The second cut of the laparotomy was still in the same position, covering the first cut, and also covering my tattoo. As the incision healed, new scar tissue formed and merged wonderfully with my tattoo—the pale pink scar pressed against the tattoo, as if the intractable wound had finally healed.


I stretched out my sweaty hand, touched the scar, and touched Song Bai Lao’s hand.




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I really didn’t have the strength to speak, so I simply replied a word, which was a bit ambiguous to hear.


And Song Bai Lao now has the energy to set fire to a prairie fire as long as he is ambiguous.


He took my hand and went further down.


My body stiffened, and I looked at him in disbelief: “Still…?”


He held my dodging waist, licked his lips, and said, “Who told you to set fire to it.”


Then you put my ignition tool take it, I don’t want it anymore.


After a bumpy night, Song Bai Lao woke up and went to work full of energy the next morning. I could only lie on the bed with sore hands and feet, and took a day off.


When he was getting dressed by the bed, I opened my eyes in a daze. With his back to me, he had not put on his shirt yet, and on both sides of his well-proportioned back, the string of repentance tattoos were full of unfading red scratches.


I used to trim my nails regularly. After all, it is not suitable to keep nails when baking. I have been slack in caring for wounds these days.


I shrank into the quilt in shame, and when I was about to fall asleep again, Song Bai Lao walked over to the bed and “digged” me out of the quilt.


“Idiot, isn’t it boring to sleep like this…”


He lifted my forehead hair, kissed my forehead, and left the bedroom lightly.


Ning Xi grew up in the incubator; Xia Sheng released a new battery with longer service life and capacity; Luo Meng Bai launched a new study on c20 through the serum extracted from Ning Xi; Liang Qiu Yang also completed the first time in his life. A New Year’s Eve concert…


The new year is coming, and it seems that Daoist Weijing’s peace talisman has really played a role. Everyone and everything are developing in a positive direction.


And me too, have found a new purpose in my life.


Just after the beginning of spring, Xu Mei Ren resumed the listing business.


Because Han Yin advertised for me on her multiple social media in the early stage, Liang Qiu Yang even came to the platform for me on the opening day, Xu Mei Ren attracted a lot of attention from the very beginning and became very popular.


Song Bai Lao originally wanted to buy the entire page of the newspaper to publish Xu Mei Ren’s opening notice.


This cake shop can’t afford any more capital investment. I just want to fulfill Master’s last wish to keep Xu Mei Ren open and keep getting better and better. I don’t forget the original intention, and I don’t want to make it into some kind of Xiangtan Internet celebrity shop.


In addition to me, the store also hired three bakers. On weekdays, we work in twos and twos, and the same goes for the cashier.


When business was good the previous month, I couldn’t rest for a day, and when I returned to Weijingshan to eat, I was so sleepy that I couldn’t keep my eyes open.


Xia Sheng is not far from Xu Mei Ren. Song Bai Lao often comes to pick me up. Sometimes when he is busy, I go to Xia Sheng to wait for him. Seven or eight times out of ten, we can go home together.


A month later, everyone’s freshness has passed, and Xu Mei Ren no longer has the scene of crowds and long queues every day. Although some of the best-selling cakes are still sold out early, and the shelves are always clean when the store closes in the evening, it is a normal traffic flow.


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A long-term overloaded operation can cause many problems, so I am also relieved.


After May, the weather will be much warmer, and Ning Xi will be discharged from the hospital in a few days.


Song Ba Lao and I went to see her a few days ago, and found that she was much fatter than other babies, and it was not obvious that she was a premature baby.


Xia Huainan called me again three months later, saying that he had gone abroad with his sister with the help of Xia Weijing, temporarily out of the control of the family, and he might not come back in the future, thank me before that.


“Thank you?”


“Thank you for arriving in time.”


I wondered if he knew that he was almost cut off by Song Bai Lao, and he continued: “I went to the hospital to find you that day, although no one escaped. No, in fact, there is still a glimmer of hope in my heart, I always feel that you can change everything.”


“I don’t want to be an Alpha tool, I want to live the life I want with my sister, and get married with the person I love. So thank you, you saved us.”


I didn’t go there specifically to save them, I felt a little embarrassed to be thanked so seriously.


From his mouth, I learned that Daoist Weijing added me to the Xia family tree.


I happily accepted the thank you gift, took me to talk about the origin of Taoism for a long time, and also showed me palmistry.


It would take at least another hour to read this palmistry, so I quickly stood up and said goodbye.


“I suddenly remembered that I promised MoMo to be a model for painting in the afternoon.”



Before Daoist Weijing could respond, I rushed out the door.


Since Ruan Xiong Hua withdrew from the campaign, I have not followed Zhu Li’s news.


So when the clerk came into the bakery and said someone was looking for me, I didn’t even think it was him.


He stood under a big tree outside the store, holding a paper bag of Xu Mei Ren in his arms, his lower abdomen slightly bulging. If I remember correctly, he should be more than five months pregnant.


“Ning Yu.” He smiled when he saw me.


One thing I admire about him is that he can laugh without haze no matter what. No matter how unpredictable his thoughts are or how annoying the other party is, his smile is always pure and gentle.


I stopped about two meters away from him: “What are you doing here?”


“Buy a cake.”


He wears a collar around his neck, it’s not an Omega’s bite ring, it’s a court-issued one, in case he’s investigating during the period of leaving Xiangtan, the electronic “shackles” used to monitor his position at any time.


“…Do you like eating these?” He took out a donut from the paper bag: “I’m pregnant, and the taste has changed. Didn’t you do this when you were pregnant?”


I took a bite and chewed it without any difficulty.

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“Then what are you going to do when you see me?” It doesn’t seem like it’s commonplace, right?


He looked at me and suddenly took a step forward, and I followed back vigilantly.


He was stunned for a moment, a little funny: “I’m just looking at you.” He opened his arms, showing his innocence, “Do you think I can still plot against you when I’m pregnant with a child?”


Others don’t, you and I don’t know.


“What are you looking at me? How do you want to get revenge on me?”


Zhu Li threw the doughnut back into the paper bag, sucked her fingertips and said, “Winning or losing is common. You win once, but you won’t always win; I lose once, but I won’t lose again and again. Even if I launch an offensive again, it’s a contest, not ‘revenge’.” He looked away, staring at the sky in the distance, “Maybe it’s beause of the pregnancy, I’ve always been sentimental lately, I often recall how you used to follow me and call me ‘brother’. Ning Yu, it would be great if you were really my brother.”


I almost laughed: “Then how many sins I have done in my last life.”


He turned his face, looked at me for a long time, nodded and said, “Yes.”

He actually agreed with my words.


“My car is coming.” He looked in the direction behind me, and after a while, a black Maybach stopped slowly by the roadside.


Holding the paper bag, he waved to me: “The cake is very good, goodbye, Ning Yu.” Then he got into the car.


In the end I didn’t know why he came here, as if he really just came to “see” me.


“What are you thinking?”


Song Bai Lao snapped his fingers in my ear, and when I turned around, I saw him frowning at me.


Ning Xi is now full-term and can be discharged from the hospital. Song Bai Lao and I drove to the hospital early.


Although the child was born long ago, actually holding her in her arms, raising her and taking care of her, was a completely different feeling from looking at her through a glass.


It seemed that at this moment, I had a little real feeling that I had given birth to a baby myself.


“How do you want to hold the child later?”


He heard this and laughed: “Didn’t you ask Aunt Jiu for a long time?”


I also laughed: “It’s all theoretical knowledge, no practical experience.”


“She’s is quite strong, it shouldn’t be broken so easily, let go of your courage.”


I carefully observed his expression and found that he was serious, not joking for the purpose of enlivening the atmosphere, suddenly there was a feeling that Song Mo was fine when he was a child.


Always feel that let him take the child, do not know what will happen.


My chin was suddenly pinched, and Song Bai Lao narrowed his eyes and said, “What was your expression just now?”

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Although I didn’t look in the mirror, it should be “disgusting”.


“No expression…”


He leaned down and could hear my breathing: “Really?”


I opened my mouth, didn’t make a sound, and directly covered his lips.


After hanging out and waiting for the car to stop, we got tired and separated.


Song Bai Lao got out of the car first, then turned around and stretched out his hand. The sun shone on him, casting a long shadow on the ground.


I looked at the hand and held it firmly.


The shadows merged, and the places where it touched each other were connected.


I used to enjoy playing the so-called “shadow game”.


Wait for Song Bai Lao to fall asleep, then tease his shadow.


The sun on the rooftop is full of sunshine, and he always sleeps on his side with his back to the sun, his shadow obediently sticking to the ground, not like the main lord.


When I read a book for a while, I look up at the shadow and lean my body against it. As the sun shifted, it climbed up my arm little by little, and for a while, the hand position coincided with mine, and it looked like it was holding my hand.


If he did something nasty that day, I would rub his shadow to death.


At that time, I thought that I would never be able to touch the real him in my life, so I thought the shadow was also very good.


Even if there will be no intersection in the future, I will never know… that’s fine.


This is a secret that belongs only to me. At least that’s what I thought at the time.


But really, it’s better to be real.


Ringed hands were holding each other, and I turned to look at him, just in time to see a new scar behind his ear.


“Song Bai Lao…”


He heard the sound and looked at me, waiting for my next words.


“Tell you a secret.” I beckoned and let him come over.


“Do you still have a secret?” He raised his eyebrows, stopped, and bent towards me.


I do have a few more secrets, but this should be the last one.


Putting my hand to cover from the side, I leaned into his ear and whispered three words.

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