
Chapter 4

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An empty room, holding only a huge capsule, connected to several thick wires.

"Hoho, this will be your home for 1 year, do you like it?"

Claus had a smug smile as he started preparing the capsule, this was the room holding the 'entrance' to the game, the full dive capsule developed specifically for this game.

I was soon placed into the capsule, albeit hardly, and a helmet was placed on my head.

"well then, I wish you luck on your endeavours"

I suddenly felt dizzy as my consciousness started to fade, all while hearing Claus's last words.


[User entrance detected, processing the user's information]

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[ding! User's Attribute is Light-related, choosing an appropriate starting location within The Light Domain]

I soon found myself in a blank space, I could hear a neutral voice who seemed to be the system Claus talked about, that was probably the beginner village selection that happens in the start of most games.

"wait a sec, what is this Light domain exactly?"

[The Light domain is one of the five domains existing in the lost realm that you are currently traveling to]

Soon after a large map appeared with several pointed locations, an arrow suddenly pointed to a certain point.

[ding! Location selected, User will start at Thunder village]

Suddenly a huge screen was placed in front of me and a reflection that looked identical to me appeared in the mirror's the system proceeded,

[would user like to make adjustment to your current looks?]

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"no", I didn't see the need to do such a troublesome thing.

[User's Body and starting location confirmed, commencing the entry sequence]

My mind went blank all of a sudden once again.


[Integration process starting 1%...28%.....79%....99%]

[100%!, Integration with the player's avatar is complete]

I heard the system's cold and neutral voice ringing inside my head once again as I opened my eyes and looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar celling.

[Would the User like to view the avatar's memories?]

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It looked like we would enter the game as a part of the society, even to the point of using their memories as a starting knowledge, like some sort of tutorial or game lore, I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind, as I answered with anticipation, "yes, please"

An influx of information stormed my brain as I felt a slight headache, the background of my current avatar was quite the good one for me, as a player, the boy, also named Ian, was an orphan who lost his whole family due to a sudden beast attack, his parents were fighters who opened a dojo for training hunters in the village, which would be pretty helpful to him at the starting phase

"status?", I said while wondering if it would work like other games, then a screen suddenly appeared in my mind.

[ Name : Ian Cloud

Level : Human (other worlder) LV.0

Attribute : Lightning

Age : 16

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State : mild headache

• Stats :

Strength : 1

Constitution : 1

Agility : 1

Intelligence : ???

Unassigned stat points : 1

• Skills : None

• Innate Abilities : None .... ]

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