“Hah… my legs feel like bricks.”

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Arisa muttered with a sigh after arriving at the hotel and sitting down on the bed.

She took off her slippers and rubbed her white legs on her own.

“I’m tired too… let’s take a quick shower and go to bed.”

Arisa nodded in agreement with Yuzuru’s words.

“Which of us should go in first?”

“Do you want to go in first?”

“No, I don’t mind either way… Shall we decide by rock-paper-scissors?”

There was nothing to fight over and nothing to give away.

Thinking so, they decided to decide on the order by rock-paper-scissors-scissors quickly.

“Well then, I’ll go in first.”

“Go ahead.”

And it was Yuzuru who won.

Yuzuru got off the bed and headed for the bathroom.

The bathroom was a so-called unit bath.

Yuzuru closed the curtains to prevent the hot water from splashing out and turned on the shower faucet.


Then, while washing his body, Yuzuru suddenly had an idea.

(…was there an option to invite her to join me?)

Normally he would not be able to say such a thing, but today it was just the two of them on this trip.

Perhaps they could have bathed together with the flow and momentum of the trip.

(No, it’s a little early for that, isn’t it…?)

But that would mean having a naked relationship with Arisa.

Yuzuru did not have the confidence to bathe with a nude Arisa and remain calm.

While he was thinking about this, Yuzuru finished washing his body.

Wearing the bathrobe that had been prepared for him, he left the bathroom, wiping the water off his body.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“You were quick.”

When Yuzuru left the bathroom, Arisa immediately greeted him.

Yuzuru was surprised to see Arisa in the bathroom, but for some reason, she froze.

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Then she looked away in a panic.

“Um… what’s up? Something wrong?”

Yuzuru was flustered by Arisa’s unusual appearance.

He panicked thinking that perhaps he was showing something he shouldn’t show.

“No… Nothing’s wrong.”

“I-is that so? Then… why are you looking away?”

Nothing wrong.

For some reason, Arisa, who said so, did not make eye contact with Yuzuru.

However, when Yuzuru persistently questioned her, she seemed to have relented and turned her gaze slightly toward Yuzuru.

“I just thought you were a little sexy…”

After answering that, Arisa covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Yuzuru, on the other hand, tilted his head.

“I-is that so…?”

Yuzuru had never thought of himself as ‘sexy’ when he looked at himself.

So, to be honest, he was not convinced, but since it did not seem to be a bad thing, he decided to take comfort for the time being.

“I-I’m going in!”


Then Arisa fled to the bathroom as if to escape.

Yuzuru, who had become idle, waited for Arisa while drying his hair with a hairdryer and watching TV.

“…sorry to keep you waiting.”

Not long after, Arisa appeared in a bathrobe.

Her white skin was slightly reddish and her beautiful flaxen hair was damp.

Her figure looked even more glamorous than usual.

“What’s wrong?”

“No… I just thought that I understood how you were feeling just now.”

“I-I see”

At Yuzuru’s words, Arisa looked down at him shyly.

Then she gazed into his eyes with her green eyes.

“I’d like to dry my hair…”

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“Oh, my bad. I’m done.”

Yuzuru tried to hand the hair dryer to Arisa, but Arisa shook her head.

She then climbed up on the bed and approached Yuzuru.


Arisa sat down in front of Yuzuru, with her back to him.

Then she turned around.

“Could you please dry it for me?”

“I-I see!”

Finally, Yuzuru understood what Arisa was trying to do.

He turned on the hair dryer to dry Arisa’s hair… and stopped.

“Sorry… Can you teach me how to do it…?”

Arisa’s beautiful flaxen hair was much more well cared for than Yuzuru’s, without any need for comparison.

He couldn’t possibly treat it the same way he treats his own hair.

“All you have to do is dry it normally…”

“Well… tell me if I’m doing something wrong.”

Yuzuru carefully began to apply the hair dryer to Arisa’s hair.

While arranging the shape with his hands, he applied warm air to it.

Carefully avoiding losing its shape and ensuring that it does not get too hot.

“You’re doing great”

Despite Yuzuru’s concern, Arisa sounded comfortable.

The next thing he knew, Arisa was leaning back.

She looked relaxed and was resting her weight on Yuzuru.

Yuzuru, too, was getting more comfortable with the task.

“That’s good to hear”

Yuzuru replied, noting the glimpse of white cleavage peeking out from her bathrobe.

Don’t look at it.

I shouldn’t try to peek at it.

Despite this thought, it still bothered him.

(Even though it’s so big… doesn’t it sag without underwear?)

Even from the top of her bathrobe, he could tell at a glance how beautiful the shape was.

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Then he realized that Arisa had closed her eyes.

She seemed to have fallen asleep.

Seeing her defenseless figure like this tempted him to play a prank on her.

Yuzuru stopped the hair dryer and put it aside.

Then he reached in front of Arisa’s body, hugged her from behind, and whispered in her ear.

“Arisa, I’m done.”


Arisa’s body shook, perhaps in surprise.

Then she turned her head back and blinked her eyes.

“I was asleep…?”


“I see… sorry”

“No, don’t worry about it.”

As Yuzuru said this, he lightly grabbed Arisa’s bathrobe.

Then, he fixed her bosom, which had been disheveled and opened wide without her noticing it.

“I-I can fix it myself…”

Arisa blushed with embarrassment and straightened her posture.

Then she slipped out of Yuzuru’s arms and turned around.

“Let’s go to bed.”

“Right. …I’m going over there to change, let me know when you’re done.”

Yuzuru got off the bed and headed for the bathroom with his sleepwear and his own underwear.

He took off his bathrobe and put on his underwear and sleepwear.

“Arisa, are you done?”

“…Yes, I’m done.”

After checking, Yuzuru returned to the bedroom.

Arisa had already changed into her nightgown and was sitting on the bed waiting for him.

“Then, let’s go to bed.”


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Yuzuru climbed onto the bed and slipped into the blankets.

Then he called out to Arisa, who remained frozen in her seat.

“Here, come on in.”

Needless to say, the bed in this room was a double, not a twin.

In other words, there is only one bed for two people.

“Yes… Excuse me”

Yuzuru urged Arisa to get into bed with him.

She stared at Yuzuru’s face with a nervous look on her face.

Yuzuru couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of her.

“There’s nothing to be that nervous about.”

A double bed and not twin beds.

This was not Yuzuru’s arbitrary decision, but a decision made by the two of them.

It was something they knew from the beginning, and this was not the first time they had slept together.

“S-sorry. I-I got so nervous… Are you not nervous?”

“No, not that I’m not…”

When Arisa pointed this out to him, Yuzuru realized that his heart was pounding.

When he became aware of it, he became even more nervous.

“…Let’s turn off the lights for now. Is it okay if it is dark?”

“Yes… Can I come over there before that?”


When Yuzuru replied, Arisa came close to him until their bodies were almost touching.

Then she looked at Yuzuru’s face with a wanton expression on her face.

“Um, Yuzuru-san, before we sleep…”

“Good night.”

Yuzuru then put his lips to Arisa’s and sealed her mouth.

Arisa’s eyes widened for a moment, but then she looked satisfied.

“…good night.”

After confirming that Arisa said this, Yuzuru turned off the light.

The two spent a quiet night, feeling each other’s body heat and breath.

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