
Chapter 10

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I woke up earlier today and had a fast breakfast as I was quite excited about skill training, as a person who couldn't even use a spoon; weapon & martial training were just fantasy I read occasionally in novels.

I browsed the several skills that were already in my mind as I thought about my priorities, since I had plans to start clearing the quest log as soon as possible as I didn't have much time to learn every skill I read, so learning a few useful ones would do just right.

After half an hour of thinking I settled on learning sword skills for weapons for the time being.

[ Activating 'OMNI-Mastery' ….. ]

[ Skill acquisition list:

'Sword-Mastery': swing a sword 100 times {0/100}

'swift swordsmanship': repeat the 5 moves 25 times each {0/125}

'Vital Dagger strike': stab an target's in a vital point 100 times {0/100}]

I checked the 'Sword-Mastery' skill for more details

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['Sword-Mastery' acquisition requirements:

* swing a sword 100 times {0/100} for ten days {0/10}

* learn at least one swordsmanship skill (lv.1, one star grade)]

'I guess it won't be that easy' I thought to myself, although the requirement turned to be more demanding it was still a cheat no matter how one thought about it.

According to the tutorial info, learning skills especially the weapon type required a long time, learning one in 30 days would be abnormal in its own, let alone in 10 days!

But still it seemed quite a waste of time to just do this little training for a whole day, since I had to train for 10 days to acquire 1 skill, I decided to pick up all the weapons I could learn using.

So, I checked other mastery skills that I could learn with the weapons I had home, which had similar acquisition requirements to sword mastery except slightly longer number of days, like archery which required shooting 100 arrows for 13 days.

-> Sword: 100 swings, 10 days

-> Spear: 150 stabs, 11 days

-> Bow: 100 shots, 13 days

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-> Dagger: 80 side-stabs, 12 days

-> Halberd: 200 attacks, 11 days

The new daily training plan that felt so empty was suddenly filled to the brim.

I decided pick up weapon specified skills next, which I didn't have hard time doing since there was only one or two of such skills in my mind, so I settled it up quickly.

I collected the weapons from the training room to the backyard where all the training targets were piled, starting today, my daily harsh training continues.


Ten days later…..

['Swift Swordsmanship' acquisition requirements:

*Repeat the 5 moves 25 times each {125/125}]

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[You have learned 'Swift Swordsmanship' lv.1]

['Swift Swordsmanship' lv.1 (one-star grade)

Skill type: Active

*Attack speed increases by 5%]

['Sword-Mastery' acquisition requirements:

* swing a sword 100 times {99/100} for ten days {9/10}

* learn at least one swordsmanship skill (lv.1, one star grade) {1/1}]

I swung the sword one more time, and then, I was assaulted by an abnormal feeling, I felt as if countless swords were tearing their way into my body that I almost screamed with pain, but luckily it was only a momentary phenomenon.

[You have acquired 'Sword-Mastery' lv.1]

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[You body accepts the baptism of the sword, strength increases by 2]

[Strength +2 -> Strength: 12]


It was all I could think about at this moment, the choice of mastering every weapon I could get my hand on, which sounded so ridiculous, just became the wisest choice I made, since I couldn't boost my stats further through training, if every mastery skill increased 1 or 2 stats point then that would mean that I could increase my stats about by about 4~8 points more!

The most important part about this was the strange feeling I was experiencing just now.

The crude training sword that I held in my hand, I could feel its heartbeat as if it was alive….

['Sword-Mastery' lv.1

Skill type: Passive

*Attacks' Strength & Damage increase by 10% when wielding a sword

*you acquire an innate affinity 'Sword-Affinity']

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