Chapter 2

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I unintentionally let out a sound when I got back my mid-term results.

Normally, if I study, I can obtain above average results, but this time round, after going down with the flu, getting depressed thinking I had caused trouble to Koigasaki, getting into a fight with Ashida, etc. etc., I never really managed to study much in the end.

The result was a crushing defeat. Most of my subjects were below average, and I failed my English.

You need to take a retest in a few days' time if you fail an exam. If you fail the retest as well, you spend your summer vacation taking remedial lessons.

"You failed English? I can see it clearly from behind."

Kiritani, who sits behind me, started poking fun at me.

"Shut up! What about you? What did you get for English?"


"Aren't you in the same boat!"

Crap, I was thinking of asking Kiritani to teach me if he'd scored well.

"Aah, what should I do?"

I clutched my head and sprawled myself on the desk.

"Why don't you get Koigasaki to teach you? You guys are on terms anyway."


Koigasaki... did he mean that Koigasaki?

"Is she smart?"

"Are you living in the woods? She might not be at Hasegawa's level, but her name has been mentioned a number of times as one of the top achievers."


I didn't expect it. That girl who only has thoughts of romance between her ears is actually good in her studies. It is often said that a person should never be judged by her appearance.

During the next break, I quickly went over to Koigasaki's seat as soon as I saw that no one was talking to her, and said, "D-Do you have some time?"

"Eeh? What is it?"

In the past, it was a reach for me just to go talk to Koigasaki in class, but recently, I can manage that, at least. Seems like I, too, have grown.....

We could have just talked at her seat there and then, but I urged Koigasaki to follow me out of the classroom.

After reflecting on the incident where my friendly interactions with Koigasaki had led to Ashida's jealousy, I tried my best to be mindful and avoided talking to her inside the classroom.

We moved to the staircase landing and I wasted no time getting the point.

"It seems like your grades are pretty good. What did you get for English?"

"Huh? What's that all of a sudden? I don't really have good grades. More like, there's no way I will tell you what I got so suddenly, right?"

For some reason, she was suddenly in a bad mood. What happened?

"By the way, I got 28! I already told you mine, so tell me yours!"

"What kind of logic is that! Hey, you failed that, uwah!"

"Yeah, I failed. I'll get straight to the point. Teach me."

It was troublesome to beat about the bush, so I just directly made my request.

"Eh...... impossible."

"Instant death!? What a heartless girl!"

Indeed, I already knew this girl wouldn't just do anything for me if it didn't benefit her, but I was a little hopeful and thus rather depressed at the outcome.

"That's not it! I'm weak at English and didn't really get a good grade on it. Of course, while it wasn't as bad as failing, I didn't score well enough to be qualified to teach you. "

So that's the reason. Don't tell, is that why she's in such a bad mood? What an easy-to-understand girl.

"Ah, which reminds me, how about asking Hasegawa-san to help you out with your studies? She's top of the school year, seriously amazing!"


At that moment, I suddenly found myself at a loss after hearing Hasegawa Midori's name, the girl I was in love with. But, I then noticed the other attention-grabbing part of that statement.

"...... top of the school year?"

"What, you didn't take a look at the bulletin board?"

In our school, the top ten in grades have their names, rankings, and marks posted on the bulletin board. Since I was confident I would definitely not make the top ten, I never bothered looking at it.

"Hasegawa is top of the school year!? That's really amazing!"

All this while, I had the feeling she should be pretty smart, but right now, that feeling had turned to absolute certainty. To think that she was actually top of the year.

"It might be futile, but why don't you try asking her for help?"

"...... huh, don't be absurd!"

Indeed, there could be nothing better than the top of the year, Hasegawa, teaching me English. It might even be an opportunity to get closer to her, so it was really killing two birds with one stone. But......

"There's no way I can do that! We haven't really talked much, and asking her to help me out with my studies is just way too impudent!"

"Jeez, you're useless!"

"Even if you say that......"

My end goal was to get Hasegawa to like me and go out with me. I couldn't possibly blow my chances by setting a 'shameless' flag with her at this juncture.

"Even though I don't need to take a make-up test, I sure wish Hasegawa-san could help me with my English ~...... ah, Hasegawa-san!"

I looked where Koigasaki was pointing and saw Hasegawa exiting the classroom.

"Now, hurry up and get going!"

"Aah ~!? Like I said, it's impossible......"

Koigasaki literally pushed me from behind, and we came all the way to point-blank range of Hasegawa.

"Ah, Hasegawa......"

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Hasegawa, who seemed to be going somewhere, turned around to face us.

As always, she was expressionless and said nothing.

"Ah, no, erm......"

No good. Like I thought, it was a bit unreasonable to ask for her help with my studies all of a sudden, when we weren't even on close terms.

"Ah, is any of your committee work giving you trouble......!? If you need help with anything, please feel free to let me know!"

I said something that was completely off my original intent.

Hasegawa's face became puzzled, and in bewilderment, she said,

"All right, thank you......"


At that moment, Koigasaki suddenly poked her face out from behind me and called out to Hasegawa.

"You are amazing! You are top of the year, right?"

She easily went straight into the topic, and said what I'd struggled saying.

"I'm weak in English, you know...... if it's okay with you, can you teach me next time!?"

"...... me, teach you?"

Hasegawa looked really surprised at Koigasaki's words, but so was I.

"I'm not sure if I can teach it well, but if you are okay with that......"

"Really!? Thank you!"

Koigasaki got Hasegawa to help her with her studies......? What kind of development is that?

As a question mark surfaced in my head, Koigasaki gave a light kick to my heel.

Ah, perhaps, it's that?

"Ah, erm!"

Slightly perplexed, I opened my mouth.

"If it's okay with you, could you maybe teach me as well!?"

I almost squandered a rare opportunity that Koigasaki provided me.

"If you are okay with me......"

Even though she remained expressionless, Hasegawa readily consented.

"T-Thank you!"

Following that, as we were deciding on the date, Hasegawa said anytime would be fine and that we might as well just promptly do it today after school.

With that, the discussion was over, and after saying "Then, I'll see you again after school", Hasegawa disappeared from before us.

I made sure that Hasegawa had really left us, and said,


"You can't even ask that much on your own. Seriously, how useless can you get? I really can't believe it!"

After giving me a look of exasperated amazement, she went back into the class.

Since the other day, every now and then, I would think, maybe she's really a good person......

After waiting for what seemed like eternity, school was finally over for the day.

After the end-of-day homeroom ended, Koigasaki was talking to Hasegawa at Hasegawa's seat, so I hurriedly packed up and went over.

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"If it's okay with you, could you maybe teach me as well!?"

"Ah Kashiwada. We're going to study in the library, so we'll be moving there."


As we were leaving the room, I could feel the gazes of our male classmates. It was natural if you think about it.

Seeing a person like me who was at the bottom of the class hierarchy acting together with two of the cutest girls in class... no, in our school year, or in the worst case the entire school, was as abnormally unusual as finding a gold mine.

Following after the two, I left the classroom as if to escape the gazes of the crowd.

Our school library is relatively large, and the corner is partitioned into two areas: one where users must keep absolutely silent, and one where it is okay to whisper softly.

We put our bags on a table at the corner where it was okay to whisper, and sat down.

Hasegawa and Koigasaki sat beside each other, while I sat facing Hasegawa.

Just being at this point-blank range from Hasegawa was making me too nervous to get in the right frame of mind to do any kind of studying.

"Is there any particular area where you are weakest?"

Hasegawa asked us right after taking her seat.

As I normally had never seen her initiate a conversation, I was taken by surprise.

"I, I still don't quite understand how relative pronouns work......"

Hasegawa and Koigasaki turned their textbooks to the section on relative pronouns. I hurriedly opened to the same page as them.

"For long sentences, dividing them into two shorter phrases will make it easier to understand."

"Oooh ~ I see!"

"After splitting them up, are you able to interpret them?"

"Yeah, the first part is 『That is a book』, and part that comes after is 『She reads it often......』."

"The two can thus be conjoined with this relative pronoun."

"I see! Then, in other words......"

Hasegawa was surprisingly unreticent...... this was the first time I had seen Hasegawa talk so much.

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The more I look at her at such a close distance, the more I think her hair is beautiful and her skin is fair...... Koigasaki is also cute, but I feel that Hasegawa is the real orthodox beauty......

"Hey, Kashiwada! Are you listening!? And Hasegawa-san is even taking the time to teach us..."


Crap, I haven't been listening at all......

"Kashiwada-kun, is there anything you don't understand?"

Hasegawa called my name for the first time! ...... that's not it. Since Hasegawa is taking the trouble to ask me for my sake, I have to quickly answer her...... My eyes fell to the textbook. However, for some reason, I had no idea what I didn't understand......

Anyway, I was really weak in English. Even with my intuition and whatever I had attained from middle school, I could only get something like 28.

"Eh, ermmmm......"

Shaken, I flipped quickly through my textbook.

"Ah, this might be something I don't really understand......"

I opened a page that I was totally clueless about.

"This...... so, ...... and......"

I just can't believe that Hasegawa is helping me with my studies. Am I going to get divine retribution? My heart palpitations wouldn't stop.

"...... do you understand?"

...... crap, once again, I was too nervous and hardly anything entered my head......

But there was no way I could be honest about that.


Of all things, I pretended to have understood.

"Hasegawa-san! About the relative pronouns earlier, for this, can I interpret it in this manner?"

"Yes, that's right. It's well done. You've completely gotten it."

"It's because you are good at teaching it~! And also, and also, how about this......?"

It seemed like Hasegawa and Koigasaki were pretty unreserved with each other. And Koigasaki was gradually deepening her understanding.

With that, the study session, which lasted about one and a half hours, ended.

Despite having Hasegawa teach me a number of times, because of my nervousness and inner turmoil, hardly anything entered my head.

Besides, as Koigasaki gradually understood more and more, I felt embarrassed my own lack of understanding, and couldn't ask any questions proactively.

"Really thanks a lot, Hasegawa-san! After today, I think I managed to understand quite a lot more!"

As we were packing up our study tools, Koigasaki made a crisp smiling face. Unable to understand much of it, I couldn't help but feel envious of Koigasaki. No, I reaped what I sowed.

"Kashiwada, did you manage to understand? Will you be okay with your make-up test?"

"Hey, you......"

I had wanted to hide the miserable truth of my failure from Hasegawa.

"...... make-up test?"

Hasegawa reacted to that word.

"Ah, aaah...... but after Hasegawa taught me today, I'll be fine, I'll be fine!"

I forced a smile.

At that moment, Hasegawa looked at me.

She might have seen through my 『I'll be fine』 as a lie. Hasegawa's piercing gaze felt as if she could penetrate everything.

Hasegawa might have figured out the pathetic truth that I had lied about everything being fine despite failing to grasp a single thing that she had taught.

At that juncture, I too gave my thanks to Hasegawa and we parted ways at the library.

My heart was filled with a strong dose of guilt and self-loathing.



After school the following day, I studied at the library by myself.

Needless to say, the subject was English. If I failed the make-up test, there was a high chance that I would need to take remedial lessons during summer vacation.

I wanted to avoid that at all costs. I wanted to have fun during summer vacation. If possible, to invite Hasegawa to hang out......

For that purpose, I had to pass the make-up test no matter what. It was also for the sake of Hasegawa who had taught me.


I turned around in surprise at the voice. There stood the person I least expected.


"I've been looking for you."

Hasegawa came over and placed her bag on the table. She then took out several printouts from her bag.

Hasegawa had been looking for me? Why on earth would she do that?

"Here, I also passed a set to Koigasaki-san earlier......"

Those were copies of English notes, it seemed.

The areas that were tested this time round were put in order with beautiful handwriting.

"These are notes that consolidate the areas for the test this time that I made for myself. I might be doing something unnecessary, though......"

"For real!? Wow, this really helps! Is it really okay!? Thanks!"

I was deeply moved by this unbelievable thing that was happening right now. Hasegawa went out of her way to do such a thing for me......

"I'm sorry if I get this wrong but...... Kashiwada-kun, I felt that you didn't really manage to deepen your understanding from my explanations yesterday......"

Like I thought, she knew!

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I felt so awkward that I wanted to avert my gaze from Hasegawa.

"...... erm, I haven't really taught anyone up till now, so...... it was difficult to understand, right?"


Hasegawa lowered her eyes apologetically.

I was stunned by Hasegawa's words.

Hasegawa isn't angry with me for not understanding her explanations, but is actually blaming herself for it?

"No, that's not it! Besides, Koigasaki also said that you are good at teaching. It's just that I'm too stupid to understand it!"

I denied vehemently.

Hasegawa appeared surprised at my words.

"...... Kashiwada-kun, if it's okay with you, in order to make up for not teaching you properly yesterday, shall I help you with your English today as well?"

"Eh, for real!? My, that'll be a life-saver, thanks!"

To think that Hasegawa would help me with my studies for two successive days...... and to top that, it's just the two of us today!

So, such a lucky thing can also happen to me when I'm attending school seriously!

...... no, this is not luck. Hasegawa was bothered by what happened yesterday and came all the way here looking for me.

She even made a copy of her notes for me; like I thought, even though Hasegawa appears unapproachable, she's really a very kind-hearted girl.

Following that, in the two or so hours remaining before school closed, Hasegawa diligently taught me English.

Like the day before, there were many areas I had trouble with, but this time, I asked her to go over again the parts that I couldn't understand.

As I wasn't shaken up like the day before and was able to interact with her, and also because Hasegawa was good at teaching, I felt that I managed to understand a lot more than the day before.

Before I knew it, it was ten minutes before school closed for the day, and the music signaling closing time started playing.

"Hasegawa, really thanks a lot! Unlike yesterday, I managed to understand most of it today! And with the notes you gave me as a reference, I'll take care of the rest by myself over the weekend!"

"Then that's great."

Remaining expressionless, Hasegawa started packing up.

"Then, I'll take my leave......"

Just like the day before, Hasegawa started announcing her departure at the library.

"Ah, w-wait a minute!"

I unconsciously stopped Hasegawa.


"Erh no, ...... i-i-i-if it's okay with you, shall we go back together?"

I made my resolve and suggested to Hasegawa.

It was because I felt that it would feel kind of lonely to just part ways at the library.

"With me? ...... I don't really mind, though."

Hasegawa looked bewildered, but acquiesced.

The jitters I was carrying for fear of being rejected dissipated into extreme happiness when I heard that.

It was all good until now.

The problems started here.

We were walking along the road that led from school to the station. We just walked on, without saying anything.

Even though it was good that I'd managed to accompany her, I had no idea what kind of topic I should start to engage her in a conversation. Earlier, since I was in the role of a tutee, I could keep talking, but right now, with nothing to talk about, I felt extremely troubled.

"Erh, ermm, Hasegawa, where was your middle school?"

"...... it was a public school in my hometown."

"I see~."

The conversation ended.

No, wait, don't let it end here, stupid. There are a number of ways for me to expand from here, right? But, I don't want her to feel creeped out by me asking for personal info. Then, on the spur of the moment, I remembered what was written in the 『Bible to Becoming a Popular Guy』. During the conversation, you can casually lead up to asking for the next date, was what was written inside I think...... don't ask me for the impossible.

Then, I noticed Hasegawa looking hard at one particular place.

Following Hasegawa's line of sight, I saw a rental store.

"Do you want to drop by TSUTAYA[1]?"

"Eh? Erm, I've always wanted to enter, but I've never been to one......"

"You've never been to one? Once you make a card, you can immediately rent something; it's really convenient, you know?"

"Card? Is it easy to make one?

"Of course!"

Hasegawa and I entered the TSUTAYA store. Hasegawa seemed a little confused.

Out of habit, I started heading to the anime corner, but managed to frantically halt my legs.

"Wow, there are so many DVDs......"

Perhaps it was because she had hardly visited any type of media rental store before, Hasegawa was looking at the displayed DVDs in surprise.

"Hasegawa, was there anything you wanted to borrow?"

"Erhmm...... I wonder if they also have comedy shows."

Hasegawa and comedies!? That was too unexpected.

Suppressing my bout of unrest, I brought Hasegawa to the comedy DVDs corner.

"Ah, this......"

What Hasegawa immediately took was, 『All of Hitoshi Matsuda's[2] Forbidden Stories』.

"Ah, they have this, too!"

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Next, she took 『Linkehn[3]』...... I wonder whether she's a pure-bred comedy lover?

It might have been my imagination, but I could see that Hasegawa was a little more charged up than when she was at school. Of course, compared to a normal girl's excitement, her excitement was still lower, of a cool kind of excitement.

After no small degree of indecision, in the end, Hasegawa seemed to have decided on renting 『All of Hitoshi Matsuda's Forbidden Stories』.

"Ah, which reminds me. There's another one...... do they also have an anime DVD called 『Lovely Idol Tinker ☆ Tina』, I wonder?"

I desperately contained my astonishment, which would have been strong enough to make me fall down backwards if I didn't.

"Eeh!? Hasegawa, do you watch stuff like that!?"

I was so surprised that I ended up raising my voice a tad too loudly. Aah, this kind of over-reaction is creepy and makes you look like an Otaku, is what Koigasaki would probably say if she were here.

"No, it's for my little sister."

"Ah, I, I see......"

『Lovely Idol Tinker ☆ Tina』 was an anime aimed at little girls that aired Saturday mornings. As it was so popular among older friends, I had unconsciously forgotten that it was originally aimed at little girls, and popular with them, too.

Following that, Hasegawa brought the first volume of 『Lovely Idol Tinker ☆ Tina』 and the DVD of 『All of Hitoshi Matsuda's Forbidden Stories』 to the cashier.

After making her card, she managed to rent out what she wanted without a hitch.

I was broke, and besides, I had to study for the make-up test, so I didn't rent anything.

"Hasegawa, you like comedies? That's surprising."

"Yeah...... I happened to watch some for studying purposes and they were unexpectedly interesting."

...... studying? What kind of studying? But, Hasegawa said it in such a matter-of-fact manner that somehow, I couldn't ask her about it.

"Ah, Hasegawa, you have a little sister?"


"How old is she?"

"She's turning six soon."

"Oh ~. Hasegawa, you look like someone who loves kids and is good at taking care of them."

I said as I remembered the first day of school when I saw Hasegawa helping a young girl when she fell down.

"Is that so? This is the first time someone has described me as such......"

Even though she remained expressionless throughout, she wore a slightly astonished expression.

Indeed, normally, from her unsociable appearance, one wouldn't think that she would like kids.

In the meantime, we reached the station.

Thanks to the side-trip to the rental store, it became easier to talk to her, and I was just deeply relieved that things didn't become awkward after that.

"Well then, I'll be taking the subway."

"Ah, yeah...... thanks for tutoring me."

With her usual unsociable look, Hasegawa nodded lightly, and started heading towards the boarding platform for the subway.

Just a little bit more, and it seems like Hasegawa might open up to me...... I thought with a tinge of sadness.

At that moment, Hasegawa's legs stopped and she turned around. I was gazing after her leaving back without making a move and got found out.

"Erm, Kashiwada-kun. ...... the side-trip was fun. It was the first time I've made a side-trip, so...... thank you."

Perhaps due to embarrassment, Hasegawa lowered her head as she murmured that.

"O-Oh, i-it was nothing, it was fun for me too! If you'd like...... if you'd like, we can do it again!"

I replied too rapidly from my excitement.

To think that Hasegawa would say those words to me. I was moved.

On hearing my words, Hasegawa smiled a little, and left.

After what happened today, in my heart, I swore to myself that I would study really hard until the make-up test.

On the following day and day after, Saturday and Sunday, using the notes I received from Hasegawa as a reference, I studied with single-minded focus.

Next day was the beginning of the week, Monday, the day of the make-up test.

Even in school, I continued studying earnestly for the make-up test that would take place after school.

During the break, as I was walking along the corridor heading to the toilet, I saw Hasegawa ahead walking towards me.

She was probably carrying out her duties as class rep and had a large number of printouts in her hands.

For an instant, I thought about showing Hasegawa my determination in doing my best for the make-up test, but, thinking that I might sound annoying for doing that purposely, I gave up on the thought.

As we were passing by each other.

"Good luck to your make-up test."

I turned around in surprise. Hasegawa wasn't looking at me. But, that was definitely Hasegawa's voice. To think that she found out that today was the day for my make-up test.

"T-Thank you, I'll do my best!"

I threw my voice after Hasegawa's back. Even though she didn't turn around, I made a large triumphant pose in my heart.

Getting a good feel as I worked through it, the make-up test ended without a hitch.

While feeling nothing but relief that I no longer needed to study, at the same time, the feeling of wanting to know my results quickly and the feeling of apprehension of what they might be created in me complex, mixed feelings.


Translator's Notes and References & OTARIA Glossary

Jump up↑ TSUTAYA: A chain of rental stores and bookstores. Here's how the online store looks like.
  Jump up↑ Hitoshi Matsuda: A parody of Hitoshi Matsumoto, it seems.
  Jump up↑ Linkehn: A parody of Lincoln (variety show).

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