Old Injury

Chapter extra 1

Although even the strongest Alphas will inevitably have a cold and cough, they can be immune to c20, but they cannot be immune to all diseases after all. But Song Bai Lao lost his glands, he is different from ordinary Alpha. It made me wonder if his typhoid fever was due to climate change or if he had had his glands removed.

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Daoist Weijing said that I have a heavy heart, and I am indeed easy to be concerned. Just this incident, I have been thinking about it in my mind since he had a symptom of coughing. He was ill for a week, and I was very worried for a week.

Holding a glass of freshly squeezed juice, I knocked on the study door and gently placed it on the desk. Song Bai Lao just looked up when I entered the room, and then continued to lower his head to review the documents.

I stood in front of the desk and waited for a while. Seeing that he didn’t respond, I silently pushed the glass forward until it reached him. Song Bai Lao paused, unable to ignore it any longer, he reluctantly stopped the movement of his hand, held the pen between his fingers, turned it twice, and put it aside.

“Can I stop drinking?” His voice was hoarse and nasal, “I’ve been drinking it for three days in a row, and it feels useless, so I won’t drink it, okay?”

I frowned and didn’t give in: “Even if it can’t cure a cold, drinking more juice is always good for the body.”

Song Bai Lao held up the glass of orange juice with a look of resistance and disgust.

“This is not juice, this is sulfuric acid.”

A lemon, three passion fruits, and pineapple are added to make juice, which is rich in Vit C. It is said that drinking it can enhance immunity and eliminate fatigue.

“Liang Qiu Yang said that he always drinks a cup of this every day when he catches a cold, so he will get better faster.” I coaxed him softly, “I made strawberry pudding, you drink this and I’ll get one for you to get rid of the sourness, okay? ”

When I say this, he generally doesn’t say no.

Sure enough, Song Bai Lao looked at me, struggled for a while, and finally gulped down the juice in the glass.

Satisfied, I reached out to pick up the empty glass. Just as I was about to turn around, he grabbed my wrist with his backhand and pulled me forward.

In order to maintain my balance, I had to support to the table with my other hand.

Before I could regain my senses, Song Bai Lao bullied me and kissed me on the lips across the table.

The sweet and sour taste pervades between the lips and teeth. It is a little sour, but not so exaggerated. It is still a little bit, a little bit sweet.

The soft tongue churned my mouth until I could taste no more acid before my wrists were released and allowed to evacuate.

Song Bai Lao lightly bit my lower lip and whispered, “Don’t need the pudding. Leave the things that lie to children to Song Mo. The adults still prefer a more direct ‘reward’.”

He kissed me until I couldn’t breathe. It was a little rough, and the hand holding the cup trembled slightly, as if it was going to slip at any time. I quickly clasped both hands together and pressed it tightly in front of me.

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“Don’t forget it.” I lowered my eyes and turned to leave the study.

After going down the stairs, I returned the cup to the kitchen. When passing the living room, I saw Song Mo and Ning Xi playing in the enclosed game pool.

The child grew up very fast. In the blink of an eye, Ning Xi was six months old. His facial features gradually opened up, and his skin was no longer as red as when he was born. Although the child’s skin was quite fair, she was exceptionally fair and her eyes were large and dark. Even the doctor who examined her was amazed that Ning Xi was the most beautiful little Omega baby she had ever seen.

Ning Xi has eyes like mine, nose and mouth like Song Bai Lao, she is very cute, but saying “the most beautiful” should be a compliment from the doctor.

“Sister, you’ve won again!” Song Mo cheered, turning his head for Ning Xi, pointing to the position of the front guardrail, “Let’s do it again and see who climbs over there first.”


It’s not accurate to say play, after all, Ning Xi can only crawl tremblingly now, and can’t even sit still, let alone understand speech.

It’s more like Song Mo is using games to guide her to master the tricks step by step, tirelessly and patiently, and I don’t even know where he learned these parenting classics.

He’s more of a “mom” than I am sometimes.

“It’s great, young master, come on, sister!” Aunt Jiu and two servants stood outside the fence as applause audiences, cheering for the two young players on the field with sincerity.

I don’t know since when, no matter who the whole family is, they have followed Song Mo and called Ning Xi “sister”, even Song Bai Lao.

I took out a pudding from the refrigerator, walked to the fence and knocked on the plate: “Momo, come and have some snacks.”

Song Mo and his sister were having a good time. When they looked up at me, there was still a big smile.

“Come on!” He said, slowing down, and when Ning Xi reached the top, he pretended to catch up.

“My little sister won again.” He hugged Ning Xi, the two children looked at each other and giggled, and they couldn’t stop for a while.

“Okay, young master, let’s go get some snacks, your sister is going to drink milk too.” Aunt Jiu leaned over and hugged Ning Xi, touched her diaper, and greeted a servant beside her to go to the bathroom. Another goes to the kitchen to warm milk.

Song Mo and I were the only ones left in the huge living room. He ran to me and reached out to take the pudding from my hand, with beads of sweat hanging from the tip of his nose.

“Thank you mom.”

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I saw that his bangs were wet with sweat, and the strands were sticking to his forehead, so I helped him aside.

“How is the school these days?”

Neither Song Bai Lao nor Song Mo likes those so-called “specially” aristocratic schools for the upper class, where there are usually only Alphas and Omegas, just like ShangShan. They crowd out Betas, discriminate against Betas, and see themselves as masters of the universe.

Therefore, after careful selection, we sent Song Mo to a private primary school that respects equality and harmony between all genders, and has excellent teachers and hardware facilities. The principal and Luo Qinghe are old acquaintances, and they are also good friends with Song Xiao.

One month since the start of school, Song Mo’s response has been good. Except for the first few days, he was a little shy and unable to let go. Now he has become more and more accustomed to school life, and can even be said to linger.

“Everyone is cute, but sometimes they’re too childish.” Song Mo said while eating the pudding, “Xiao Mei and Qiqi were rushing to be my tablemates. The two of them fought and their hair was messed up.”

“And then?”

“Then the teacher separated them, educated them, and arranged an Alpha deskmate for me.”

“I didn’t expect you to look like your father at a young age.” I squeezed his cheeks in a funny way, “It’s really a small disaster.”

Song Mo looked at me ignorantly, bit his spoon and asked, “What is a disaster?”

I thought about it: “It’s just…it’s so attractive that it attracts others to make peace with it. You’re going to fight together, and you’re going to have a bloody fight, and you won’t even lose your life.”

“Then I’m in trouble.” He nodded, lowered his head and continued to eat the pudding.

Just as he was talking, Song Bai Lao came down from the upstairs.

“What are you talking about?”

Before I could speak, Song Mo said, “It was Xiao  Mei and Qiqi who fought over me, and then my mother said that you and I are both troubles. You are a big trouble, and I am a small trouble.”

A sharp line of sight shot at me, and the whole person was agitated, and his eyes shifted unconsciously, looking to the side.

Song Bai Lao slowly approached me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and asked, “Am I in trouble?”

I now want to go back to five minutes ago and take back what I said.

“I’m talking nonsense…” I muttered.

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He laughed lowly, leaned into my ear and said, “You coward, dare not admit it.”

I raised my head to speak, but he suddenly turned his face away, put his fist to his lips and coughed.

Every time he coughed, my heart tightened a little bit, and the worries that had been shrouded in my heart all overflowed and floated on my face.

I bit my lip and patted his back.

He coughed a little better and turned around. I didn’t have time to clean up my emotions, and the corners of my lips that were raised in a hurry didn’t even need to look in the mirror to know what kind of strange expression was formed on my face.

Song Bai Lao was stunned, reached out and lightly rubbed my cheek, his tone unconsciously became cautious: “What’s the matter?”


Was he as anxious as I was when I was suffering from a serious illness before and when my life and death were unpredictable?

It felt so bad, I couldn’t keep laughing at the thought that this “badness” could last a lifetime, appearing in every corner of my life.

“Do you want to eat pudding? I’ll get it for you.”

I turned to go to the kitchen, Song Bai Lao caught up and hugged me from behind.

He swayed gently and whispered into my ear in a soothing manner: “I just have a cold, a common cold. Haven’t you heard of it? People who don’t usually get sick are especially hard when they get sick.”

Come to think of it, my mind has been too heavy these days, so heavy that it all shows on my face, and he sees it in my eyes.

I closed my eyes and sneered, “I haven’t heard of it.”

“Then I’ll tell you now, and you’ll know.” Song Bai Lao kissed my temple, “Don’t worry, I said I still have a wish, I won’t die.”

I opened my eyes, turned around abruptly, and warned him word by word, “Don’t say that word.”

When I was rarely so serious or even stern, he blinked in amazement, quickly understand what I mean.

“Okay, I won’t say it.”

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Seeing him like this, he suddenly remembered that I had explained to Song Mo before that the word “death” is not easy to use on living people, let alone on yourself. At that time, he was frightened by me, nodding his head in a daze, which was exactly the same as Song Bai Lao’s current appearance.

“What else do you wish for?” I asked him softly.

He has a happy life, he has everything he wants, his parents are there, his children are in pairs, what other wishes are not fulfilled?

With his current status, it should be easy for him to do anything. Unless this matter is “big”, so big that he can’t finish it in a short time.

Song Bai Lao put his palm on my cheek, and his thumb couldn’t help rubbing the small piece of skin under my eyes. He smiled and said, “I will be with you forever.”

I stared at him blankly and lost my words.

He continued: “I won’t leave you before I achieve this wish.” He obviously paused in the middle.


I thought it was at least a grand aspiration like “becoming the king of the world” or “becoming a no.1 in the business world”, but is this the result?

It’s just this…

How come he explained it, it made me even more uncomfortable.


I pursed my lips tightly and hugged him tightly.

He chuckled, welcoming me into his arms.

I was unwilling and annoyed: “You are a disaster…”

It is a disaster that makes people worry about it and can’t sleep.

He specially scourged me, so that I could never escape his clutches for the rest of my life.isaster…”

It is a disaster that makes people worry about it and can’t sleep.

He specially scourged me, so that I could never escape his clutches for the rest of my life.

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