“A-Arisa… let’s go outside for a moment.”

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“Nn… will you kiss me once we go out?”

“Yes, I will. Come on, let’s go outside.”

Yuzuru forced Arisa to stand up.

Meanwhile, Arisa stood up a little unsteadily… and then leaped up to Yuzuru’s face.

“It’s a gap!”

“A-Arisa, P-please stop. I’ll do it properly for you…”

Yuzuru managed to avoid kissing Arisa and forcefully held her shoulders down. 

Arisa seemed to be dissatisfied.

“When will you do it?”

“Once we’re outside, I’ll do it.”

“Where’s outside?”

“Let’s go outside on the balcony for now. Let’s get some fresh air.”

“Mn… I want it now”

“E-even if you say so…”

Yuzuru looked at Ayaka and the others to ask for help.

But the girls were just looking elsewhere…

“Arisa-chan is not very good at drinking, is she…?”

“She looks like a tough girl, though.”

“I thought she could drink Vodka in one gulp.”

Ayaka, Chiharu, and Tenka were saying whatever they wanted as if it was someone else’s business.

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Meanwhile, Soichiro and Hijiri both turned their backs to them.

It was as if to say – 

We’re not looking.

You can kiss us all you want.

“Do you really want us to go outside?”

As if saying, it can’t be helped, Arisa started to ask.

Apparently, she was ready to go outside.

Yuzuru jumped to his feet in a rush.

“Yeah! I want to get out!! …what should I do?”

“Carry me like a princess, please.”

“If it’s only that much!”

Yuzuru picked up Arisa.

Arisa looked satisfied, and Ayaka and the others were impressed.

“F-for now… I’m going outside… Ayaka-chan, could you open the door for me?”

“Sure sure. Have a safe trip!”

Ayaka said and opened the glass door.

Yuzuru walked out with Arisa in his arms and quickly closed the door and then the curtains.

Now no matter what Yuzuru and Arisa were doing on the balcony, they could not be seen from the inside.

“For now… Come on, Arisa. Sit down… ngh~.”

When Yuzuru tried to get Arisa to sit down…

Arisa held Yuzuru’s face in her hands and covered his lips with hers.

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Arisa’s tongue entered Yuzuru’s mouth.

Yuzuru’s eyes involuntarily went wide.

For a while, he let Arisa do what she wanted…

A minute passed according to his senses.

Arisa was satisfied with that and released Yuzuru.

“Hah… A-Arisa. Satisfied?”

Yuzuru asked Arisa while wiping his mouth with his hand.

Arisa shook her head from side to side.

“Mn… Not yet!”

“What do you want me to do…?”

“Please sit down for now.”

Yuzuru did as he was told and sat down in the chair across from Arisa.

Then Arisa stood up and…


She laughed cutely and sat on Yuzuru’s lap, facing him.

Then she held Yuzuru’s head in her arms… and pressed it against her own chest.

A soft feeling was transmitted.

“Yuzuru-san, you like this place of mine …don’t you?”

“U-um… yes I do…”

Yuzuru replied in confusion, and Arisa nodded in satisfaction.


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“Yuzuru-san likes me, so you got engaged with me, right?”

“Of course. I don’t want to get engaged to someone I don’t like.”

Yuzuru nodded his head in response to Arisa’s question.

Arisa continued to ask Yuzuru

“You will marry me because you love me, won’t you?”

“Of course. I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love.”

Yuzuru nodded his head, thinking, ‘What’s this at this point?‘

(Is it because she’s drunk…?)

Yuzuru chuckled to himself inwardly, but…

“It’s not because it’s a political marriage, is it?”

Yuzuru’s heart jumped at Arisa’s next question.

(…so, you were concerned about that time.)

For Yuzuru, his engagement to Arisa was a love marriage.

But that did not negate the fact that it was a political marriage.


Anxiously, Arisa called Yuzuru’s name.

To reassure Arisa here, it was easy to reply, ‘That’s right. It is not a political marriage.’

But that was only a deception.

And …when he couldn’t answer immediately, he was not persuasive.

Since that was the case… Yuzuru had no choice but to confide his honest feelings.

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“…I am the next heir to the Takasegawa family. Therefore, I have a duty to take over the Takasegawa family, marry a suitable partner, and pass it on to the next generation.”

That was the significance and purpose of the birth of Yuzuru Takasegawa.

It was the condition and the price for inheriting financial and political power from one’s parents simply because one was born the eldest son of the Takasegawa family.

There was no escaping from it. No, he cannot run away from it.

And he did not intend to run away from it.

That was exactly why…

“I am… relieved and happy from the bottom of my heart to have met you, to be engaged to you, and to be able to live my life with you. I am truly blessed to have you as my fiancée.”

Yuzuru eventually had to marry someone.

That’s why, unless it was someone he didn’t like, unless it was not someone he loved, the option of not marrying was non-existent from the beginning.

Although there was a feeling of not wanting to be with someone he didn’t like or someone he didn’t love, it was only a feeling.

“For me, it is the greatest fortune in my life to have met you, someone I truly adore and can love with all my heart. And I am glad to be in a position to marry you… to have been born into the Takasegawa family.”

It was good that my partner in the political marriage was Arisa.

And I am glad that I am in a position to have a political marriage with Arisa.

Those were Yuzuru’s true feelings.

“…is this not good enough?”


After a moment of silence…

Arisa muttered.

“So that’s how it is, huh? I see…”

Then she nodded profusely and…

“I feel fortunate from the bottom of my heart to be able to make you, the person I love, feel happy.”

She responded with a big smile.

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