Chapter 1. Dad

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Yan Xi was digging the ice cream in the cup while listening to the aunt at the next table complaining about his son’s ex-girlfriend on the phone.

She wears a lot of jewelry and cosmetics, she looks like a person who does not live in peace, and her body definitely will collapse when the wind blows. I’m sure it’s not easy to have children.

She put down the spoon, wiped her mouth clean with a tissue, and took out the mirror from her bag to put on lipstick.

“My son also said that he would bring her back for the Chinese New Year. I said that there is nothing good about bringing this kind of woman back. I can save two red envelopes for a meeting at home…”

Speaking of interest, this aunt’s voice grew louder and louder, causing the young people nearby to turn their heads frequently. Yan Xi even saw the contempt of those young people’s faces toward the loud-mouthed aunt.

Closing the mirror, Yan Xi put the mirror and lipstick back in her handbag, got up and walked to the door, and met a familiar man.

“Xiaoxi…” The man still wanted to talk, his handsome face showing a bit of sadness and surprise.

“I’m still a Mighty river, a small stream” Yan Xi raised his wrist to check the time, then turned and walked out. It was not a bitter idol drama, why would he show this look to people.

(What Yan Xi says here is a play on words, her name ‘Xiao Xi’ means small stream, and she says “I’m still a Mighty river” I think it means she can move on from him, let’s split up and let her go)

The man stopped in front of her.

During the airport broadcast, the voice of the ground crew was gentle, reminding which flight was delayed due to the weather. Yan Xi looked at the person standing in front of her, her hand holding the bag was a little itchy.

“Mingdong,” The aunt who was still talking loudly on the phone just now came over, and she glanced at Yan Xi, “What’s the matter?” ”

“It’s okay” Chen Mingdong shook his head, “Mom, you go sit and rest first.”

“It turns out that you are mother and child,” Yan Xi thought of what this aunt said when she was on her mobile phone, raised her eyebrows, and turned to Mother Chen and said, “Then you are quite similar. ”

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After speaking, no matter what Chen Mingdong thought, she bypassed him and prepared to go to the boarding gate.

“Xiaoxi.” Chen Mingdong reached out to grab Yan Xi’s wrist in a hurry.

Seeing that Chen Mingdong dared to reach out to her, Yan Xi smashed it with her handbag. After smashing it, she felt a little distressed. She just bought this bag two days ago. It was her favorite. What if it is broken?

“Your family didn’t tell you that the man would do anything to the girl without consent, is calling nasty and no tutor?” Yan Xi rolled her eyes, “Go away, don’t block the way of this old mother.”

(Old mother is a dialect used by harridan to refer to herself)

Mother Chen didn’t expect this girl with a soft and weak face to be bullied. She said that she would do it. She was so angry that she wanted to scold her, but she was stopped by Chen Mingdong before she said anything unpleasant.

“Mingdong, who is this girl, so temperamental…”

Chen Mingdong ignored Chen’s mother’s complaint. He looked at Yan Xi’s departure and whispered: “Okay, Mom, stop making trouble, everyone around is watching.”

Yan Xi walked to the waiting area at the boarding gate, found a seat and stopped, took out her phone, and sent a post to a circle of friends.

The Mighty river, I am a stream: I encounter a fool, pure me! [With a picture of an ugly crying Shar-Pei dong]

The enmity between her and Chen Mingdong can be roughly classified as the most old-fashioned and best-selling last-ditch dog-blood novel. Chen Mingdong was regarded as a popular figure in the school back then, the secretary of the Youth League branch of the Student Union. He was white and handsome. Her girly heart was unable to hold it for a while under Chen Mingdong’s pursuit, so she agreed.

It’s a pity that the man in this style of the hero also has a love debt, during the summer vacation, this one cheated on her, and the object of the cheating was her classmate. Given that she was born with a pitiful appearance, she hadn’t said anything, and others automatically sympathized with her.

(fēng liú zhài means love debt / moral obligation in consequence of a love affair / karmic consequences of a love affair)

This pair of dog men and women was spurned by many people later, so that when she graduated from university, she was scolded by Xiao Sanr as Bai Lianhua. What’s wrong with the white lotus, the white lotus is also a delicate flower, better than the shameless mistress.

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(Xiao Sanr is Yan Xi’s close friend, Bái Lián huā means White lotus flower. 1) Kind, innocent, lovable, good people. 2) People who pretend to be kind, innocent, and lovable.)

I haven’t seen him in two or three years, but the cheating man’s leg hasn’t been broken yet, so she counts him as having a strong leg.

(Tried looking for the proverb ‘the cheating man’s leg hasn’t been broken yet’, but couldn’t find it. Actually I’m also a bit confused whether the ‘leg’ that Yan Xi is referring to here is purely ‘leg’ or the one between a man’s thigh. lol.)

I used my mobile phone to scan the game for a while and click on the circle of friends. The friends she usually contacted gave her a thumbs-up and asked her what the dog did wrong and asked her to take the pot back.

(Take the pot back same with take back her words)

At this time, the plane began to check the ticket. She stuffed her mobile phone into her bag and got up to line up to check the ticket.

It took about two hours to fly from Haicheng to the Imperial Capital. After Yan Xi turned off her mobile phone, she slept the whole time. When she got off the plane and went to the carousel to pick up her suitcase, her mind was still a little confused.

People come and go to the Imperial Capital Airport. She hasn’t been to the Imperial Capital for many years, and she feels a little bit timid about the homesickness in her heart.

Walking along with the flow of people, she accidentally stepped on the foot of a person next to her, and she turned her head to apologize.

“Excuse me.”

The man she stepped on was more than half a head taller than her. When she apologized, he didn’t even lower his head, but the corners of his lips moved: “It doesn’t matter, I’m used to it.”

Yan Xi:?

Most people who are tall have long legs. Yan Xi looked up and saw only the back of the other’s head. The thick black hair was combed into a regular hairstyle, revealing an indifferent and unattainable taste of elites.

Walking out of the passage, Yan Xi saw her dad in the crowd, not because of how strong the telepathy between their father and daughter was, but because the gold watch on her dad’s wrist was too dazzling.

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“Yan Yan,” Song Hai saw Yan Xi with a bright smile on his face. He waved to her constantly. Taking advantage of the gap when he walked over, he said to the secretary beside him, “This is my daughter, is she even more beautiful than those celebrities on TV?”

The secretary smiled and nodded: “Your daughter’s eyebrows look like you.”

“That’s not true, I took her out when she was a child, and others said she looked like me,” Song Hai touched his blessed belly. “It would be nice if a daughter looks like the father, meaning she is blessed.”

The secretary thought: This Song Yan is unlucky.

“Dad,” Yan Xi ran to Song Hai, “you have gained a lot of weight again.”

Song Hai chuckled and took the suitcase in his daughter’s hand, “Come back this time then settle down in the Imperial capital, okay?” His tone was cautiously flattered, his chubby body bowed slightly, seemingly afraid of Yan Xi saying no.

Yan Xi looked at Song Hai, stretched out her hand to take his arm, and said with a smile: “Okay.”

“That’s good, that’s good,” Song Hai’s face was shaking with excitement, “Go home and see what else is missing. Tomorrow Dad will accompany you to buy it.”

Yan Xi smiled and turned her head to look at Song Hai: “You won’t go to work tomorrow?”

“How important is work compared to my daughter,” Song Hai carried her suitcase heroically, wishing to carry Yan Xi’s suitcase on his shoulders to show his enthusiasm for his daughter.

Nine years ago, he divorced his ex-wife amicably. His ex-wife prefers art, and he is a self-made businessman with a copper smell. The different values ​​between the two are getting bigger. In the end, this marriage that has lasted for more than ten years can only be ended. Since then, his ex-wife and daughter have lived in Haicheng, and he has lived in the Imperial capital.

He hasn’t remarried all these years, and his ex-wife seems to have no interest in other men, and they lead a quiet and undisturbed life with each other. Song Hai’s only regret was that he couldn’t see his daughter often, and even his daughter’s name changed from Song Yan to Yan Xi.

Two years ago, his ex-wife died of illness and his daughter had not graduated from university. Later, she had to deal with the assets left by his ex-wife, so it took two full years to come to the Imperial capital. Although he kept in touch with his daughter in these years and helped deal with the funeral of his ex-wife two years ago, he didn’t spend much time with his daughter. He was really worried that his daughter had become alienated from his father.

Now seeing his daughter take the initiative to hold his arm, his 180 kilograms of weight seemed to have instantly become 80 kilograms, and the whole person floated up.

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After the father and daughter got in the car, Song Hai took out a bottle of drink from the small refrigerator, “Yan Yan, this.”

Yan Xi saw this drink brand, and her heart was sour and sweet. She liked this drink very much when she was a child. At that time, the conditions at home were average, and her father always carried her to the small shop near the community to buy it, and never disliked her for spending money.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. This drink has changed its packaging countless times. Even the boss behind it has changed it, but her dad still remembers her taste. I couldn’t bear to tell her dad that she had not drunk this brand of drinks a long time ago. Yan Xi drank several sips before turning around to see a satisfied smile on her dad’s face.

“We have a swimming pool and a small garden at home. You can keep pets, grow flowers, or swim,” Song Hai rubbed his hands embarrassedly. “It’s just that there is no one in the house, and it’s a little deserted.”

He lives alone and doesn’t pay much attention to it. He often eats outside, and even stays in hotels, so there is no one else at home except for a part-time worker to clean.

“It’s okay, It will be lively when I get home.” Yan Xi exhaled a long breath as she watched the night slowly falling outside the car window.

For nine years, the Imperial capital seems to be still the Imperial capital, but it doesn’t seem to be the city in her memory anymore.

Song Hai bought a small villa. There are three floors with a basement. There is a greenhouse on the top floor, a garden, garage, and swimming pool downstairs. Although it is not a typical wealthy household, it is also a huge asset in the Imperial capital. Still made people envious.

Yan Xi pushed open the door of her room. The decoration inside was exquisite, but this was obviously not her dad’s aesthetic style.

“I originally thought it would look good to make the wall pink, but my secretary and assistant both said that you young people like modern European style, Bohemian style, etc., And I can’t figure out the difference between these styles and those styles, so I asked the designer to decorate it” Song Hai put the suitcase at the floor, “If you don’t like it, I’ll ask someone to reinstall it for you tomorrow. ”

“Thank you, Dad,” Yan Xi turned and hugged Song Hai, “I like it very much.”

“Just like it, just like it,” Song Hai smiled and walked around the room, only to remember that his daughter hadn’t eaten yet, “You take a shower and change clothes, I’ll go downstairs to cook, and it will be fine in a while.”

Watching his father’s fat body go downstairs in a hurry, Yan Xi walked into the room and opened the closet to take a look. There were all kinds of clothes, skirts, and many pairs of shoes. Some shoes were ugly, but Yan Xi smiled.

No wonder her dad asked her what color she likes on the phone a few days ago. It turned out to be for this.

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