Broccoli, lamb kebabs, oysters, tenderloin, shrimp, and other grilled foods are placed on the plate, most of which are grilled by Yan Xi. Yuan Yi’s friends are like him, and they have no talent for cooking.

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“Miss Yan’s craftsmanship is really good,” Zhang Wang ate a few skewers with dignity, “We are lucky today.”

Xu Qiaosheng took several pictures of the plate with his mobile phone and took many selfies. After various retouching, he picked the most beautiful one and posted it on Weibo. After seeing fans praise him for being so handsome, He put down his phone in satisfaction and looked at the food tray. There were only leeks, half-burnt eggplant, and a few slices of half-baked potatoes left in it, “Are you animals eating so fast?”

Zhang Wang and the others ignored him but just glanced at Yuan Yi, the one who ate the most was Yuan Yi, and it had nothing to do with them.

“How about I bake some more?” Yan Xi stood up when Yuan Yi stopped her, “We have lunch in half an hour, don’t bake.”


“Oh.” Yan Xi took the opportunity to sit down. She didn’t really want to bake.

“It’s okay, I’m just joking with them.” How dare Xu Qiaosheng ask Yan Xi to barbecue for him, “I’m trying to lose weight recently, and my manager told me to eat less. What’s your Weibo account? Let me get in touch with you.”

Just as Yan Xi was about to take out her mobile phone. She remembered that there was only the account Xiao Xiliu on the Weibo software of her personal mobile phone. She stopped: “Sorry, my Weibo account is useless.”

“It’s okay, is it your host’s Weibo account?” Xu Qiao searched for the word Yan Xi, and several related accounts popped up, “Is it called the host Yan Xi?”

“Yes.” Yan Xi nodded.

“Is it this account?” Zhang Wang also joined in the fun. He took out his mobile phone to follow Yan Xi and handed it in front of Yan Xi, “It seems that Ms. Yan really doesn’t like to play Weibo, and there is not much content on it.”

“It’s not that I don’t play it often,” Yan Xi smiled a little embarrassedly, “It’s just that this Weibo account is rarely used.”

“Do you have another Weibo account?” Yuan Yi’s reaction was bigger than Zhang Wang’s, “What’s it called?”

“My Weibo account,” Yan Xi smiled sheepishly, “you may have heard of it.”

“Huh?” Yuan Yi raised his eyebrows, his face full of doubts. Yan Xi never mentioned the Weibo account to him. How could he know?

“Actually,” Yan Xi laughed a few times, “I am not only a host, but also an amateur author.”

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Yo, she is still a talented woman.

This is the voice of a few young people.

A certain thought flashed through Yuan Yi’s mind, “Are you the author of “Little Monster”?”

“Little Monsters” is different from traditional comics. There are no villains who can die and never die, and there are no protagonists who become stronger as they are abused. The little monsters who look soft and cute are mighty and are very different from those in the forest. The little animals played happily together, and many heart-warming stories happened. Which made people feel warm and soft after reading it, and they felt that the whole world was beautiful.


Yan Xi nodded slightly.

Yuan Yi wanted to say something but was distracted by Xu Qiaosheng’s laughter.

“Hahahaha,” Xu Qiaosheng smiled while holding his mobile phone, “Miss Yan, this joke on your Weibo is so interesting. It turns out that the myth can be understood in this way.” When Yuan Yi was talking to Yan Xi, he had already searched for Yan Xi. Under the Yan Xi Comics Weibo account, He even read her Weibo, “You have quite a few fans on this Weibo.”

“You’re joking. My fans don’t even get a fraction of your Weibo,” Yan Xi took out her phone and followed each other with several people one by one. “I’m very amateur at drawing. I draw these to make everyone laugh.”

“Pretty good.”

“Huh?” Yan Xi turned to look at Yuan Yi.

“I said the drawing is pretty good,” Yuan Yi pointed to his Weibo, “You haven’t followed me yet.” This is the crucial point.

After Yan Xi pressed the follow button, she suddenly thought about a question. As an amateur Internet celebrity book author, she suddenly followed each other with popular niches and wealthy sons. Would it cause a bloodbath on the Internet?

And Xu Qiaosheng seemed to think it was not enough to pay attention to her, so he forwarded her original Weibo.

Xu Qiaosheng: Hahaha, so interesting! //@Xiao Xiliu: My mind was wide open, and I drew a spoof joke. 【Long picture】

Xu Qiaosheng is very popular, with a total of tens of millions of fans on Weibo. Seeing that he suddenly reposted a comic on Weibo, many fans clicked in to read it curiously. The comics are indeed cute, but who is the artist? Why did their idol suddenly forward someone on Weibo?

Some people even began to speculate, could this be the idol girlfriend?

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There are all guesses on the Internet, but outside the Internet, Yuan Yi, Yan Xi, and others have already sat around the dining table and started to eat a sumptuous lunch.

Everyone clinked glasses with each other and said a lot of good auspicious words before they started to eat.

Yan Xi wanted to ask about moving and why she didn’t see Yuan Yi’s family, but seeing his friends seemed normal. She buried this question in her heart. Perhaps for people from wealthy families, there are many houses, and moving has become a habit. Gathering with friends is enough, and there is no need for family members to show up.

“Miss Yan, I don’t know what your friends usually call you.” Zhang Wang picked up the cup and touched Yan Xi, “You are Yuan Xiaoer’s friend, that is, our friend, and we use such a polite address, don’t you? Is it too polite?”

“My friends usually call me Dahe, which means that ten thousand streams eventually become rivers. Just call me Dahe.” Yan Xi’s cup contained freshly squeezed juice, and she could see that Zhang Wang was deliberately showing her kindness. But she also understood very well that she didn’t have such a big face to make the other party so polite. It’s all for Yuan Yi’s sake.


“Dahe?” Xu Qiaosheng asked with a smile, “Why isn’t it called the sea, it’s more bold.”

“I’m sorry, because my father’s name is Song Hai,” Yan Xi didn’t care about Xu Qiaosheng’s joke, “How can a child compete with his father for the name.”

“Dahe and Dahai are a father-daughter relationship at first glance. This name is a good choice,” Xu Qiaosheng turned his head very quickly, “Then we will call you Dahe from now on.”

“Eat. The food is cold.” Yuan Yi, who was sitting next to her, moved the braised pork further away from Yan Xi, “The braised pork has a strong smell. You can’t eat this now.”

Yan Xi’s chopsticks that she had just raised stopped suddenly. She didn’t eat two pieces of the barbecue just now. Every time she wanted to eat, Yuan Yi made trouble. She thought he was deliberately having trouble with her. It turned out that she couldn’t eat it now?

Can’t you say something, well, make it so awkward? Are you afraid of being misunderstood?

After a meal, Yuan Yi’s friends went to the game room to play games. Yan Xi, a single woman, couldn’t get together with them, so she sat on the sofa and watched TV boredly.

Within a few minutes, Yuan Yi came down from upstairs, walked up to Yan Xi, and sat beside her: “Aren’t you a little bored?”

Yan Xi took the remote control to change channels: “It’s okay.”

Do you want her as a guest? Say to the host: Yes, staying here is boring.

“Hey, I almost forgot,” she found her handbag on the sofa, took out a big bulging red envelope, and stuffed it into Yuan Yi’s hand.

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“What’s this?” Yuan Yi saw that on the two palm-sized red envelopes, there were four large characters. “Housewarming Happy,” printed and dyed in gold stamping, which was very festive.

“Red envelopes,” Yan Xi gave him a look of “Are you stupid? “The days after a family move will be prosperous. When my dad heard that I was going to come to your place as a guest, he prepared a red envelope for me to bring over. “

Yuan Yi was holding the thick red envelope. He hadn’t received this kind of red envelope for a long time, and he felt an indescribable subtlety in his heart: “Please say thank you to uncle for me.”

“Okay.” Yan Xi readily agreed.

“Your phone keeps flashing,” Yuan Yi pointed to the phone on the coffee table, “There seems to be a lot of notifications.”


“I know,” Yan Xi glanced at her phone, which reminded her that there were 99+ unread messages on the chat software. “After Xiaoqiao forwarded my Weibo, I expected this ending.”

Xu Qiaosheng’s fans nicknamed him “Xiaoqiao,” and she called him along with the fans.

Click to open a dialog box, which was sent by the editor of the publishing house.

Mingming: Sister! Miss! You are a beautiful and unbeatable beauty. How did you hug Xiaoqiao’s thigh? Our entire editorial department went crazy, do you know?!

Mingming: Eldest sister, did you kidnap those rich and noble sons? How could they have mutual relations with you?

Mingming: The second young master of the Yuan family has also locked up with you, little fairy. Take me to pretend to fly, and I will kneel down for you.

Yan Xi ignored her. After closing the chat box, countless Weibo friends sent her private messages. The Weibo account verification red crowd had already exploded with excitement. Almost everyone was asking her how she hugged these thighs.

Yan Xi smiled and replied jokingly.

Xiao Xiliu: I kidnapped them all and put them in a room. I won’t let them go if they don’t intervene with me. Now I am successful, but I am short of 500 yuan to take a taxi to leave. Whoever lends me the money, I will definitely repay you double the money when I go back.

Peacock Flying North and South: Xiao Xiliu, are you actually rich, so you can break into this kind of upper-class circle?

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Those who can enter this group are all Weibo celebrities. There are a total of ten people in the group. Except for Xiao Xiliu, who has never accepted an advertisement, who of them has never bowed down for five buckets of rice?

Yan Xi saw the words of Peacock Flying North and South, but she did not reply.

Maintaining a relationship on the Internet can sometimes be very touching, and sometimes it can be very hurtful. Yan Xi does not want to disclose too much personal information on the Internet.

Xiao Xiliu: You can’t think of something good. Maybe I will impress them with my talent.

After replying to this sentence, Yan Xi directly closed the chat software. No matter what they said, she refused to answer.

Upstairs, Xu Qiaosheng hid in the bathroom, listening to the agent complaining on the phone, and after the other party finished speaking, he said slowly: “This is not my girlfriend, that is my second cousin, my sister-in-law. Who is the second cousin, you should know, right?”

“Then do you think I should forward this to Weibo?”

“This is the end.”

Xu Qiaosheng hung up the phone, and as soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he ran into Yuan Yi in the corridor, and Yan Xi followed behind Yuan Yi.


“What a coincidence, you guys also come to the bathroom?” Nervously, he said nonsense.

“No, I just passed by in the corridor.” Yan Xi looked indifferent.


Which woman is okay to go to the bathroom with a man? With a brain like Xu Qiaosheng… Is it alright to be in the entertainment industry?


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

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